How can I get APNS Credential and update to Agora Console correctly? -

I am having an issue regarding the Remote Notification for iOS for chat messages for
I am not able to upload the Production Environment certificate for iOS for the push notification. I was able to upload the push certificate for the development environment. Screenshot is attached.
Add Push Certificate window
Can anyone help me out? thanks in advance!

Having a look here.Get APNS Credential and update to Agora Console I have the detailed process described with images, right from creating the certificate, to upload the certificate to Agora Console.


React Native Push Notifications doesn't receive notification

I have a React Native app (testing on iOS) and am trying to incorporate Push notifications. I am using the following module:
I tried running example app code and am able to obtain
a (1) message token and (2) successfully obtain permissions from my device.
I am trying to send a test notification from Firebase and am using my device's token. However, nothing happens upon triggering a test notification. Any tips? I believe I followed the key upload instructions correctly (
I hope you have uploaded pem/p8 file on firebase console at "Cloud Messaging" in Project settings. Check this image
I figured it out! Although I thought I had done this in the past, I did not have Remote notification enabled in background modes, nor did I have Push notifications checked in the Signing & Capabilities section of project setting on Xcode. Thank you!

GCM firebase not showing APNs certificate in for IOS configuration

I have uploaded a .p12 file for IOS notification in GCM fire base. after uploading the file it is also showing "No certificate uploaded". please help in this.
Try uploading the certificate in this iOS GCM link instead. Firebase uses FCM in the Firebase console so you might have chosen the wrong place.

Apple Push Notification issue

I am trying to implement APNS for my App and am hitting a wall while trying to generate a provisioning profile. I followed the instructions to create an APP id and was able to generate an SSL certificate for my App (the type is shown to be APNs development IOS). However, when I try to generate a provisioning profile, following the screen where I choose the AppID of my app, I do not see the SSL certificate I generate for this app. In the certificates list, I only see a certificate of type 'IOS development' that was created previously. I have been stuck on this issue for a while. Can someone please help?
I resolved my own query. we need to add iOS development certificate while creating profile for APNS. You should have the p12 of that iOS development certificate.

Apple push notification not working with aps_production.cer

I added push notification to my iOS application. Currently my app is in app store. it receives push notification whilst using aps_development.cer with it's corresponding .p12 file but it's not receiving notification using aps_production.cer... I'm using simplepush.php to send push notification with reference of [link]:
please help me out.... thanks in advance..
The script is using APNS server which is suitable for development.
For production, use APNS at
You need to convert your .p12 file into .pem file first.

Device Token null when deploying app as ad-hoc (Urban Airship)

I implemented the Urban Airship library into my application and I can successfully send push notifications to a specific device in development mode. After startup I get the device token and save it into a mysql database. However, when I use the app in ad-hoc mode, the device token is always (null).
and the APP Key and APP-Secret for both production and development are correct.
Any ideas how to get the device token in ad-hoc/appstore mode?
Identical question has been posted in the Urban Airship Forum.
For me also same thing happened. What we did to solve problem is just recreated new adHoc provisioning profile. Then we got alert asking to install push notification. Its one of the major issue in iOS push notification. We must configure push nofitiation SSL certificate before creating provisioning profile.