Cmake add_library() doesn't create my library but doesn't return any error - cmake

I'm currently facing a very strange problem. My CMakeLists.txt which contains an add_library() doesn't create any library at all during the build without any explanation.
I see the CMakeLists.txt did execute since the message() in it print normally. It works on the computers of the rest of my team. It works on my computer only if I disable multithreading (I don't know why it works when I only have 1 thread).
I added -v at the end of the cmake command but I only get these additional logs :
Dependee "CMakeFiles/lib.dir/DependInfo.cmake" is newer than depender "CMakeFiles/lib.dir/depend.internal".
Dependee "CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake" is newer than depender "CMakeFiles/lib.dir/depend.internal".
Anyone could help me to fix that ?
At least, I'm searching for a proper solution do debug Cmake to be able to figure out what's wrong.
It's really strange Cmake doesn't manage to generate my lib without returning any error...
PS :
I can't provide the exact code because it belongs to my company but here is what it looks like:
add_library(lib SHARED ${SOURCES})
set_target_properties(lib PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${NAME} PREFIX "")


Unknown CMake Command QT4_ADD_RESOURCE

Very new to make files here, so please forgive me if this is a noob question. I can't seem to find the answer on the internet.
I've forked a public repository from github, and it repository itself is supposed to be download, make and run, but I've already fixed a half dozen errors in their make files trying to get it running. Now I'm down to this one, which seems to be something to do with CMake not finding the right QT4 command.
When I'm in a build folder, the instructions (according to the owner of the repository) says to type "cmake .." - which is an obvious reference to CMakeList.txt in the parent folder. The file is hosted on Github, the line that throws the error is line 94, it says:
I am trying to build this program on Ubuntu 14.04.5 (because that's the OS it was originally built on, I can work on upgrading that after it is working).
The error text it spits out is:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:94(QT$_ADD_RESOURCES):
Unknown CMake command "QT4_ADD_RESOURCES".
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I have installed qt4-dev-tools (which also installs all qt4 libraries).
I can't seem to find how to get CMake to recognise QT4 and its commands.
I'm new to CMake and this is the first time I've come across QT4 so I don't know what I'm looking for. Happy to provide any more info if needed. All help is appreciated.
Here's the contents of the offnao CMakeList.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)
// contents skipped for brevity
// contents skipped for brevity
list(APPEND OFFNAO_CXX_SRCS tabs/cameraTab.cpp)
list(APPEND OFFNAO_MOC tabs/cameraTab.hpp)
# build cxx files for resources
# build ui_XXX files from the XML-style .ui files
# this moc's the above variable and appends to the cxx sources
${OFFNAO_MOC_SRCS} #too lazy to split and list them
find_library ( QGLVIEWER_LIBRARY NAMES QGLViewer qglviewer-qt4 )
find_package ( OpenGL REQUIRED )
find_package ( PNG REQUIRED )
Furthermore, the README that states to build this is rather vague, it doesn't actually say what folder to run these commands from. It states:
Welcome to Off-Nao, the rUNSWift debugging toolsuite.
To build this project, either:
You get lucky and bin/ just works :D
(verified under Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS both natively and in VMs;
but builds successfully then segfaults at runtime in
under fresh download of 14.04.3 LTS # 15/9/2015
according to gdb - so much for Ubuntu being stable).
You need Qt4 and probably a bunch of other things like QGLViewer to build it natively:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./offnao
Once you have performed the steps above once, in future you only need to:
$ make
$ ./offnao
In the 'build' directory
I do get the segfault as mentioned in the README at so I've attempted to follow the instruction below it. I can only get the the "cmake .." stage and that's where I get the error.
Reformulating my previous comment as answer:
To use macros QT4_ADD_RESOURCES, QT4_WRAP_UI, QT4_WRAP_CPP and others you need to call find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED) first in your CMakeLists.txt. See the documentation for the FindQt4.cmake module (

How to make package built with make install available for cmake?

