how to print last incremented value in set_fact ansible? [closed] - variables

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Closed 12 days ago.
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Here is my ansible playbook. I'm inputting a file to my playbook and if it finds keywords like "open" or "allowed" in the file, I'm asking it to increment the variable dbsuccesscount by 1.
- name: testing
set_fact: dbsuccescount={{ dbsuccescount | int + 1 }}
when: item | regex_search('OPEN') and item | regex_search('ALLOWED')
with_items: "{{ file_check.stdout_lines }}"
tags: dbstatus_success
- debug:
var: dbsuccescount
Increment works successfully like below (last success number is 107).
snippet of the output
ok: [localhost] => (item=OPEN,ALLOWED) => {
"ansible_facts": {
"dbsuccescount": "107"
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"changed": false,
"item": "OPEN,ALLOWED"
However I would like to print this last value which is 107 from dbsuccesscount. How can we print/read it?
I tried running the below which doesn't work
debug: msg="{{ dbsuccescount }} | last "
expected result:
I want my output to look like below
the dbsucesscount is 107 --> which is the last incremented value

I think your code is correct as written. Here's a complete example:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- junk
- junk
- junk
- name: testing
dbsuccesscount: "{{ dbsuccesscount | default(0) | int + 1 }}"
when: item | regex_search('OPEN') and item | regex_search('ALLOWED')
with_items: "{{ file_check.stdout_lines }}"
tags: dbstatus_success
- debug:
var: dbsuccesscount
Running this produces:
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [testing] *****************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=OPEN ALLOWED)
skipping: [localhost] => (item=junk)
skipping: [localhost] => (item=junk)
ok: [localhost] => (item=OPEN ALLOWED)
skipping: [localhost] => (item=junk)
ok: [localhost] => (item=OPEN ALLOWED)
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"dbsuccesscount": "3"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
There are three matching lines, so the debug task is printing exactly what we expect.
Of course, you don't need a with_items loop to count the number of matching lines; you can use a filter instead:
- name: testing
dbsuccescount: "{{ file_check.stdout_lines | select('match', 'OPEN|ALLOWED') | length }}"
- debug:
var: dbsuccescount
This produces the same output.


Ansible loop with multiple register value

would you please help me with this problem:
I have a playbook with multiple tasks and each tasks contains loop and register for the output of the task. Last task is going to use lineinfile to create a csv report based on the previous registers. something like below:
- name: information
xxxx: xxxx
xxxx: xxxxx
- xxxx
- xxxx
register: task1_info
- name: information
xxxx: xxxx
xxxx: xxxxx
- xxxx
- xxxx
register: task2_info
- name: information
path: xxxx
line: "{{ item.tags.Name }}, {{ item.lastName }}"
- task1_info.results
- task2_info.results
if i use only one register at the end it is working, but not loop through all registers. the other option is to write a task after each register which I don't think reasonable!!
I understand your use case that you like to append one list to an other or to merge two lists.
To do so you could use an approach like
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- 1
- 2
- 3
- A
- B
- C
- name: Info
msg: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ LIST_1 + LIST_2 }}"
extended: true
label: "{{ansible_loop.index0 }}"
resulting into an output of
TASK [Info] ******************
ok: [localhost] => (item=0) =>
msg: 1
ok: [localhost] => (item=1) =>
msg: 2
ok: [localhost] => (item=2) =>
msg: 3
ok: [localhost] => (item=3) =>
msg: A
ok: [localhost] => (item=4) =>
msg: B
ok: [localhost] => (item=5) =>
msg: C
Credits to
Append list variable to another list in Ansible
Further Q&A
Combine two lists in Ansible when one list could be empty
Ansible: Merge two lists based on an attribute

