Can I print out somehow result of rand() function called from Cypher? - cypher

I have the following code:
MATCH (:City {name: 'London'})-[road:Road]->(city:City)
WHERE NOT IN ['Islington', 'Wembley']
ORDER BY road.length ASC
LIMIT 1 + toInteger(7*rand());
On each run I get differnt number of results as I should. I understant that the number of reulsts depend on result of 1 + toInteger(7*rand());. But what I would like to know can I see the result of rand(), which number is genrated? My pseudo code would be somethign like:
I presume that RETURN is the same as PRINT, but how do I create a variable?

In Cypher, you can create a variable by prefixing the name of the variable with a dollar sign ($). So, you can create the variable LUCKYNUMBER as follows:
WITH toInteger(7*rand()) AS LUCKYNUMBER
You can also use the RETURN statement to return the value of a variable along with the query results, like this:
WITH toInteger(7*rand()) AS LUCKYNUMBER
You can also use the PRINT statement to output the value of a variable to the console, like this:
WITH toInteger(7*rand()) AS LUCKYNUMBER
In your query, you should use WITH statement in order to create a variable, like this:
MATCH (:City {name: 'London'})-[road:Road]->(city:City)
WHERE NOT IN ['Islington', 'Wembley']
WITH toInteger(7*rand()) AS LUCKYNUMBER
ORDER BY road.length ASC
It will create a variable LUCKYNUMBER, store the result of toInteger(7*rand()) in it, and then you can use this variable in your query as you would use any other variable.
This query will return a random number of city names in the range of 1 to 8, and you will see the value of the LUCKYNUMBER variable returned along with the city names.


How to fetch all rows where an array contains any of the fields array elements

I have a table that has a column video_ids, it is of a bigint[] type. I would like to find all the rows that have any of the elements from the array passed in a select statement. So, if I have a row that has a video_ids field that looks like this:
{9529387, 9548200, 9579636}
I would like to fetch it if I pass an array that has any of this video_ids. I thought I would do that with any, but I am not sure how to do this in SQL, I have tried with this:
select id, finished, failed, video_ids, invoiced_video_ids, failed_video_ids
from video_order_execution
where order_ids = any(
'{9548200, 11934626, 9579636, 11936321, 11509698, 11552728, 11592106, 11643565, 11707543, 11810386, 11846268}'
I get an error if I do that:
ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint[] = bigint Hint: No operator
matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add
explicit type casts.
How can I make such a statement that would do the job for what I need?
Use the operator && which returns true if the 2 operands have any common items:
select id, finished, failed, video_ids, invoiced_video_ids, failed_video_ids
from video_order_execution
where order_ids &&
'{9548200, 11934626, 9579636, 11936321, 11509698, 11552728, 11592106, 11643565, 11707543, 11810386, 11846268}'::bigint[];

Enter Unspecified Number of Variables into Postgres Psycopg2 SQL query

I'm trying to retrieve some data from a postgresql database using psycogp2, and either exclude a variable number of rows or exclude none.
The code I have so far is:
def db_query(variables):
cursor.execute('SELECT * '
'FROM database.table '
'WHERE id NOT IN (%s)', (variables,))
This does partially work. E.g. If I call:
It works. The same for any other single value. However, I cannot seem to get it to work when I enter more than one variable, eg:
db_query('593, 595')
I get the error:
psycopg2.DataError: invalid input syntax for integer: "593, 595"
I'm not sure how to enter the query correctly or amend the SQL query. Any help appreciated.
Pass a tuple as it is adapted to a record:
query = """
select *
from database.table
where id not in %s
var1 = 593
argument = (var1,)
print(cursor.mogrify(query, (argument,)).decode('utf8'))
#cursor.execute(query, (argument,))
select *
from database.table
where id not in (593)

Sql query dynamic variable passing

I've looked at the documentation in various places to see how to do this, but I haven't had any success. I want to pass in the name of a column into a sql query. I'm using psycopg2 and My most recent attempt was based off of this doc page
Here is my latest attempt, but I get an error IndexError: tuple index out of range that points to the format() where I'm passing in the parameter.
def parse_files(cursor):
for name in column_names:
"select planet_osm_point.{}, count(*) from planet_osm_point group by planet_osm_point.{}"
for row in cursor:
print(str(row[0]) + str(row[1]))
It's not clear by the given documentation, but it looks like I need to pass in a value inside of the {} specifying what argument I want to use. In this case it's {0}
column_names = ['col1', 'col2']
for column in column_names:
query = sql.SQL('''
select {0}, count(*)
from planet_osm_point pop
group by {0}
''').format(sql.Identifier('pop.' + column))
for row in cursor.fetchall():
print (str(row[0]) + str(row[1]))

How to count the number of rows with a date from a certain year in CodeIgniter?

