How to run ant file in JetBrains WebStorm IDE? - ide

I want to migrate from Eclipse to WebStorm for front end programming. I have done a setup for WebStorm but I couldn't find the way to do:
Ant view - I couldn't find Ant view to run Ant files
File synchronizer - to synchronize the code from Eclipse editor to actual working domain folder, I used to use file synchronizer. For WebStorm - I have found remote file synchronizer plugin but either I am not able to use it or it is meant for something else.
Any help on these would be highly appreciated!!
Also, I used to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Is there any way in WebStorm to use multiple projects in same view (without opening different windows)? If it is not feasible to do these things in WebStorm please guide me to choose good IDE for frontend programming.


How to open IntelliJ with an extern tool and setting up the dependecies permanantly?

Im working with an enterprise "low-code"-tool to build applications for our Company.
Some parts can be written in Java and other languages. It´s possible to use external tools for coding stuff. I chose IntelliJ for Java stuff. My problem now is, that it just opens a temporary file in IntelliJ so i´m forced to reconfigure my dependencies every time i`m saving the work/reopen intelliJ.
Is there a proper way to handle that? I'm not sure, what i´m searching for. Is IntelliJ the right choice?

How to create a project from the commandline?

Is it possible to create an IntelliJ project purely from the command line?
We are looking a streamlining the on-boarding of new hires and off-shore resources and to minimise the amount of project setup they have to perform. As such, it would be nice if we had the IDE already configured for them to get started.
There is a legacy plug-in for Maven to generate IntelliJ IDEA project files, but we don't recommend using it.
Instead, it would be easier to instruct users to open pom.xml file in the IDE so that the import is performed automatically.

Eclipse Editor monitor file changes from out of Eclipse

I am developing a Plugin for eclipse, and notice that when user changes file from out of IDE, e.g., do a git pull using shell, my editor does not pick up the change. I try to use IResourceChangeListener but realize it only monitors changes happening in the workspace.
I have seen eclipse TextEditor can monitor external file change, but failed to find how it implements this from code. My editor is not a text editor so I cannot extend from TextEditor to get this for free.
Can anyone give me a hint how to properly implement this feature for eclipse? Thanks!
According to Eclipse FAQ you need to monitor non Eclipse file changes in separate thread.
Fortunately Java have file change notification API which can be used to implement this.

Using WebStorm and IntelliJ at the same time

I have code for an existing web application built with java, jsp, and js.
I would like to use WebStorm for the JS part of the development and the free edition of IntelliJ for the rest of the code, but it doesn't look like I can open the same project in both as they seem to step on each other.
Is there a way I can do this without having to close/switch the IDEs all the time?
Opening Idea project in WebStorm and vice versa is not a recommended approach. Different Idea-based IDEs (RubyMine, PHPStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, IDEA) have the same project format (.idea) but different settings/module types that aren't compatible. So we strongly recommend to avoid sharing the same project between IDEs.
If you like to work on the same front-end sources in different IDEs, I'd suggest sharing the sources folder(s) but keeping the .idea folders separated: just create a new empty project in WebStorm and add your sources root as additional content root in Settings/Directories

Setup IntelliJ IDEA 12 with Play2 and framework sources (java)

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12, its Play2.0 plugin for a Java project.
Unfortunately Play 2 (2.1.4 at this time) does not ship with the sources for its dependencies, and running idea with-sources=yes only downloads the project's dependencies sources.
So far I've had to manually download the source jars and attach them whenever I needed them.
Of course I have to redo this every time the Play framework is updated.
Is there any better way, either within play, which I would prefer, or with an external solution?
Unfortunately IDEA's "Search in internet..." button usually doesn't work, most likely because it's looking on the wrong respositories. I suspect it is trying to use the Maven settings with the configured Nexus repos, but AFAIK Maven central is not in there.
It is as simple as running update-classifiers in the Play console and then regenerating the project files.
I wish this would be done automatically, but apparently it is too obvious to sbt users.