How to alert via email in Ansible

I have setup a mail task in ansible to send emails if yum update is marked as 'changed'.
Here is my current working code:
- name: Send mail alert if updated
- 'recipient1'
- 'recipient2'
subject: Update Alert
body: 'Ansible Tower Updates have been applied on the following system: {{ ansible_hostname }}'
sender: ""
delegate_to: localhost
when: yum_update.changed
This works great, however, every system that gets updated per host group sends a separate email. Last night for instance I had a group of 20 servers update and received 20 separate emails. I'm aware of why this happens, but my question is how would I script this to add all the systems to one email? Is that even possible or should I just alert that the group was updated and inform teams of what servers are in each group? (I'd prefer not to take the second option)
Edit 1:
I have added the code suggested and am now unable to receive any emails. Here's the error message:
"msg": "The conditional check '_changed|length > 0' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (_changed|length > 0): {{ hostvars|dict2items| selectattr('value.yum_update.changed')| map(attribute='key')|list }}: 'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 'yum_update'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/tmp/bwrap_1073_o8ibkgrl/awx_1073_0eojw5px/project/yum-update-ent_template_servers.yml': line 22, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: Send mail alert if updated\n ^ here\n",
I am also attaching my entire playbook for reference:
- name: Update enterprise template servers
hosts: ent_template_servers
- name: Update all packages
name: '*'
state: latest
register: yum_update
- name: Reboot if needed
import_tasks: /usr/share/ansible/tasks/reboot-if-needed-centos.yml
- name: Kernel Cleanup
import_tasks: /usr/share/ansible/tasks/kernel-cleanup.yml
- debug:
var: yum_update.changed
- name: Send mail alert if updated
- ''
subject: Update Alert
body: |-
Updates have been applied on the following system(s):
{{ _changed }}
sender: ""
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
when: _changed|length > 0
_changed: "{{ hostvars|dict2items|
map(attribute='key')|list }}"
Ansible version is: 2.9.27
Ansible Tower version is: 3.8.3
Thanks in advance!
For example, the mail task below
- debug:
var: yum_update.changed
- community.general.mail:
sender: ansible
to: root
subject: Update Alert
body: |-
Updates have been applied to the following system:
{{ _changed }}
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
when: _changed|length > 0
_changed: "{{ hostvars|dict2items|
map(attribute='key')|list }}"
TASK [debug] ***************************************************************
ok: [host01] =>
yum_update.changed: true
ok: [host02] =>
yum_update.changed: false
ok: [host03] =>
yum_update.changed: true
TASK [community.general.mail] **********************************************
ok: [host01 -> localhost]
will send
Subject: Update Alert
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:55:47 +0100
X-Mailer: Ansible mail module
Updates have been applied to the following system:
['host01', 'host03']
Remove the condition below if you want to receive also empty lists
when: _changed|length > 0
'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 'yum_update'
Q: "What I could try?"
A: Some of the hosts are missing the variables yum_update. You can test it
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars|dict2items|
map(attribute='key')|list }}"
run_once: true
Either make sure that the variable is defined on all hosts or use json_query. This filter tolerates missing attributes, e.g.
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars|dict2items|
json_query('[?value.yum_update.changed].key') }}"
run_once: true
Q: "The 'debug' task prior to the 'mail' task gives me the same output. But it fails when the 'mail' task is executed."
A: Minimize the code and isolate the problem. For example, in the code below you can see
Variable yum_update.changed is missing on host03
The filter json_query ignores this
The filter selectattr fails
- debug:
var: yum_update.changed
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars|dict2items|
json_query('[?value.yum_update.changed].key') }}"
run_once: true
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars|dict2items|
map(attribute='key')|list }}"
run_once: true
TASK [debug] **************************************************
ok: [host01] =>
yum_update.changed: true
ok: [host02] =>
yum_update.changed: false
ok: [host03] =>
yum_update.changed: VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!
TASK [debug] **************************************************
ok: [host01] =>
- host01
TASK [debug] **************************************************
fatal: [host01]: FAILED! =>
msg: |-
The task includes an option with an undefined variable.
The error was: 'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object'
has no attribute 'yum_update'
Both filters give the same results if all variables are present
TASK [debug] **************************************************
ok: [host01] =>
yum_update.changed: true
ok: [host02] =>
yum_update.changed: false
ok: [host03] =>
yum_update.changed: true
TASK [debug] **************************************************
ok: [host01] =>
- host01
- host03
TASK [debug] **************************************************
ok: [host01] =>
- host01
- host03

Ansible how to assign new value to extra vars value

Tower: 3.2.3
Ansible 2.4.2
I have a Tower playbook where a value is assigned lets say build_cl: latest. This is defined in the Ansible Tower's survey, which I believe is regarded as extra-vars. I have a task that performs a check, and if condition is right I need to modify the value of build_cl.
So lets say when Tower playbook is kicked off the var is:
build_cl: latest
- name: "Get latest installed CL on groups['Healthcheck_Host'][0]"
shell: |
grep -oP '(?<=\:)(.*?)(?=\-)' {{ latest_deployed_build_dir.stdout }}/buildinfo.txt
register: latest_deployed_cl
- debug:
var: latest_deployed_cl
- set_fact:
build_cl: "{{ latest_deployed_cl.stdout }}"
cacheable: yes
- debug:
var: build_cl
I have tested and the debug for the first task here returns lets say 123456.
However I try to use the set_fact module, but the second debug output still gives: latest.
Nothing I try seems to be effecting the original value. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Extra vars (i.e. vars passed on the command line with the -e option), have the highest precedence and cannot be changed during playbook life. set_fact will not throw any error but the value will remain the one passed at launch.
Here is a quick example to illustrate:
- name: Immutable extra var demo
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
test_var: value set in playbook var
- name: debug var value at playbook start
var: test_var
- name: change var value
test_var: value set in set_fact
- name: debug var value at playbook end
var: test_var
Without extra var:
$ ansible-playbook test.yml
PLAY [Immutable extra var demo] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [debug var value at playbook start] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"test_var": "value set in playbook var"
TASK [change var value] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [debug var value at playbook end] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"test_var": "value set in set_fact"
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
With extra var:
$ ansible-playbook test.yml -e "test_var='value set in extra vars'"
PLAY [Immutable extra var demo] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [debug var value at playbook start] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"test_var": "value set in extra vars"
TASK [change var value] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [debug var value at playbook end] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"test_var": "value set in extra vars"
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