So, I'm trying to build an application that requires gtkglextmm on CentOS. So far, I grabbed the source (from here) for gtkglext and gtkglextmm, and (finally) figured out how to compile them and install them using ./configure then make then sudo make install. That was pretty cool to get that to work.
Now, I'm trying to build Degate with cmake and it's complaining that it can't find gtkglextmm. What do I need to do to get the gtkglextmm library I built, available for cmake?
Rephrase: Built and installed library a with make,make install. Now want to build application b that depends on a with cmake. How?
This is a newcomer's notes made for my team as we adopt cmake. It summarizes briefly what I thought would be somewhere in a novice's example. Although with references and suitable for novices, I am very new to the material and this example may suffer accordingly.
General info for this question is at: - in particular, find_package can be used on any of the named packages listed by the help command:
cmake --help-module-list
Note: the 'Find' is omitted (e.g., FindLibXml2 -> find_package(LibXml2) )
However, for this type of library, it is more likely that it will not be in that list, in which case you want to use find_library and find_path instead. A simple example is:
find_library(SQLITE3_LIB sqlite3) # simple because I did not need to give paths
find_path(SQLITE3_PATH sqlite3.h)
target_link_libraries( your_target_name ${SQLITE3_LIB} )
include_directories( ${SQLITE3_PATH} )
You do not need to test if these have the '-NOTFOUND' return value because cmake will exit with an error if they do:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "test" in directory /home/matlab/QFDC_ROOT/api
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Note that the all-capitalized 'SQLITE3_LIB' and 'SQLITE3_PATH' are the variable names that I chose. You choose the variable names. If you have other libraries and include directories, you can list them before and after this one and separated by spaces (I ordered them by their link order consistently for both, although I think include paths are insensitive).
Your case may not be so simple, in which case you want to use the CMake features described at find_library for providing CMake more information about where it should find that library. There are other Q&A on specifically that topic - my favorite is to produce your own FindXXX.cmake (although it is a very terse answer pointing you to an example).
In many cases, it is helpful to run make VERBOSE=1 to help you troubleshoot the process, such as cd build && cmake .. && make VERBOSE=1.
For even better diagnostics, I used DLRdave's answer to print out the INCLUDE_DIRS and I used a simple message to return the results of my variables:
foreach(dir ${dirs})
message(STATUS "dir='${dir}'")
EDIT NOTE: this answer was effectively re-written 2016-04-08 after discovering that the previous day's implementation erred and confused find_library() and find_path().

Nested CmakeLists.txt seems to forget qt4 package

I've got a new project to work on and it's being built by cmake. I'm sort of familiar with the system but not really a user that knows what's really going on. The project works with qt4 and in a subdirectory of the root it uses the command "qt4_wrap_cpp(...)". The problem is that cmake throws an error : Unknown Cmake command "qt4_wrap_cpp". The CMakeLists.txt in the top-level folder has the line "find_package(qt4)" in it and all i've seen this far suggested adding that line.
Does anyone have an idea what i could do next to tell cmake i've already added qt4 ?
EDIT: Structure example
root //here lies the top-level cmakelists
->find_package(qt4 required)

