How to count the number of rows with a date from a certain year in CodeIgniter? - sql

I have the following query.
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE '2014%'');
I need to count the number of columns with a begin_date in the year 2014.
When I run this script I'm getting an error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '2014' (T_LNUMBER) in C:\xampp\htdocs\iPlog2\application\controllers\stat.php on line 12
I was trying to change my CI script to
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE "2014%"');
but it caused an error.

You mean, count ROWS:
So for that, just count the number of rows you have based on a condition:
$year = '2014'
$this->db->like('begin_date', $year);
$query = $this->db->get();
$rowcount = $query->num_rows();

First, you have a simple typo regarding the use of single quotes. Your complete sql string should be double quoted so that your value-quoting can be single quoted.
Second, you are using inappropriate query logic. When you want to make a comparison on a DATE or DATETIME type column, you should NEVER be using LIKE. There are specific MYSQL functions dedicated to handling these types. In your case, you should be using YEAR() to isolate the year component of your begin_date values.
You could write the raw query like this: (COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) are equivalent)
$count = $this->db
->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM persons WHERE YEAR(begin_date) = 2014")
Or if you want to employ Codeigniter methods to build the query:
$count = $this->db
->where("YEAR(begin_date) = 2014")
You could return all of the values in all of the rows that qualify, but that would mean asking the database for values that you have no intention of using -- this is not best practice. I do not recommend the following:
$count = $this->db
->get_where('persons', 'YEAR(begin_date) = 2014')
For this reason, you should not be generating a fully populated result set then calling num_rows() or count() when you have no intention of using the values in the result set.

Replace quotes like this :
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE '2014%'");
Double quote your entire query, then simple quote your LIKE criteria.


how to get a value from the results of another column calculation in same table

I tried to retrieve a value from the calculation of several columns,
in this case try to apply the formula "(a + (a / 25 * b)) - c" to be processed using sql language which I will use in codeigniter.
I also tried using "derived table" like SELECT .... FROM (SELECT... FROM...) AS dt
but I had difficulty when applying it to my case in codeigniter
private function _get_datatables_query(){
$intvl = '2';
$tgl_stok = '2019-09-30';
$this->db->SELECT('p.hso, p.no_part, p.nama_part, jml, sp.oh, sum(p.qty)+(sum(p.qty)/25*$intvl)-sp.oh as suggest');
$this->db->FROM('penjualan p');
$this->db->JOIN('stok_part sp', 'sp.no_part = p.no_part', 'left');
$this->db->WHERE("sp.tgl = '$tgl_stok' AND p.tgl BETWEEN DATE_SUB('$tgl_stok', INTERVAL $intvl DAY) AND '$tgl_stok'");
//...other code...
I want a column with the alias suggest in the code to produce a calculated value of several other columns
I know writing code that I created is not in accordance with the rules of writing SQL, I tried a number of ways but it did not work. I am very grateful for your help
Instead of var you should use parameter in this way you can easly pass the value you need and avoid sqlinjection eg:
$sql = "SELECT p.hso, p.no_part, p.nama_part, jml, sp.oh, sum(p.qty)+(sum(p.qty)/25*?)-sp.oh as suggest
FROM enjualan p
LEFT JOIN stok_part sp ON sp.no_part = p.no_part
GROUP BY p.no_part";
$this->db->query($sql, array($intval,$tgl_stok, $tgl_stok, $intvl, tgl_stok ));
I was solved this case.
the problem is in my query:
$this->db->SELECT('p.hso, p.no_part, p.nama_part, jml, sp.oh, sum(p.qty)+(sum(p.qty)/25*$intvl)-sp.oh as suggest');
and replace it with
$this->db->SELECT("p.hso, p.no_part, p.nama_part, sum(p.qty) as jml, sp.oh, sum(p.qty)+(sum(p.qty)/25*'$intvl')-sp.oh as s_po");
my mistake was writing quotation marks in the query

How to convert Sql inner query to Linq for sum of column

How to Convert this sql query to Linq.
select sum(OutstandingAmt)from IvfReceiptDetails where IvfReceiptId IN(select IvfReceiptId from IvfReceipts where PatientId = 'SI-49650')
I think it is easier to translate SQL using query comprehension syntax instead of lambda syntax.
General rules:
Translate inner queries into separate query variables
Translate SQL phrases in LINQ phrase order
Use table aliases as range variables, or if none, create range variables from table names
Translate IN to Contains
Translate SQL functions such as DISTINCT or SUM into function calls on the entire query.
Here is the code:
var IvfReceiptIds = from IvfReceipt in IvfReceipts
where IvfReceipt.PatientId = "SI-49650"
select IvfReceipt.IvfReceiptId;
var OutstandingAmtSum = (from IvfReceiptDetail in IvfReceiptDetails
where IvfReciptIds.Contains(IvfReceiptDetail.IvfReceiptId)
select IvfReceiptDetail.OutstandingAmt).Sum();
Try this, First get all IvfReceiptId in array based on your inner query used in where condition then check contains. Change name of your _context if it's different.
var arrIvfReceiptId = _context.IvfReceiptDetails.Where(p=>p.PatientId == "SI-49650").ToArray();
var sum = (from ird in _context.IvfReceiptDetails.Where(p=> arrIvfReceiptId.Contains(p.IvfReceiptId))
select OutstandingAmt).Sum();

How to compare the month parts of two dates?