I have the following query.
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE '2014%'');
I need to count the number of columns with a begin_date in the year 2014.
When I run this script I'm getting an error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '2014' (T_LNUMBER) in C:\xampp\htdocs\iPlog2\application\controllers\stat.php on line 12
I was trying to change my CI script to
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE "2014%"');
but it caused an error.
You mean, count ROWS:
So for that, just count the number of rows you have based on a condition:
$year = '2014'
$this->db->like('begin_date', $year);
$query = $this->db->get();
$rowcount = $query->num_rows();
First, you have a simple typo regarding the use of single quotes. Your complete sql string should be double quoted so that your value-quoting can be single quoted.
Second, you are using inappropriate query logic. When you want to make a comparison on a DATE or DATETIME type column, you should NEVER be using LIKE. There are specific MYSQL functions dedicated to handling these types. In your case, you should be using YEAR() to isolate the year component of your begin_date values.
You could write the raw query like this: (COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) are equivalent)
$count = $this->db
->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM persons WHERE YEAR(begin_date) = 2014")
Or if you want to employ Codeigniter methods to build the query:
$count = $this->db
->where("YEAR(begin_date) = 2014")
You could return all of the values in all of the rows that qualify, but that would mean asking the database for values that you have no intention of using -- this is not best practice. I do not recommend the following:
$count = $this->db
->get_where('persons', 'YEAR(begin_date) = 2014')
For this reason, you should not be generating a fully populated result set then calling num_rows() or count() when you have no intention of using the values in the result set.
Replace quotes like this :
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE '2014%'");
Double quote your entire query, then simple quote your LIKE criteria.

django using .extra() got error `only a single result allowed for a SELECT that is part of an expression`

I'm trying to use .extra() where the query return more than 1 result, like :
'SELECT "books_books"."*" FROM "books_books" WHERE "books_books"."owner_id" = %s' %
I got an error : only a single result allowed for a SELECT that is part of an expression
Try it on dev-server using sqlite3. Anybody knows how to fix this? Or my query is wrong?
I'm using django-simple-ratings, my model like this :
class Thread(models.Model):
ratings = Ratings()
I want to display each Thread's ratings and whether a user already rated it or not. For 2 items, it will hit 6 times, 1 for the actual Thread and 2 for accessing the ratings. The query:
threads = Thread.ratings.order_by_rating().filter(section = section)\
threads = threads.extra(select = dict(myratings = "SELECT SUM('section_threadrating'.'score') AS 'agg' FROM 'section_threadrating' WHERE 'section_threadrating'.'content_object_id' = 'section_thread'.'id' ",)
Then i can print each Thread's ratings without hitting the db more. For the 2nd query, i add :
#continue from extra
blahblah.extra(select = dict(myratings = '#####code above####',
voter_id = "SELECT 'section_threadrating'.'user_id' FROM 'section_threadrating' WHERE ('section_threadrating'.'content_object_id' = 'section_thread'.'id' AND 'section_threadrating'.'user_id' = '3') "))
Hard-coded the user_id. Then when i use it on template like this :
{% ifequal threads.voter_id %}
#the rest of the code
I got an error : only a single result allowed for a SELECT that is part of an expression
Let me know if it's not clear enough.
The problem is in the query. Generally, when you are writing subqueries, they must return only 1 result. So a subquery like the one voter_id:
select ..., (select sectio_threadrating.user_id from ...) as voter_id from ....
is invalid, because it can return more than one result. If you are sure it will always return one result, you can use the max() or min() aggregation function:
blahblah.extra(select = dict(myratings = '#####code above####',
voter_id = "SELECT max('section_threadrating'.'user_id') FROM 'section_threadrating' WHERE ('section_threadrating'.'content_object_id' = 'section_thread'.'id' AND 'section_threadrating'.'user_id' = '3') "))
This will make the subquery always return 1 result.
Removing that hard-code, what user_id are you expecting to retrieve here? Maybe you just can't reduce to 1 user using only SQL.