How to display the Hierarchy Group Thingsboard list? - entity

I'm using Thingsboards when the parent user is clicked I want to display all the child's hierarchies in the table, but now when I click on the parent only one data is displayed. Like this:
How can all child Device data be loaded in the Entity Table Thingsboard?


Multiple items form referring to a specific field

I have a multiple item form which takes records from a table:
this edit button I added in Design view , I want to be able to refer to the record which the button is bound to , like really simple task as msgbox this record ID

Find Highlighted Row in Tab from Query

I have a company form that list their basic info with a subform tab that list more company info like contacts, parts and orders. I use a tab control where each tab has a table with basic info about each that is populated from a query. I am trying to open another form that has detailed information about the user highlighted row in the query, but cannot figure out how to read which row is selected.
The form is called Customer, the tab form is called tabDetails, the parts tab is caled tabParts and the query that lists all the parts for the company is called qryPartsList.
This is what I thought would work.
ID = Me!tabDetails!tabParts!qryPartsList!CurrentRecord![ID]
The table is normally held in a subform control of the main form, and the ID will be that of the current record, so try:
ID = Me!qryPartsList.Form![ID].Value
My problem was I kept trying to call the query and not the object for the query. The tab's child object is what I needed to call. I named it 'Part_Info' and then Gustav's answer worked for me.
ID = Me!Part_Info.Form![ID].Value

Add button to tree view group row in Odoo

Is it possible to add a button only on the grouping rows within a tree view? For example, I've created a model called x_stock_picking_group. Every stock.picking is assigned to one x_stock_picking_group.
Now within the tree view for pickings, I can group by "Stock Picking Group", and the tree view will divide itself into expandable rows broken down by group like this:
Apologies for the black rectangles, I'm just blocking out customer information. My question is referring to the bold black rows with the dropdown arrows, for example, the rows that say "00005", "00304", and "00005 + 00015".
Is there a way for me to access those rows within the view? I would like to add a button to each of them that will call an action for the x_stock_picking_group. Is this possible?

Add new record to subform with same ID

I have an Access 2007 DB that tracks tickets. There is a Parent table/form and Child table/form. Parent table houses owner info and Child table houses ticket info. It is a 1 to Many relationship. (Many tickets to 1 owner). There is a sub form that is clickable on the Parent form and opens the Child form. The ID field in the sub form is hyperlinked to the child form. HOWEVER, I am unable to open different records by clicking the sub form. The subform only opens the first record with that ID.

How to connect tables with SQL command

I have a form like this with 6 table inside. I wanted to connect a table called "Identity" with the other 5 tables which change accordingly to the number shown by combobox so that while the identity shown exactly the same the number of score that be displayed will be different. I got the textbox to show the value of the 5 table but there are no connection between them and the identity table.
What I want is that when the record of identity table is on 1 and the combobox shows 1 then it will show the values from table semester1 and when combobox shows 2 then it will show the values from table semester2 and so on, while on the otherside if we keep the same number in combobox when we move to the next record it will show the next record of identity table and it's connection to the semester table.
Other than that I also want to all the record stay on the same number so if on semester 1 is already had 3 record the other semester must also have that amount, I think it's gonna be some code on the navbar's add button and enable to save.
If you want to set up parent/child data-binding then you need to bind the child BindingSource to the parent BindingSource rather than to the child DataTable. Select the child BindingSource in the designer and open the Properties window. You should see that the DataSource property refers to your DataSet and the DataMember refers to the child DataTable. Instead, set the DataSource to refer to the parent BindingSource and the DataMember to refer to the DataRelation to that child.