REDCap SQL query filtering on Instances - entity-attribute-value

In a REDCap (EAV table) project each record is a testing site.
Project is divided into two instruments. Instrument 1 will have information on the testing site (Address, DAG associated).
Instrument 2 is a repeatable instrument. Each instance will represent a date where testing is offered at that site.
I am trying to filter out sites using a sub query depending on the date testing is offer, i.e. the site will show on the list when we are between today and the testing date. I manage to filter out a whole record but I do not know how to filter only an instance of the record.
FROM redcap_data
project_id = 80
field_name = 'concat_site_date'
record in (
FROM redcap_data
project_id = 80
field_name ='date'
value >= date(now())
This filter out the record that has at least one instance where date >= date(now()) and shows both testing dates. However, one of the two instances is in the past and I wish to hide it. How best to add instances to filter in sql queries?

You want to know which sites have testing dates that are in the future, right?
I'd pull out the instance values that meet the time criterion (i.e. are in the future) and join that to a subquery that gives you the site-level data you want (i.e. fields form the non-repeating form):
select instancedata.record, sitefield1, sitefield2, instance, testingdate
from (
select record, coalesce(instance, 1) as instance, value as testingdate
from redcap_data
where project_id=12188
and field_name='testingdate'
and now() < value
group by project_id,record,event_id,instance
) instancedata
inner join (
select record
, group_concat(if(field_name='sitefield1',value,null)) as sitefield1
, group_concat(if(field_name='sitefield2',value,null)) as sitefield2
from redcap_data
where project_id=12188
group by project_id,event_id,record
) recdata
on instancedata.record=recdata.record