I am trying to query query the current month, here is my query:
$clients = $this->Clients;
$query = $clients->find();
if($this->Auth->user('role') !== 'admin'){
$query->where(['user_id =' => $this->Auth->user('id')]);
$query->where(['MONTH(dob) = ' => 'EXTRACT(month FROM (NOW()))']);
$query->order(['dob' => 'ASC']);
It returns 0 records (my field is a date type), however this query in phpmyadmin works:
SELECT * FROM `clients` WHERE MONTH(dob) = EXTRACT(month FROM (NOW()))
What am I doing wrong?
Just look at the actual generated query (check out your DBMS query log, or try DebugKit), it will look different, as the right hand side value in a key => value condition set is subject to parameter-binding/casting/quoting/escaping. In your case it will be treated as a string, so the condition will finally look something like:
WHERE MONTH(dob) = 'EXTRACT(month FROM (NOW()))'
That will of course not match anything.
You could pass the whole SQL snippet as a single array value, or as an expression object, that way it would be inserted into the query as is (do not insert user values that way, that would create an SQL injection vulnerability!), but I'd suggest to use portable function expressions instead.
CakePHP ships with functions expressions for EXTRACT and NOW, so you can simply do something like:
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
// ...
$query->where(function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $query) {
return $exp->eq(
$query->func()->extract('MONTH', new IdentifierExpression('dob')),
$query->func()->extract('MONTH', $query->func()->now())
Looks a bit complicated, but it's worth it, it's cross DBMS portable as well as auto-quoting compatible. The generated SQL will look something like
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Advanced Conditions
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Using SQL Functions
API > \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression::eq()
API > \Cake\Database\FunctionsBuilder::extract()
API > \Cake\Database\FunctionsBuilder::now()

OrientDB using LET values in subQuery

How can you use a LET temporary variable inside the Where clause in an OrientDB SQL subQuery.
Here is the context in wich I'm trying to use it.
select *, $t.d from Currency
let $t = (select createdDate.asLong() as d from 13:1)
where createdDate.asLong() >= $t.d and #rid <> #13:1
order by createdDate ASC
The validation in the where statement for the dates does not work. The subQuery actually works on its own. The Query works as well when replacing $t.d with the result from the subQuery.
The $t.d is an array so you are comparing something like createdDate.asLong() >= [1234599]
You have to do this: createdDate.asLong() >= $t[0].d

SQL regex and field

I want to change the query to return multiply values in extra_fields, how can I change the regex? Also I don't understand what extra_fields is - is it a field? If so why it is not called with the table prefix like i.extra_fields?
CASE WHEN i.modified = 0 THEN i.created ELSE i.modified END AS lastChanged, AS categoryname, AS categoryid,
c.alias AS categoryalias,
c.params AS categoryparams
FROM #__k2_items AS i
LEFT JOIN #__k2_categories AS c ON = i.catid
WHERE i.published = 1
AND i.access IN(1,1)
AND i.trash = 0
AND c.published = 1
AND c.access IN(1,1)
AND c.trash = 0
AND (i.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
OR i.publish_up <= '2013-06-12 22:45:19'
AND (i.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
OR i.publish_down >= '2013-06-12 22:45:19'
AND extra_fields REGEXP BINARY '(.*{"id":"2","value":\["[^\"]*1[^\"]*","[^\"]*2[^\"]*","[^\"]*3[^\"]*"\]}.*)'
The extra_fields is a column of the #__k2_items table. The table qualifier can be omitted, because it is not ambiguous in this query. The column is JSON encoded. That is a serialization format used to store information which is not searchable by design. Applying a RegExp may work one day, but fail another day, since there is no guarantee for id preceeding value (as in your example).
The right way
The right way to filter this is to ignore the extra_fields condition in the SQL query an evaluate in the resultset instead. Example:
$rows = $db->loadObjectList('id');
foreach ($rows as $id => $row) {
$extra_fields = json_decode($row->extra_fields);
if ($extra_fields->id != 2) {
The short way
If you can't change the database layout (which is true for extensions you want to keep updateable), you must split the condition into two, because there is no guarantee for a certain order of the subfields. For some reason, one day value may occur before id. So change your query to
AND extra_fields LIKE '%"id":"2"%'
AND extra_fields REGEXP BINARY '"value":\[("[^\"]*[123][^\"]*",?)+\]'
Prepare an intermediate table to hold the contents of extra_fields. Each extra_fields field will be converted into a series of records. Then do a join.
Create a trigger and cronjob to keep the temp table in sync.
Another way is to write UDF in Perl that will decode the field, but AFAIK it is not indexable in mysql.
Using an external search engine is out of scope.
Ok, i didnt want to change the db strucure, i gost some help and changed the regex intoAND extra_fields REGEXP BINARY '(.*{"id":"2","value":\[("[^\"]*[123][^\"]*",?)+\]}.*)'
and i got the right resaults