Could not determine the dependencies of task ':kotlinNodeJsSetup' - Kotlin Multiplatform - kotlin

Build was configured to prefer settings repositories over project repositories but repository 'Node Distributions at' was added by unknown code
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':kotlinYarnSetup'.
Build was configured to prefer settings repositories over project repositories but repository 'Yarn Distributions at' was added by unknown code


Proper structure for Gradle multi-module builds with IntelliJ IDEA

I have a Kotlin project which is comprised of three modules:
Core < Service < Web
The structure is:
The structure for the root build.gradle file is:
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.60'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = '1.8'
repositories {
The individual build files look like (for core):
dependencies {
// Kotlin
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version"
And for service (note the only difference is the project dependency):
dependencies {
compile project (':core')
// Kotlin
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version"
There are a few optimizations I'd like to make, but I'm still learning Gradle, and can't find the right way to reorganize things. The problems I have are:
I can't build service or web individually, as they complain about not being able to find their dependent sub-projects. (Via a gradle build in the service/ directory, for example.)
How can I define the Kotlin stdlib-jre8 dependency at the root level, so it's not duplicated in my three build files?
How can my subproject/buildscript tasks of the root buildfile use the same repository definitions, so that I don't have to define mavenCentral()/jcenter() twice?
Basically this build structure that I have was cobbled together through some experimentation/web resources, and happens to mostly work, but I'd like some guidance on doing it the right way, such that (1) it follows good Gradle practices, and (2) still works well via auto-import into IDEA.
If you want to run a build on a module you can do by running: gradle :web:build
In the same way that you are adding repositories in the subprojects clause, you can add the dependencies block in there. Make sure that only the shared dependencies are in there. For instance, compile project(':core') should only be in the relevant project. It's ok to have multiple dependency blocks. That said, it's usually more of a headache to use the subproject clause. Because, if dependencies change for one of the modules you are forced to update that for all of them
Regarding the repository definitions, they are very different. The one in the buildscript block is used by Gradle itself in order to find plugins and other 'pre-build' requirements. The one on the submodules is used to find the dependencies of the source code in the given module. As mentioned on the previous point, it's easier to manage when placed on the respective module build scripts.
If you want to keep the same version for all modules, the variables defined on ext in the buildscript should be able to be accessed from the submodules too: ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.60' and if you have multiple ones you can add them like:
ext {
kotlin_version = '1.1.60'
junit_version = '4.12'
Also, if you want to share code between modules, you can always extract it to gradle file and load it where needed using: apply file: "$rootDir/path/to/script.gradle"
Regarding #3, I'll give you a practical example.
Google has its own maven repository that contains all the dependencies for an android module. If you have a project that contains both a server-side module and android module you may not need the server-side one to look up dependencies on the Gradle artefact repository (artefact is the name of the jar dependency).
As for the buildscript repositories, in your case you are only loading one classpath (pre-build) dependency which is located on mavenCentral() so you may be ok removing jcenter() here.

Issue with indexing repositories using gradle in Intellij

Every time I restart Intellij I get the error below. Any suggestion on how to resolve it?
Unindexed remote maven repositories found.
The following repositories
used in your gradle projects were not indexed yet:
If you want to use dependency completion for these repositories
artifacts, Open Repositories List, select required repositories and
press "Update" button
The url that is mentioned in the error message is set in the .gradle file. The project was a Maven project that is now converted to gradle.
Intellij version: 14.1.5
Gradle version: 2.7

How to attach sources to auto-generated Gradle-based dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA 13.0 in a way that will survive next Gradle projects refresh?

Is there a simple way to attach sources to auto-generated Gradle-based dependencies with IntelliJ IDEA 13.0 that won't be erased on next Gradle refresh?
For example, my build.gradle has such entry:
project(":projectName") {
dependencies {
compile files("c:/Program Files (x86)/groovy-2.2.1/embeddable/groovy-all-2.2.1.jar")
// more stuff here
Thus when I click Refresh all Gradle projects
I get a nice dependency set looking like so:
but there are no sources attached and if I do attach them manually, on next refresh they are erased.
I have sources for many different libraries, sometimes in jar file, sometimes directly in the file system (e.g. my groovy install has sources in c:\Program Files (x86)\groovy-2.2.1\src\).
Some of the dependencies I use can be downloaded from maven central repo, but in my build.gradle all the dependencies are configured to be taken from my local file system.
The only easy solution is to get the dependencies straight from a Maven repository (either Maven Central or an inhouse repository). If that's not an option for you, you'll have to configure sources via a hook such as idea.module.iml.withXml or idea.module.iml.whenMerged (after applying the idea plugin to allprojects). You can find details on these APIs in the Gradle Build Language Reference and the Gradle User Guide.

Model project dependencies in Gradle: Add a dependent project to another project

I am facing the following problem. I have two Gradle projects (ProjectA and ProjectB) on the same hierarchy without any root project. Since ProjectA depends on ProjectB, I tried to model this as follows:
ProjectA's settings.gradle:
includeFlat 'ProjectB'
ProjectA's build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(':ProjectB')
However, then I am getting the following error when executing 'gradle build' on ProjectA:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'ProjectA'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compile'.
> Module version group:, module:ProjectA, version:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, configuration:compile declares a dependency on configuration 'default' which is not declared in the module descriptor for group:ProjectA, module:ProjectB, version:unspecified
Do I have to define some kind of default configuration in ProjectB?
Do I have do defined some kind of default configuration in ProjectB?
Either that, or apply the base plugin. Many other plugins (java, groovy, scala, etc.) apply the base plugin automatically, so that you don't have to.

Maven 2 - 'mvn test' does not find internal project plugin dependency

I have a multi-module maven project (maven 2.2.1).
One of the module is a maven plugin.
This plugin is bound to the compile phase of another module, and added as a direct dependency to trigger correct reactor ordering of module's building.
If I run 'mvn clean install' on the root module, with a fresh local repository, everything goes fine (build, test, install). (I precise that my project's artifacts are not deployed anywhere, only installed locally in my machine's local repo).
BUT if I delete my local repository, and perform 'mvn test', the plugin module is reported as missing ? Whereas, the build order is correct, the plugin module is built succesfully before the module using it ???
Is there any special treatment of maven module with 'maven-plugin' packaging ?
I don't understand why other project inter modules dependencies are resolved correctly and not this specific one !
The problem is that a Maven Plugin must be installed into the local repository first before you can use a plugin as a dependency (or better be part of the life-cycle).