Specifying libraries for cmake to link to from command line

I have a huge project managed with CMake and this project has hundreds of components each of them having own source files and each of them linking to a list of libraries, specified with target_link_libraries(${project} some_libraries, some_other_libraries)
Now, what I am aiming for is that:
Without actually modifying any of the CMakeLists.txt I want ALL the projects's target executable to link to some specific libraries.
Is there a way of achieving this? Since this is a one time trial, I don't want to manually hunt down all the CMakeLists.txt files and modify them (yes, this is the other alternative). Just a note, I compile the entire project from command line, using cmake (no cmake gui).
This is kind of a hack, but for a C++ project, you can use CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES. For a C project, I think you would use CMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIRBARIES.
Example for C++ that links to libbar and libfoo:
cmake ... -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES="-lbar -lfoo"
See the documentation here:
This won't be available for older versions of CMake; it was added some time after version 3.0.
This is a dirty, dirty hack, so please only use it for testing.
You can actually overload the add_executable command by defining a function of the same name. Do this close to the top of the top-level CMakeLists.txt:
function (add_executable name)
message("Added executable: " ${name})
_add_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
target_link_libraries(${name$} your_additional_lib)
Note that _add_executable is an internal CMake name that may break in future CMake versions. As of now (version 3.0) it seems to work with all versions though.
You can overload add_library the same way if required.
For more fine-grained control over what is linked, instead of calling target_link_libraries you can also mess with the LINK_LIBRARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target properties directly.

CMake to produce -L<path> -l<lib> link flags for static libraries

I'm using CMake 2.8 in order to build an application based on MQX OS (using CodeWarrior).
The CMake project basically builds a set of static libraries (let's say LIB1 and LIB2).
I then reference these libraries in the final executable cmake rule:
target_add_executable(X ${some_sources})
target_link_libraries(X LIB1 LIB2)
My problem is that some symbols are defined in more that one library.
Thus, a link command like:
mwldarm <args> -o <output> <objects> /path/to1/libLIB1.a /path/to2/libLIB2.a
would lead to multiple definition of symbols error.
Instead, I would like CMake to generate a link command like:
mwldarm <args> -o <output> <objects> -L/path/to1 -L/path/to2 -lLIB -lLIB2
Question: How to get the following variables from CMAKE?
Libraries directories flags (ex: -L/path/to1 -L/path/to2)
Libraries link flags (ex: -lLIB -lLIB2)
I've read stuff concerning RPATH but it seems to concern shared libraries only. Am I right?
Thanks for advance.
I do appreciate.
It seems that policy CMP0003 may be what you need.
To use it add the following line near the beginning of your CMakeLists.txt:
Another possibility is to directly set the dependencies and search path, however it's not the cleanest way. Assuming you libraries are called liba.a and libb.a, then:
LINK_DIRECTORIES( ${paths_to_search_for} )
TARGET_ADD_EXECUTABLE(X ${some_sources} )
Note that in this case a and b are not cmake targets, therefore a little machinery is needed to correctly set the dependencies.
Part of the design of CMake is that it links with full paths. Why is that a problem?
Toggling the behavior with the policy is not the correct approach.;a=commitdiff;h=cd4fa896b
I think CMP0003 is used to switch on/off the function of adding searching path automatically as described in the official document
Libraries linked via full path no longer produce linker search paths.
rather than about replacing the path name with -l.
When linking a library, if the library is a target CMake known, CMake always replaces related -L and -l options with the library's path name. This may not be a problem for linking static libraries. But for a executable to link a shared library, it's may be a problem. Then I found a hacking method, code like below, to solve the problem linking a shread library using -L and `-l' rather than absolute path.
# Find out the link.txt
set(LINK_TXT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ToLinkLib}/CMakeFiles/${ToLinkLIb}.dir/link.txt")
# Add the searching path into link command
add_custom_command(TARGET ${YourTarget} PRE_BUILD
COMMAND sed ARGS -ie "\"s;[[:blank:]]-l; -L${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} -l;\"" ${LINK_TXT}
COMMENT "Hacking CMake: edit __link.txt__ to use -l instead of path to link internal library ...")
# NOTE: Dont't missing the `-l'.
target_link_libraries(${YourTarget} -l${ToLinkLib})
Of course, this is just a hacking so may not be working well with all versions of CMake.
UPDATED: why linking a shared library may be a problem?
When I run a executable cross compiled for android, which linking a shared library built by the same CMake scripts, I've encounter a problem of linking failed. After I used the above hacking method to get a new version, I can run my executable with a command like below
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./the_exe opts