Apple push notification not working with aps_production.cer - objective-c

I added push notification to my iOS application. Currently my app is in app store. it receives push notification whilst using aps_development.cer with it's corresponding .p12 file but it's not receiving notification using aps_production.cer... I'm using simplepush.php to send push notification with reference of [link]:
please help me out.... thanks in advance..

The script is using APNS server which is suitable for development.
For production, use APNS at

You need to convert your .p12 file into .pem file first.


How can I get APNS Credential and update to Agora Console correctly?

I am having an issue regarding the Remote Notification for iOS for chat messages for
I am not able to upload the Production Environment certificate for iOS for the push notification. I was able to upload the push certificate for the development environment. Screenshot is attached.
Add Push Certificate window
Can anyone help me out? thanks in advance!
Having a look here.Get APNS Credential and update to Agora Console I have the detailed process described with images, right from creating the certificate, to upload the certificate to Agora Console.

React Native Push Notifications doesn't receive notification

I have a React Native app (testing on iOS) and am trying to incorporate Push notifications. I am using the following module:
I tried running example app code and am able to obtain
a (1) message token and (2) successfully obtain permissions from my device.
I am trying to send a test notification from Firebase and am using my device's token. However, nothing happens upon triggering a test notification. Any tips? I believe I followed the key upload instructions correctly (
I hope you have uploaded pem/p8 file on firebase console at "Cloud Messaging" in Project settings. Check this image
I figured it out! Although I thought I had done this in the past, I did not have Remote notification enabled in background modes, nor did I have Push notifications checked in the Signing & Capabilities section of project setting on Xcode. Thank you!

How to push notification remotely with React-Native-Push-Notification?

I am new at mobile app developing, and i have been looking into push notification and , i understand that you have local notification, static on the device and remote notification, send from a notification server (which is not the application server), i am trying to use
this library, quite a popular one for doing push notification:
I can understand how to set it up in the react native project and use local notification since i found a specific tutorial for it, but the tutorial only show how to use the local notification.
I have been searching for more documents on how to use this library for remote notification step by step, from setting up the notification server to use it in the react native app, but they are all so vague explanations or use different tools.
You can use services such as oneSignal & FCM. Here are some libraries for push notification (one signal)
Tutorial :
You can use the below library for FCM if you need any other firebase services such as authentication, dynamic links etc.. go for this (fcm)
If you just need only push notification services, you can use
Some helpful blogs for the integration
Firstly go to rnfirebase and follow the process..
You will have do stuffs like yarn add (app/messaging), pod install, some changes in podfile, configure appDelegate.m firapp, notification etc.. and then mostly the problem comes with
YES, you compulsory require developer account
Create identifier with push notification checked
-> Using key chain generate => Certificate Assistat > Request A Certificate from Certificate Authority to create certificate in below steps.
-> Press Configure on push notification and create certificate which will create apple push services for both development and production for release and debug and download and click it on add on keychain
-> Generate .p12 file of both certificate release and production using Keychain all you have to do it click in the certificate you just add on keychain you can verify with expiry date if is confusing... then right click export to create .p12 file put password that you wont forget
-> Put your .p12 file on Firebase Cloud Messaging under project settings > cloud messaging (Here you will need the password you set)
-> go to user developer account and create profiles both IOS development and App Store and please select the required certificate while creating AppStore Production profile
-> Now run app using development profile on Xcode and Archive using production/distribution profile
-> Test notification using Cloud Messaging Notification tools provided by firebase if it work it works if it don't check then above step throughly

GCM firebase not showing APNs certificate in for IOS configuration

I have uploaded a .p12 file for IOS notification in GCM fire base. after uploading the file it is also showing "No certificate uploaded". please help in this.
Try uploading the certificate in this iOS GCM link instead. Firebase uses FCM in the Firebase console so you might have chosen the wrong place.

android gcm push doesn't work with json tag notification

I create an android gcm client. I read this guide: and i use this example
My app workes, it receives Push but only when our server application sends json with "data payload".. when our server sends json message with notification payload my android app does'nt receive push.
I read: "Use notifications when you want GCM to handle displaying a notification on your Android client app’s behalf," but it doesn't work in Android...
From what I can guess, you probably just don't have the icon key in your json which is required for Android but not for iOS, try to add something like "icon" : "#drawable/myIcon.png" in your notification dictionary. (I would have asked for a sample of your Json in the comment instead of guessing if I could but I'm still pretty new and can't comment everything yet).