Ansible variable interpolation not working in brackets

I'm using Ansible to grab an VIP from InfoBlox and running into an issue when trying to build my exclude list. I need to exclude the first 3 IP's as they are reserved, however the CIDR range is a dynamic variable so I need to build this exclude list on the fly. Here's a representation of what I have so far:
- name: Assign VIP to FQDN in Grid Manager
hosts: all
connection: local
gather_facts: false
CIDR: 10.0.0.
- set_fact:
EXCLUDES: "{{ EXCLUDES | default([]) + [item] }}"
with_sequence: start=1 end=3 format=''{{ CIDR }}%d''
- set_fact:
formated_excludes: "{{ EXCLUDES |join(', ') }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ formated_excludes }}"
- set_fact:
VIP: "{{ lookup('nios_next_ip', '', exclude=[formated_excludes]) | first }}"
- name: Print next IP address
msg: "The next available IP is {{ VIP }}"
Here are the results of the play:
PLAY [Assign VIP to FQDN in Grid Manager] *****************************************************************************************************************
TASK [set_fact] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item='')
ok: [localhost] => (item='')
ok: [localhost] => (item='')
TASK [set_fact] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "'', '', ''"
TASK [set_fact] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'nios_next_ip'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: Invalid value for exclude: \"'', '', ''\": Invalid IPv4 address"}
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
The formatting appears to be fine, however the lookup won't accept it. For comparison, using the following works fine:
- set_fact:
VIP: "{{ lookup('nios_next_ip', '', exclude=['', '', '']) | first }}"
Here are the results:
PLAY [Assign VIP to FQDN in Grid Manager] *****************************************************************************************************************
TASK [set_fact] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Print next IP address] ******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "The next available IP is"
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Any thoughts on why this variable isn't working would be much appreciated!
Parameter exclude is "List of IP's ...", but the filter join makes a string from the list
- set_fact:
formated_excludes: "{{ EXCLUDES |join(', ') }}"
Use the list EXCLUDES in the parameter
- set_fact:
VIP: "{{ lookup('nios_next_ip', '', exclude=EXCLUDES) | first }}"

Saving a random choice string to a usable variable in ansible

Hoping someone can help me figure out what I feel should be a simple nested string problem. I have the following tasks to randomly choose a string, save it to a variable and print it:
- name: Debug Section 1
msg: "{{ item }}"
register: choice
- name: Set result to a fact
THE_CHOICE: "{{ choice.results }}"
- name: Debug Section 3
msg: "{{ THE_CHOICE }}"
The results return with:
PLAY [Testing variable] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Debug Section 1] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ok: [localhost] => (item=MY_CHOICE1) => {
"msg": "MY_CHOICE1"
TASK [Set result to a fact] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ok: [localhost]
TASK [Debug Section 3] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"changed": false,
"failed": false,
"item": "MY_CHOICE1",
"msg": "MY_CHOICE1"
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
I would like the variable THE_CHOICE to just return the item, but I can't seem to get it to work. In the set_fact section I've tried the following:
THE_CHOICE: "{{ choice.results['item'] }}"
THE_CHOICE: "{{ choice.results.item }}"
THE_CHOICE: "{{ choice['results']['item'] }}"
All attempts result in something to the effect of this:
"The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'list object' has no attribute 'item'
Could anybody provide some insight into what I'm missing?
It would be simpler to use the random filter (since Ansible 1.6):
- name: Set fact random
THE_CHOICE: "{{ choices | random }}"
About your original playbook, choice.results is a list, containing one result for each item of the loop. In your case, it only contains one result, because the with_random_choice loop only iterates once. So, in order to access your item, you must select the first result of the list with [0]:
- name: Set result to a fact
THE_CHOICE: "{{ choice.results[0].item }}"