SQL question with attempt on customer information

Question: List all paying customers with users who had 4 or 5 activities during the week of February 15, 2021; also include how many of the activities sent were paid, organic and/or app store. (i.e. include a column for each of the three source types).
My attempt so far:
SELECT source_type, COUNT(*)
FROM activities
WHERE activity_time BETWEEN '02-15-21' AND '02-19-21'
GROUP BY source_type
I would like to get a second opinion on it. I didn't include the accounts table because I don't believe that I need it for this query, but I could be wrong.
Have you tried to run this? It doesn't satisfy the brief on FOUR counts:
List all the ... customers (that match criteria)
There is no customer information included in the results at all, so this is an outright fail.
paying customers
This is the top level criteria, only customers that are not free should be included in the results.
Criteria: users who had 4 or 5 activities
There has been no attempt to evaluate this user criteria in the query, and the results do not provide enough information to deduce it.
there is further ambiguity in this requirement, does it mean that it should only include results if the account has individual users that have 4 or 5 acitvities, or is it simply that the account should have 4 or 5 activities overall.
If this is a test question (clearly this is contrived, if it is not please ask for help on how to design a better schema) then the use of the term User is usually very specific and would suggest that you need to group by or otherwise make specific use of this facet in your query.
Bonus: (i.e. include a column for each of the three source types).
This is the only element that was attempted, as the data is grouped by source_type but the information cannot be correlated back to any specific user or customer.
Next time please include example data and the expected outcome with your post. In preparing the data for this post you would have come across these issues yourself and may have been inspired to ask a different question, or through the process of writing the post up you may have resolved the issue yourself.
without further clarification, we can still start to evolve this query, a good place to start is to exclude the criteria and focus on the format of the output. the requirement mentions the following output requirements:
List Customers
Include a column for each of the source types.
Firstly, even though you don't think you need to, the request clearly states that Customer is an important facet in the output, and in your schema account holds the customer information, so although we do not need to, it makes the data readable by humans if we do include information from the account table.
This is a standard PIVOT style response then, we want a row for each customer, presenting a count that aggregates each of the values for source_type. Most RDBMS will support some variant of a PIVOT operator or function, however we can achieve the same thing with simple CASE expressions to conditionally put a value into projected columns in the result set that match the values we want to aggregate, then we can use GROUP BY to evaluate the aggregation, in this case a COUNT
The following syntax is for MS SQL, however you can achieve something similar easily enough in other RBDMS
OP please tag this question with your preferred database engine...
NOTE: there is NO filtering in this query... yet
SELECT accounts.company_id
, accounts.company_name
, paid = COUNT(st_paid)
, organic = COUNT(st_organic)
, app_store = COUNT(st_app_store)
FROM activities
INNER JOIN accounts ON activities.company_id = accounts.company_id
-- PIVOT the source_type
CROSS APPLY (SELECT st_paid = CASE source_type WHEN 'paid' THEN 1 END
,st_organic = CASE source_type WHEN 'organic' THEN 1 END
,st_app_store = CASE source_type WHEN 'app store' THEN 1 END
) as PVT
GROUP BY accounts.company_id, accounts.company_name
This results in the following shape of result:
When you are happy with the shpe of the results and that all the relevant information is available, it is time to apply the criteria to filter this data.
From the requirement, the following criteria can be identified:
paying customers
The spec doesn't mention paying specifically, but it does include a note that (free customers have current_mrr = 0)
Now aren't we glad we did join on the account table :)
users who had 4 or 5 activities
This is very specific about explicitly 4 or 5 activities, no more, no less.
For the sake of simplicity, lets assume that the user facet of this requirement is not important and that is is simply a reference to all users on an account, not just users who have individually logged 4 or 5 activities on their own - this would require more demo data than I care to manufacture right now to prove.
during the week of February 15, 2021.
This one was correctly identified in the original post, but we need to call it out just the same.
OP has used Monday to Friday of that week, there is no mention that weeks start on a Monday or that they end on Friday but we'll go along, it's only the syntax we need to explore today.
In the real world the actual values specified in the criteria should be parameterised, mainly because you don't want to manually re-construct the entire query every time, but also to sanitise input and prevent SQL injection attacks.
Even though it seems overkill for this post, using parameters even in simple queries helps to identify the variable elements, so I will use parameters for the 2nd criteria to demonstrate the concept.
DECLARE #from DateTime = '2021-02-15' -- Date in ISO format
DECLARE #to DateTime = (SELECT DateAdd(d, 5, #from)) -- will match Friday: 2021-02-19
/* NOTE: requirement only mentioned the start date, not the end
so your code should also only rely on the single fixed start date */
SELECT accounts.company_id, accounts.company_name
, paid = COUNT(st_paid), organic = COUNT(st_organic), app_store = COUNT(st_app_store)
FROM activities
INNER JOIN accounts ON activities.company_id = accounts.company_id
-- PIVOT the source_type
CROSS APPLY (SELECT st_paid = CASE source_type WHEN 'paid' THEN 1 END
,st_organic = CASE source_type WHEN 'organic' THEN 1 END
,st_app_store = CASE source_type WHEN 'app store' THEN 1 END
) as PVT
WHERE -- paid accounts = exclude 'free' accounts
accounts.current_mrr > 0
-- Date range filter
AND activity_time BETWEEN #from AND #to
GROUP BY accounts.company_id, accounts.company_name
-- The fun bit, we use HAVING to apply a filter AFTER the grouping is evaluated
-- Wording was explicitly 4 OR 5, not BETWEEN so we use IN for that
HAVING COUNT(source_type) IN (4,5)
I believe you are missing some information there.
without more information on the tables, I can only guess that you also have a customer table. i am going to assume there is a customer_id key that serves as key between both tables
i would take your query and do something like:
SELECT customer_id,
COUNT() AS Total,
MAX(CASE WHEN source_type = "app" THEN "numoperations" END) "app_totals"),
MAX(CASE WHEN source_type = "paid" THEN "numoperations" END) "paid_totals"),
MAX(CASE WHEN source_type = "organic" THEN "numoperations" END) "organic_totals"),
SELECT source_type, COUNT() AS num_operations
FROM activities
WHERE activity_time BETWEEN '02-15-21' AND '02-19-21'
GROUP BY source_type
) tb1 GROUP BY customer_id
This is the most generic case i can think of, but does not scale very well. If you get new source types, you need to modify the query, and the structure of the output table also changes. Depending on the sql engine you are using (i.e. mysql vs microsoft sql) you could also use a pivot function.
The previous query is a little bit rough, but it will give you a general idea. You can add "ELSE" statements to the clause, to zero the fields when they have no values, and join with the customer table if you want only active customers, etc.

