the issue is that the variable definition is incorrect in some way.
varTischNr was set with Set() and now with "=". Both unfortunately achieved the effect when replicating the code that varTableNr either always remains 1 or something else happens. Not sure. Before, instead of varTischNr, there was the respective number, in this case a 1.
The code should show the name of the logged in user when clicking on the image and should create an entry in the table 'tbl_S4.E2.03-05'.
Tisch = Table
Buchungen = Bookings
Anzahl Eintraege = Number of entries
Buchungsdatum = Booking date
Part of the Code:
Left(User().FullName;1) &
Find(" "; User().FullName) + 1;
Notify("Buchung erfolgreich gelöscht";NotificationType.Error);;
;Notify("Der Tisch kann nur vom Besitzer freigegeben werden";NotificationType.Information))
The goal should be that varTischNr works and the entries for 'tbl_S4.E2.03-05' are replaced by variables.
In my code I need to iterate inside a loop, and for each iteration in the loop I have to fill in the data whose values are different in certain cells.
Reading the sap documentation I have come to the conclusion that what I need is to use a read table to fill for each iteration into a working area that later I'll treat.
I have declarated the following tables:
it_sap with the content of a join from VBRK and VBRP tables
wa_sap as working area
it_ext with content from an another join from an external database
wa_ext as working area.
This is how my loop looks actually like:
LOOP AT it_sap INTO wa_sap.
wa_sap-tipo_documento = wa_sap-xblnr+2(1). " Linea
tiket = wa_sap-xblnr+9(7).
creationyear = wa_sap-fkdat+0(4).
input = tiket
output = tiket.
CONCATENATE creationyear '/' wa_sap-vkorg wa_sap-xblnr+7(2) '/' tiket INTO wa_sap-codalb.
"CLEAR position.
input = wa_sap-posnr
output = position.
READ TABLE it_ext INTO wa_ext
WITH KEY codalb = wa_ext-codalb
tipo_documento = wa_ext-tipo_documento.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
wa_sap-import_total = wa_ext-import_total.
wa_sap-import = wa_ext-import.
wa_sap-price = wa_ext-price.
wa_sap-price_total = wa_ext-price_total.
wa_sap-disccount = wa_ext-disccount.
wa_sap-quantity = wa_ext-quantity.
MODIFY it_sap FROM wa_sap.
IF wa_sap-importe_total <> wa_sap-netwr. "AND position = 1 .
APPEND wa_sap TO it_results.
How does it work? I understand that by using the conditional sy-subrc = 0 I can see if the previous statement gives true or false but I don't quite understand how it works by using READ instead SELECT steament.
Thank you guys!
LOOP AT iterates over all rows of an internal table.
READ TABLE retrieves at most one row from an internal table.
sy-subrc provides you details about how well the previous statement worked. Its values differ with the statement. In case of READ TABLE, it tells you whether a row was found (= 0) or not (<> 0). The IF sy-subrc = 0 after your READ TABLE thus means "if you found such a row".
It's hard to understand what your code is supposed to do and whether it does that correctly without some helpful sample data. As József Szikszai points out in the comments to your question, the READ TABLE's conditions rely on wa_ext, which is never filled in your sample code, so at first glance this looks like it's not working at all or your sample does not include some initialisation code.
We got into difficulties in maintaining the ITXEX field (Long text indication) of an Infotype record.
Say we got an existing record in an Infotype database table with a long text filled (ITXEX field value in that record is set to 'X').
Some process updates the record through HR_CONTROL_INFTY_OPERATION like this:
infty = '0081'
number = '12345678'
subtype = '01'
validityend = '31.12.9999'
validitybegin = '19.05.2019'
record = ls_0081 " ( ITXEX = 'X' )
operation = 'MOD'
tclas = 'A'
nocommit = abap_true
return = ls_return.
This call does update the record but clearing it's ITXEX field.
It's important to say that making the same action through PA30 does update the record and maintain ITXEX field as it was.
