Add button to tree view group row in Odoo - odoo

Is it possible to add a button only on the grouping rows within a tree view? For example, I've created a model called x_stock_picking_group. Every stock.picking is assigned to one x_stock_picking_group.
Now within the tree view for pickings, I can group by "Stock Picking Group", and the tree view will divide itself into expandable rows broken down by group like this:
Apologies for the black rectangles, I'm just blocking out customer information. My question is referring to the bold black rows with the dropdown arrows, for example, the rows that say "00005", "00304", and "00005 + 00015".
Is there a way for me to access those rows within the view? I would like to add a button to each of them that will call an action for the x_stock_picking_group. Is this possible?


Hide Detailed Row in SSRS When Toggled Item are collapsed

I went through many post on SO but not find the suitable solution to the problem
I have a tablix and I have groups and toggled on Run,Task Name and Procedure Name. when the groups are collapsed one detailed row after procedure name is visible.
What I want is to hide entire row when toggled is collapsed and will show when it is expanded. how to achive this
I want to hide all information from operation to status columns in tablix when toggled is collapsed.
Here is the tablix I am dealing with
#user3540780 I have already done that groupings
here is what I have done
You need to set up four groups
Dimensions, Task Name, Procedure Name and Load.
Task Name is toggled by Dimension,
Procedure Name is toggled By Task Name,
Load is toggled by Procedure Name.
Load needs to be a grouping at detail line level simply grouping on all the fields in your detail section.
Set up your toggles in the Row Groups window at the bottom of the designer screen. If you have added the groups correctly there will be a dashed grouping line between the Operation column and the remaining columns. (You need to have selected a cell in the tablix to see these)
You will find that the whole detail line will be toggled

How do I select all selected checkboxes in the NSOutlineView

I have NSOutlineView with checkboxes:
When I select multiple rows they become blue, however if I check any checkbox, I only select the related item (and its children).
Instead, I would like to check all selected items in the table.
Here's a solution:
Create an action in your view controller to handle the new behavior.
Connect your NSButtonCell's action selector to this action.
In the new action, you need to propagate the cell's value to the rest of the selected rows. Call -numberOfSelectedRows on your outline view to find out if there are any more rows you need to act on, and -selectedRowIndexes to get access to the row indexes.
After you make the changes to the fields in the model, depending on how your outline view gets its data, you may need to call -reloadData to update the display of the other rows.

Access multi selection list box as a criteria to INSERT, UPDATE OR DELETE records from a table

For a database with this schema (a product may belong to one or more categories):
Item_category(product, category_name)
Will it be possible for me to build a multi-selection list box (List box data source from the Category relation) using an Access form and then highlighting the categories that the product belongs to (by querying the Item_category table), and at the same time letting users select new categories or deselect highlighted categories so that when an "Update" button is pressed, VBA code will automatically determine either INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries are needed to update the Item_category table?
How can I do that? Thanks!
I've generally done this type of interface using a form which looks very much like the "Which fields do you want on your form?" in the Form Wizard. Where you have the Table/Query list of Available Fields in the table in the listbox on the left hand side and the Selected Fields in the listbox on the right hand side. Along with the move left and right command buttons in the middle. The users quite like this interface.
Added: Note that the left hand listbox contains all the category records which aren't present in the products category table. So a category would be present in one or the other listbox but never both.
You very likely will want to use the Multi Select property of the listbox. If you hit the help on that field in the property sheet it should lead you to a page which mentions the ItemsSelected collection. Visit that page for sample code on how to read all the items selected by the user. Or visit

access: displaying data on a report

i have a report that is attached to a query
i want to display the contents of a query. there are three columns. i made a list box but it looks weird:
alt text
i dont want the scroll bars, i just need the three fields from a query to be displayed regularly just as they would be in a spread sheet or grid
In your report's Detail section, create a text box (not a list box) for each of those 3 fields in your query.
It might be easier to get oriented by creating an autoform based on the query.

How would you make a text cell in a an Outline View show how many children the parent row has?

How would you make Rows that are the Top Parent in an Outline View (which is connected to a NSTreeController) display how many children it has in a Text Cell?
If this is a bit confusing here is a Picture of what I mean.
I am talking about the number to the right of one of the rows in the circle, which is displaying how many children the parent has.
You can either make a custom NSCell subclass that will show the child count (you would use your model object itself as the cell's object value, instead of providing a separate string or image), or in your data source method for the outline view you could just include the count along with the title string. Of course, you'll have to use the first option if you want it drawn exactly like the screenshot.
Custom cell, either on that column or on a second column.