I am new to Android Studio. I was able to make an application, but I would like to add a function but I don't know how.
I would like to add buttons that will download PDFs included in the application on the device where the application is installed. All this to allow them to be printed later by those who want a paper version.
Is it possible please?
several searches and test but it does not fit
I'm testing a desktop app being built in Electron. Since the app’s layout is CSS/HTML based, I was hoping to do simple layout modifications without access to the source material. Even if I can't see my mods in the running app, it would be useful to extract HTML/CSS/JavaScript templates, modify these and see the results in a browser.
Question 1: Is the above possible?
Based on this question I'm assuming app.asar could be what I'm looking for, but being on Windows 10, it seems that installing asar (and Node, NPM, Python and Visual Studio) just to unarchive files is discouraged.
Question 2: Can I access the files presumed to be inside app.asar without installing all the stuff mentioned above?
I am newbie to windows universal app development and I need an expadable list. In the past I did it with WPToolkit for Windows Phone 8 but I read that it is not available for UWP. I see ExpanderRT project and tried to use it but I couldn't be successfull. I add Shared project of ExpanderRT as an existing project to my solution and use as in the screenshot. Now I'm taking the namespace error.
I have a time limit. I need fast and easy working soluton for expandable list. Thank you all for your help.
I tried https://github.com/brendankowitz/ZeroProximity.Accordion as #Osman said. But I'm not sure if it is the right decision. Because I see the expandable list and it works but project build throw error as in the screenshot below. I install it via nuget. It wasn't installed in the first place. I run as a administrator and changed project.json 's Copy to Output Directory value to Copy always. Then it was installed.
So my questions; Is this error important? Will it create problems when I want to put the app on store? I don't know how to act to this error, please help!
You can use the library given in the link above. I used it on our UWP project.It works great.
Hope this helps,
I have been developing with Titanium Studio for some time at the start of the year, and would now after a longer break get back into it again. I've tried to find a place to download the latest version, but for some reason i can only find old releases.
On the Appcelerator website i can see that there is still a description on how to download and install Titanium Studio, but the download page doesn't offer the actual download anymore: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Downloading_and_Installing_Studio-section-30083017_DownloadingandInstallingStudio-InstallingTitaniumStudio
As i understand i can also use Appcelerator Studio offers the same features, plus more. But i don't really need these additional features, as they seem to be mainly related to the Appcelerator Platform.
Is Titanium Studio still supported? If yes, where do i get it from?
A lot has changed since you last used Titanium. They introduced a whole new platform.
If you used Titanium before April 1st, you qualified for a free indie seat, but you should've redeemed it by now. There still is the open source variant, but you need to use your editor for that. I personally don't know exactly how that works.
When using the Indie seat, you can download Appcelerator Studio, and the latest SDK's.
You can develop apps for free, but when you want to deploy them to production you will need an indie seat (at least) when using the platform, or you can dive into the open source variant.
Any questions can also be asked at http://tislack.org, a slack community with about 450 Titanium Developers (and counting).
As far as I know you cannot use Titanium Studio any more. My version stopped working as they changed to Appcelerator studio this summer. If you have been using Titanium Studio earlier I think you qualify for an "Indie seat" which gives you some more facilities (and you do want to claim that). Have a look at appcelerator.com and send an email to them.
I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10750111_821340111262044_6461333323674658178_o.jpg).
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project http://1drv.ms/1yjHm49 with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.
I recently finished an application based on Titanium, Javascript, HTML, CSS. I have only been a web designer to date so I have little experience in distributing applications. I was accustomed to the TiDev Community deploying app, which prepared the app for download and made it available for download at a given link.
But tidev community is no longer supported, so I use TideSDK Developer to package the app, which doesnt do all the hard work the other one did so nicely.
I am obviously a complete rookie to this.
Could anyone outline the steps I would need to take to go from the bundled application folder I have now (put together by TideSDK Developer), to a link that will allow customers to download and install the app or online? I know there is an issue with packaoging the app for platforms other than your own, and that appcelerator is working on a solution to this I think. I also realise I would probably have to pay to host the download online. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You must use the tidebuilder.py script. to compile a installation package. To compile a binary for a Mac, you must run the script on a Mac, to compile a binary for windows, you must be on a windows box etc.
There is some documentation on how to use it here per platform. The command is very simple and works.
Once you have your application file (DMG for OSX or a MSI for Windows) then just distribute it however you see fit, email, putting it on your web server, whatever works for you.