How can i configure webclient to use CA certificates provided by the server? - ssl

I have CA certificates(.crt files) of the server, and I want to enable SSL verification on the client application's WebClient call.
Currently i am using InsecureTrustManagerFactory which i want to avoid
Not sure whether I need to add the certificates to the trust store or the keystore?
where do I locate the trust store and keystore ?
how do I add the trust store / keystore to spring WebClient ?


How to configure gRPC Client communicating over TLS transport layer without server certificate?

Currently I want to expose a gRPC Method as Public API and protected by Auth0 (JWT Token), with Istio(Envoy Proxy) will help validating the token on server side. Since the JWT Token is not encrypted by the standard (it is only used to end-user authentication and authorization layer), I want to encrypt the communication using TLS. Also, my public server already have valid certificate.
The problem is on the gRPC Client side. Every example I look, the gRPC Client have to initialize the TLS Connection with server cert pem file. Is it really necessary? Because it adds operational burden and complexity, where we have to distribute our server pem file everytime we renew the certificate AND/OR the client side has to restart the application.
If you are using a self signed certificate, then yes you must explicitly trust it in your client. If you use a publicly signed certificate on your Server, gRPC will use the Operating System's certificate authorities to verify the cert. (In the case of Java, it uses the JVMs cert authorities.)
If you are using a self-signed certificate you need to specify the server's root certificates in the pem_root_certs member of the SslCredentialsOptions struct passed in when creating a channel, as Carl says.
However if you are using a CA issued certificate, leaving the pem_root_certs member empty will cause gRPC to default to its own master list (reviewable online), not any OS-specific list.

use SSL Client Certificate for further server side authentification

If Tomcat is set up for SSL mutual authentication you can get the client javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate from the servlet request.
In the server app I need a key to encrypt a file.
Is it a good idea to use a part of the Client X509Certificate, e.g. the SubjectPublicKeyInfo as encryption key?
The client Certificate should be as secret as any password, shouldn't it?
(this question has Java API example, but is not Java specific)

How to set client certificate chain in WinHttp

I am working on a client-server application where server is a web server which performs client validation based on SSL certificate. Server trust a Root CA certificate. Client is a windows application developed in C++ which has a certificate signed by intermediate CA which in turn signed by Root CA.
I am able to set client certificate during https connection by calling WinHttpSetOption api with WINHTTP_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_CONTEXT as option. However this will set only client certificate but not the entire chain. Server does not have intermediate CA in its store hence it is not able to authenticate the client.
Is there a way to set the full client certificate chain in WinHttp, provided the full chain is already present in certificate store of client?
The server has to have the CA certificate beforehand, it's not going to trust the root CA the client hands it. (I'm not sure about whether it (the server-side) would trust an intermediate CA signed by a trusted CA but my inclination says no).
Trusting some random CA a client sends would break the entire point of certificate verification, you would have no idea of whether the data the client submits is actually meaningful. So add the root and intermediate CA certificates to the server's certificate stores. (If you don't have access to that you'll have to talk to an admin and have them do it).
I'm not really seeing anything wrong with what you are doing.
You are implementing mTLS. The client side has a private key that it uses to validate itself to the Server. Most times the client will generate this private key itself and just send it to the server via CSR. In your case you have some CA generate it for you.
mTLS is used in place of some other sort of login a client might do to a server. The client itself doesnt care about the cert chain. The client doesnt need to validate itself. It just sends a token encoded via its private key. The server DOES need the root or intermediate cert in order to validate the key the client has sent. Usually you just install this root into your normal cert store (server side) so the server can validate the client.
Only I could find was to Add Sub CA to system store. During service startup or installation, open the CA certificate store and Add certificate context to it.

How can I validate LDAP SSL Certificates Against the local truststore for .NET

I am trying to implement secure LDAP using SSL and I want to validate the servers certificate against the local keystore for which I have imported the certificate.
I realize I can do this:
ldapConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate =
new VerifyServerCertificateCallback((con, cer) => true);
But that provides no authentication and will accept any cert. When I use SSL with WCF connections, it will automatically use my keystore by default without me having to supply a delegate at all, and that works perfect.
How can can direct the cert validation for an LDAP connection to my trust store? Can I implement the delegate, and then pass the X509Certificate arg to something else that will validate it against my store?
I have to use .NET 4.0

WCF Client Certificate Authentication

We have a typical client-server WCF service and I would like the following:
Client passes a certificate to the Server through the ClientCredentials property
Server looks at the certificate and see's that it has been issued by our trusted certificate authority
The client is rejected if they use a certificate that is not issued by our CA.
The client has a clientAuthentication certificate installed, along with our trusted CA.
The server has our trusted CA certificate installed. I dont want to install any other certificates.
I am flexible on the binding, however it does need to work in a web scenerio.
I thought about using BasicHttpBinding with TransportCredentialOnly, however it doesnt support certificates :(.
Ive tried using wsHttpBinding in Message mode, however that requires a ServerCertificate to perform server authentication and message encryption... which I dont want!
Is there any built-in way to achieve this?
All build in bindings allow using client certificates only when server certificate is used - mutal certificate authentication and security. To support your scenario you will have to handle it completely yourselves. If you want to inject your authentication mechanism to WCF you will have to do custom token and custom credentials.