The described problem seems similar to that question. Trying the solutions given there didn't solve the problem.
Why the two approaches (PA30 and function module) don't work the same? How to fix this?
First of all, FM parameters you use are incorrect. How do you want the infotype to be updated if you set nocommit = TRUE?
Also, you are missing the correct sequence which must be used for the update procedure:
Lock the Employee
Read the infotype
Update the infotype
Unlock the Employee
The correct snippet for your task would be
DATA: ls_return TYPE bapireturn1.
DATA: l_infty_tab TYPE TABLE OF p0002.
pernr = '00000302'
infty = '0002'
infty_tab = l_infty_tab.
<infotype>-midnm = 'Shicklgruber'. " updating the field of infotype
pernr = '00000302'
infty = '0002'.
infty = <infotype>-infty
number = <infotype>-pernr
subtype = <infotype>-subty
validityend = <infotype>-endda
validitybegin = <infotype>-begda
record = <infotype>
operation = 'MOD'
tclas = 'A'
return = ls_return.
pernr = '00000302'
infty = '0002'.
This way itxex field is treated correctly and if existed on that record, will remain intact. However, this method will not work for updating the long text itself, for that you must use object-oriented way, methods of class CL_HRPA_INFOTYPE_CONTAINER.
I recently found a bug with some Access SQL queries that I can't seem to track down. I have a fairly straightforward SQL query that I use to retrieve data from an access database that's "managed" in an older application (ie the data is already in the database and I have no real control over what's in there).
import pyodbc
MDB = '******.MDB'
DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
PWD = ''
con = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};DBQ={};PWD={}'.format(DRV, MDB, PWD))
sql = ('SELECT Estim.PartNo, Estim.Descrip, Estim.CustCode, Estim.User_Text1, Estim.Revision, ' +
'Estim.Comments, Routing.PartNo AS RPartNo, Routing.StepNo, Routing.WorkCntr, Routing.VendCode, ' +
'Routing.Descrip AS StepDescrip, Routing.SetupTime, Routing.CycleTime, ' +
'Routing.WorkOrVend, ' +
'Materials.PartNo as MatPartNo, Materials.SubPartNo, Materials.Qty, ' +
'Materials.Unit, Materials.TotalQty, Materials.ItemNo, Materials.Vendor ' +
'FROM (( Estim ' +
'INNER JOIN Routing ON Estim.PartNo = Routing.PartNo ) ' +
'INNER JOIN Materials ON Estim.PartNo = Materials.PartNo )')
if 'PartNo' in kwargs:
key = kwargs['PartNo']
sql = sql + 'WHERE Estim.PartNo=?'
cursor = con.cursor().execute(sql, key)
# use this for debuging only
num = 0
for row in cursor.fetchall():
num += 1
return num
This works fine for all PartNo except when PartNo contains a decimal point. Curiously, when PartNo contains a decimal point AND a hyphen, I get the appropriate record(s).
kwargs['PartNo'] = "100.100-2" # returns 1 record
kwargs['PartNo'] = "200.100" # returns 0 records
Both PartNos exist when viewed in the other application, so I know there should be records returned for both queries.
My first thought was to ensure kwargs['PartNo'] is a string key = str(kwargs['PartNo']) with no change.
I also tried to places quotes around the 'PartNo' value with no success. key = '\'' + kwargs['PartNo'] + '\''
Finally, I tried to escape the . with no success (I realize this would break most queries, but I'm just trying to track down the issue with a single period) key = str(kwargs['partNo']).replace('.', '"."')
I know using query parameters should handle all the escaping for me, but at this point, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. Any thoughts on this?
So the issue isn't with the query parameters - everything works as it should. The problem is with the SQL statement. I incorrectly assumed - and never checked - that there was a record in the Materials table that matched PartNo.
INNER JOIN Materials ON Estim.PartNo = Materials.PartNo
will only return a record if PartNo is found in both tables, which in this particular case it is not.
