Differences between 4.7 and 5.4 CGAL API - cgal

I have to migrate some code (https://gitlab.com/scilab/forge/cgal) using CGAL 4.7 API to 5.4 API. Is there somewhere a list of API changes (maybe between majors 4 and 5) and does there exist a script doing at least a part of the job ? Thanks.


Can an Angular 6 Library be bundled and used in an Angular 5 Application?

I'm on a team that is programming a new application and is also developing a pattern library for that application. When we began coding this application, we used Angular 5. However, we have seen it would be much easier to implement the pattern library with Angular 6. If we bundled the Angular 6 library, will it be usable for Angular 5?
Note: The main reason we're using Angular 6 is because it makes producing a pattern library much easier (i.e the new angular CLI). We aren't using any other Angular 6 features.
After some initial testing, I've found that you can. My test was very basic (i.e. one exported component from the library, that only was comprised of divs) but the difference in Angular versions didn't seem to cause errors.
EDIT: ^^ Is incorrect. When I first answered my own question I used a test that ended up being incorrect. I don't think there is a good way to integrate an Angular 6 library into an Angular 5 projects, because the difference in all of the #angular dependencies are too great to allow for effective integration. I had to downgrade my library to Angular 5.

Restler with swagger-2.0

Swagger 2.0 is AWESOME compared to the version Restler RC6 is using. Is there any easy way to continue using the current RC6 branch but swap out the swagger-ui part for version 2.0?
Swagger 2 development is carried out in https://github.com/Luracast/Restler/tree/features/swagger2.0 branch. Merge this with v3 branch to get the desired output

Difference between 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount' and 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount' classes in terms of usage?

After upgrading from Azure SDK 1.7 => 1.8, we're noticing that there are two classes of essentially the same thing:
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount (v1.7)
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount (v1.8)
Before we migrate over to 1.8 in code (we can still reference Azure SDK 1.7 and compile), does anyone know what the newer benefits are and if there is some sample code to use it? This is from the perspective of Azure Diagnostics, so start and stop On-Demand transfers.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage namespace is introduced with Storage Client Library 2.0, which comes with Azure SDK 1.8. But the Storage Client Library 1.7 also exists in SDK 1.8 for backward compatibility reasons. For more information on Storage Client Library 2.0, please refer to this blog post.

Require rally rest api jar built with java 5

I need rally-rest-api-1.0.2.jar which is built on JAVA 5? Does Rally provide this or do we need to build one ?
Currently the Rally REST Toolkit for Java is built using Java 6. The latest version is 1.0.4. I don't think that the library itself is using anything specific to 6 but I'm not sure about its libraries (Gson and HttpClient). If you'd like to try all the source is available here. Please let the community know how it goes.

Is there a way to find out the SDK version installed on my server?

How can i find out which SDK is being used on my Rally server?
I'm trying to use 2.0p4 but i get a script error mentioning Rally object is undefined.
i checked previous post on SO and found out the App syntax was different in SDK 1.0 where Rally object was not mentioned.
can it be that my Rally server is not supporting SDK 2.0p4 APIs?
Currently rally1.rallydev.com is running the latest preview, 2.0p4.
All SDK versions are located at [server]/apps/[version].
For SDK 1 the latest is here:
[server]/apps/1.32/sdk.js (or sdk.js?debug=true)
For SDK 2 preview the latest is here:
[server]/apps/2.0p4/sdk.js (or sdk-debug.js)
If you are running an on prem version of Rally you'll have to just experiment and see what the most recent versions are you have.