Intellij - added support for files with .xmap extension - intellij-idea

Have any of you been adding support for very custom file types to the Intellij IDE. If so, please help me and explain how to do it.


Problem in running a project with aspectJ in IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3 (Community Edition)

I am trying to run a project with aspectJ, rather than Java, in IntelliJ IDEA. I had done it before by simply putting "aspectj-1.9.6" in a "Lib" folder and setting the folder "as Library". But I tried it again today and it is not working. I think it might be because I have updated my IntelliJ to version "2022.2.3". I saw in this link that for intelliJ version "2021.1", one should select "ajc" as the project compiler in IntellJ. But it seems that there is no such compiler option in IntelliJ version "2022.2" (as I looked at this link and also searched in this link).
I also tried to install and enable "AspectJ weaver" plugin, but I encounter the following error: "Plugin 'AspectJ weaver' failed to initialize and will be disabled. Please restart IntelliJ IDEA.". Someone has had the same problem in this post, but the answer doesn't work for me, as it refers to this link, which is not compatible with IntelliJ version 2022.2.3:
So, I wonder whether aspectJ is not supported any more in IntelliJ?
Does any one has any suggestion that I could use it with this version of IntelliJ? I do really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance
IntelliJ IDEA is compatible with AspectJ. I am running the plugin on 2022.2.3 without any problems. But I use IDEA Ultimate, you use Community. Did you notice this in your screenshot?
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

IntelliJ Cucumber-Jave step definition not recognised

This looks like common issue. I have tried most of solutions on the web. Unfortunately non of them worked for me. I am using IntelliJ 2019.3 Ultimate edition
Cucumber-Java (bundle) and Gherkin (bundle) plugins already there.
Solutions tried:
Check SubType IntelliJ plugin
File types
This is Maven project, I got following doubts
Should I add info.cukes to project POM despite of having plugin in the IDE. Even one of my Gradle project also facing the same issue.
Is this mandatory, if so why. Because I can't find cucumber.api.cli.main to set in the Main Class
You can set the glue location globally by opening "Edit Configurations
-> Defaults -> Cucumber Java -> Glue" and add the package names.
What does this mean
My project did not have the steps marked as test source root
Can anyone shed some light here please.

How to run ant file in JetBrains WebStorm IDE?

I want to migrate from Eclipse to WebStorm for front end programming. I have done a setup for WebStorm but I couldn't find the way to do:
Ant view - I couldn't find Ant view to run Ant files
File synchronizer - to synchronize the code from Eclipse editor to actual working domain folder, I used to use file synchronizer. For WebStorm - I have found remote file synchronizer plugin but either I am not able to use it or it is meant for something else.
Any help on these would be highly appreciated!!
Also, I used to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Is there any way in WebStorm to use multiple projects in same view (without opening different windows)? If it is not feasible to do these things in WebStorm please guide me to choose good IDE for frontend programming.

How to create a JAXB project in IntelliJ IDEA 13?

I am learning JAXB.
I need to know how should I create a simple java project for JAX-B in IntelliJ IDEA13. If anyone have idea, please update me and also update me with any plugin for IDEA
You don't need to do anything special when you create your project. Just a simple java project will do.
There are however some tricks that can help you. There are 2 built-in live templates for jaxb :
typing mjo + hit tab-key: will generate the code for a marshaller.
typing ujo + hit tab-key: will generate the code for an unmarshaller.
Intellij has built-in functionality for generating an xsd file for any xml file. Just right-click on any xsd file and you will see a button "Generate xsd schema from xml file".
JAXB also offers a tool (xjc.exe) to generate JAXB code stubs. There is a simple way to add this functionality to IntelliJ. I prefer to add a button for xsd to java source conversion, using the configuration in the "External Tools" menu.
After this configuration, you can right-click on an xsd file and there will be a button "JAXB (XSD->JAVA)".
Note: According to some websites, there is also a dialog/wizard for generating jaxb stubs. However, I haven't found this wizard yet. Maybe it's only available in more recent IntelliJ versions (14+), maybe only in the commercial edition, or it may require some plugins. My solution works fine in IntelliJ 13.0.3 - Community Edition.

Working with IntelliJ + Spring Data + AspectJ

I am attempting to work with a Spring Data Graph project in IntelliJ 11.1.4 Ultimate edition. The project builds fine but the editor says that the persist() method on my classes annotated with #NodeEntity can't be found. Additionally, none if the aspect enhanced methods, like persist, show up for auto-complete suggestions.
I am using the AspectJ Support plugin and I have the compiler set to AJC. Both IntelliJ and Maven can build and run the project, it appears that the editor is the only piece that has the problem.
Am I missing something obvious? Is this a limitation of IntelliJ? I thought 11.1.4 addressed this but I might be mistaken.
Unfortunately AspectJ support isn't fully implemented yet - though resolve and completion should work. Could you please file a ticket in the tracker with a small demo project attached?