Changing it to
LEFT OUTER JOIN Materials ON Estim.PartNo = Materials.PartNo
produces the expected results. See this for info on JOINS.
As for print (repr(key)) - flask handles the kwarg type upstream properly
api.add_resource(PartAPI, '/api/v1.0/part/<string:PartNo>'
so when I ran this in the browser, I got the "full length" strings. When run in the cmd line using python -c ....... I was not handling the argument type properly as Gord pointed out, so it was truncating the trailing zeros. I didn't think the flask portion was relevant, so I never added that in the original question.
I have a relational table accessing two tables in my database, which I have attached: Items ( and ItemsToStudent ( My first problem is when I try to filter by rubricID and studentID, it returns an empty list. It works when I use courseID and studentID. Here is my code:
QSqlRelationalTableModel *model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel();
model->setRelation(0, QSqlRelation("ItemsToStudent", "itemID", "grade"));
qDebug() << "studentid: " << studentid;
qDebug() << "courseid: " << courseid;
model->setFilter(QString("rubricID = '"+rubricid+"' and studentID = '"+studentid+"'"));
model->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Grade"));
model->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Criteria"));
model->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Max Points"));
My second problem is editing the field. When I filter by courseID and studentID I generate a table, but when I try to edit manually using QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit, it returns white (I have a save button designed for saving the values I enter). When I use OnFieldEdit, I get an error saying I can't update identity value itemID (but I'm trying to update grades).
edit: I realize now those are bad screenshots to use but I'm trying to show what columns I'm referencing. Somewhere further down the tables there are matching values.
Your first problem is that the filter should be like:
model->setFilter(QString("rubricID = %1 AND studentID = %2").arg(rubricid).arg(studentid));
For saving or cancelling changes you can begin a tranaction at the end if your code like:
Code for your save button:
Code for your cancel button:
In Crystal Reports 8.5 when I have setup a parameter for multi-value the user enters 90654-90658A. Normally I would use Join() but being that this is not just text but numeric I have tried a few things but with no results.
Local NumberVar i;
Local NumberVar j;
Local StringVar param_values;
if 0 in {?CPT} then
"CPT #s: All CPTs"
for i := 1 to UBound ({?CPT}) do
for j := Minimum ({?CPT}[ i ]) to Maximum ({?CPT}[ i ]) do
param_values := param_values + "," + CStr (j, "#");
"CPT #s: " + Mid (param_values, 2)
This works fine for 90654-90658 but when the user selects 90654-90658A it fails.
Also the selection criteria will not pass to SQL in the query sent to SQL with the correct where clause. Meaning there is not indication that I am even asking for a where. It should show in the select for sql a where >= '90654' and <= '90658A'
I am lost as to where I am going wrong with this. Any help would be great this is my first time seeking an answer on this site but I have not received any help on this request.
I tried a similar query with the Xtreme.mdb database, referencing the Customer table. I created a string, range parameter that accepted multiple values (i.e. multiple ranges).
When I supplied it with two ranges, the follow query was generated:
SELECT `Customer`.`Postal Code`
FROM `Customer` `Customer`
(`Customer`.`Postal Code`>='04000' AND `Customer`.`Postal Code`<='04999') OR
(`Customer`.`Postal Code`>='55000' AND `Customer`.`Postal Code`<='55999')
As you can see, Crystal Reports will build the necessary BETWEEN or >= <= statements.
In you situation, try:
( "0" IN {?CPT} OR {TABLE.FIELD} IN {?CPT} )
You could adapt your formula field to display the values of the parameter, if you want.
I do appreciate everyones input but I was able to work through the problem. For the record selection I put in the following. {TABLE.FIELD} in CStr({#MinCPT}) to CStr({#MaxCPT}). This pulled the range after I created two formulas. One MinCPT and the other MaxCPT. Here is the formula. Left (ToText (Minimum ({?CPT})),2 ) & Mid (ToText (Minimum ({?CPT})),4 ,3 ) and the same for Max. The report works fine now.
Thanks Again.