Count instances within a date range in AWS Athena

Trying to query my table to tell me the count of instances of one of my columns appearing over 2 different ETL runs. How I would ask it to give me everything in regards to its harmonized value is
SELECT clientname, mdm_cleanse_value_clientname FROM "tablename" WHERE mdm_cleansed_value_clientname IS NULL
That would give me what is left to harmonize. Im interested in duplicate values appearing across the next batch, we use metadata_job_start_time as our indicator, so I would need either a TOP or MAX function that includes the top 2 metadata_job_start_time
I am imagining towards the end it would read
SELECT metadata_job_run_id, metadata_job_start_time, clientname, COUNT(clientname)
FROM "tablename"
WHERE COUNT(clientname) > 1
GROUP BY metadata_job_start_time, metadata_job_run_id, clientname
How do I put in my date range

Displaying single date header about multiple rows (Recycleview)

Evening everyone
I've currently got a simple recycle view adapter which is being populated by an SQL Lite database. The user can add information into the database from the app which then build a row inside of the recycle view. When you run the application it will display each row with its own date directly above it. I'm now looking to make the application look more professional by only displaying a single date above multiple records as a header.
So far I've built 2 custom designs, one which displays the header along with the row and the other which is just a standard row without a header built in. I also understand how to implement two layouts into a single adapter.
I've also incorporated a single row into my database which simply stores the date in a way in which I can order the database e.g. 20190101
Now my key question is when populating the adapter using the information from the SQL Lite database how can get it to check if the previous record has the same date. If the record has the same date then it doesn't need to show the custom row with header but if its a new date then it does?
Thank you
Follow up question for Krokodilko, I've spent the last hour trying to work your implementation into my SQL Lite but still not being able to find the combination.
below the is the original code SQL Lite line I currently use to simply gain all the results.
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + Primary_Table + " " , null);
First you must define an order which will be used to determine which record is previous and which one is next. As I understand, you are simply using date column.
Then the query is simple - use LAG analytic function to pick a column value from previous row, here is a link to a simple demo (click "Run" button):
d date
insert into d values ( '2012-01-22'),( '2012-01-22'),( '2015-01-22');
lag( d ) OVER (order by d ) as prev_date,
CASE WHEN d = lag( d ) OVER (order by d )
THEN 'Previous row has the same date'
ELSE 'Previous row has different date'
END as Compare_status
In the above demo d column is used in OVER (order by d ) clause to determine the order of rows used by LAG function.

Access query, grouped sum of 2 columns where either column contains values

Another team has an Access database that they use to track call logs. It's very basic, really just a table with a few lookups, and they enter data directly in the datasheet view. They've asked me to assist with writing a report to sum up their calls by week and reason and I'm a bit stumped on this problem because I'm not an Access guy by any stretch.
The database consists of two core tables, one holding the call log entries (Calls) and one holding the lookup list of call reasons (ReasonsLookup). Relevant table structures are:
ID (autonumber, PK)
DateLogged (datetime)
Reason (int, FK to ReasonLookup.ID)
Reason 2 (int, FK to ReasonLookup.ID)
ID (autonumber PK)
Reason (text)
What they want is a report that looks like this:
WeekNum Reason Total
------- ---------- -----
10 Eligibility Request 24
10 Extension Request 43
10 Information Question 97
11 Eligibility Request 35
11 Information Question 154
... ... etc ...
My problem is that there are TWO columns in the Calls table, because they wanted to log a primary and secondary reason for receiving the call, i.e. someone calls for reason A and while on the phone also requests something under reason B. Every call will have a primary reason column value (Calls.Reason not null) but not necessarily a secondary reason column value (Calls.[Reason 2] is often null).
What they want is, for each WeekNum, a single (distinct) entry for each possible Reason, and a Total of how many times that Reason was used in either the Calls.Reason or Calls.[Reason 2] column for that week. So in the example above for Eligibility Request, they want to see one entry for Eligibility Request for the week and count every record in Calls that for that week that has Calls.Reason = Eligibility Request OR Calls.[Reason 2] = Eligibility Request.
What is the best way to approach a query that will display as shown above? Ideally this is a straight query, no VBA required. They are non-technical so the simpler and easier to maintain the better if possible.
Thanks in advance, any help much appreciated.
The "normal" approach would be to use a union all query as a subquery to create a set of weeks and reasons, however Access doesn't support this, but what you can do that should work is to first define a query to make the union and then use that query as a source for the "main" query.
So the first query would be
SELECT datepart("ww",datelogged) as week, Reason from calls
SELECT datepart("ww",datelogged), [Reason 2] from calls;
Save this as UnionQuery and make another query mainQuery:
SELECT uq.week, rl.reason, Count(*) AS Total
FROM UnionQuery AS uq
INNER JOIN reasonlookup AS rl ON uq.reason =
GROUP BY uq.week, rl.reason;
You can use a Union query to append individual Group By Aggregate queries for both Reason and Reason 2:
SELECT DatePart("ww", Calls.DateLogged) As WeekNum, ReasonLookup.Reason,
Sum(Calls.ID) As [Total]
FROM Calls
INNER JOIN Calls.Reason = ReasonLookup.ID
GROUP BY DatePart("ww", Calls.DateLogged) As WeekNum, ReasonLookup.Reason;
SELECT DatePart("ww", Calls.DateLogged) As WeekNum, ReasonLookup.Reason,
Sum(Calls.ID) As [Total]
FROM Calls
INNER JOIN Calls.[Reason 2] = ReasonLookup.ID
GROUP BY DatePart("ww", Calls.DateLogged) As WeekNum, ReasonLookup.Reason;
DatePart() outputs the specific date's week number in the calendar year. Also, UNION as opposed to UNION ALL prevents duplicate rows from appearing.

Update table with combined field from other tables

I have a table with actions that are being due in the future. I have a second table that holds all the cases, including the due date of the case. And I have a third table that holds numbers.
The problems is as follows. Our system automatically populates our table with future actions. For some clients however, we need to change these dates. I wanted to create an update query for this, and have this run through our scheduler. However, I am kind of stuck at the moment.
What I have on code so far is this:
UPDATE proxima_gestion p
SET fecha = (SELECT To_char(d.f_ult_vencim + c.hrem01, 'yyyyMMdd')
FROM deuda d,
c4u_activity_dates c,
proxima_gestion p
WHERE d.codigo_cliente = c.codigo_cliente
AND p.n_expediente = d.n_expediente
AND d.saldo > 1000
AND p.tipo_gestion_id = 914
AND p.codigo_oficina = 33
AND d.f_ult_vencim > sysdate)
FROM proxima_gestion p,
deuda d
WHERE p.n_expediente = d.n_expediente
AND d.saldo > 1000
AND p.tipo_gestion_id = 914
AND p.codigo_oficina = 33
AND d.f_ult_vencim > sysdate)
The field fecha is the current action date. Unfortunately, this is saved as a char instead of date. That is why I need to convert the date back to a char. F_ult_vencim is the due date, and hrem01 is the number of days the actions should be placed away from the due date. (for example, this could be 10, making the new date 10 days after the due date)
Apart from that, there are a few more criteria when we need to change the date (certain creditors, certain departments, only for future cases and starting from a certain amount, only for a certain action type.)
However, when I try and run this query, I get the error message
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
If I run both subqueries seperately, I get 2 results from both. What I am trying to accomplish, is that it connects these 2 queries, and updates the field to the new value. This value will be different for every case, as every due date will be different.
Is this even possible? And if so, how?
You're getting the error because the first SELECT is returning more than one row for each row in the table being updated.
The first thing I see is that the alias for the table in UPDATE is the same as the alias in both SELECTs (p). So all of the references to p in the subqueries are referencing proxima_gestion in the subquery rather than the outer query. That is, the subquery is not dependent on the outer query, which is required for an UPDATE.
Try removing "proxima_gestion p" from FROM in both subqueries. The references to p, then, will be to the outer UPDATE query.