Unable to find property "FrozenColumnCount" using Syncfusion with MAUI and .NET 7 - xaml

I'm attempting to add the FrozenColumnCount ​property into my application. I add the appropriate line of code to my xaml ​file(seen in the final line of my SfDataGrid Tag)
ItemsSource="{Binding ProductItems}"
//column data
However when I build my app, I receive the following error
​The property 'FrozenColumnCount' was not found in type 'SfDataGrid'
I've only added that singular line to my xaml file to achieve the needed result. Is there anything else I need to add to get it to work ?

The syncfusion .net Maui DataGrid currently does not support frozen rows and columns. To learn about future plans for the .Net Maui DataGrid, please refer to the relevant documentation.


Error adding WrapPanel

I created a new blank Windows 10 Universal app and tried to add a WrapPanel exactly as per the sample code in the link: WrapPanel XAML Control
I am getting the following error message on wrapPanel:WrapPanel
The name "WrapPanel" does not exist in the namespace "using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.WrapPanel"
I have already added xmlns:wrapPanel="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.WrapPanel" as per sample code.
Full code and errors (please click image for better quality):
I have tried to Clean and Build/Rebuild but it doesn't help. I also made sure that I am targeting the latest Windows 10 version:
Please help!
Update: I tried using xmlns:wrapPanel="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls"
as suggested but I still get this error. Again, I tried clean and build/rebuild and am getting the a similar error:
The documentation has a typo. The WrapPanel control is not in the Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.WrapPanel namespace, but rather just in Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls, so use the following
And it should work as expected. I will push an update for the docs.

Design-time data not showing when creating a UWP MVVM Light project

When creating a MVVM Light UWP app, I am not able to get programmatic design time data working via my View Model. I believe this may be due to Visual Studio 2015 adding in the property names of the bindings in the designer instead. I have confirm this be creating a blank MvvmLight (Win10Univ) app in the project templates (MVVM Light 2015 for VS2015 - Version and it clearly shows "WelcomeTitle", the name of the property instead of "Welcome to MVVM Light [design]" that is set up in the DesignDataService class.
MVVM Light Main Page capture in designer showing incorrect design time data
When seeing this problem in my own project, I am using something like this in my View Model:
if (this.IsInDesignMode)
// Load design time data when in design mode
this.Duration = "2 HRS 13 MINS";
I am then binding to the property in my View with the data context set as follows:
<Binding Path="FooBarPageViewModel" Source="{StaticResource Locator}" />
Now, normally the above is all you need to do as per the MVVM Light project template app, but I have tried to following with no success:
d:DataContext="{Binding FooBarPageViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"
I have also tried using x:Bind, but still see the same problem.
So does anybody know how to resolve this problem or has come across something similar?
Note: This issue may not be just related to MVVM Light and could instead be a UWP platform issue.
Okay, so building the template MVVM Light UWP app in x86 architecture allows you to see the design time data in the Visual Studio designer. However, a few of points:
When in x86 mode, you have to enable the project code button in the designer to see the design time data.
If you have a combination of x:bind and runtime binding in the XAML page using x86 then the designer crashes. You can disable the project code in the designer to fix the crash, but then design time data won't work again.
When in x64 mode, it seems you can't enable the project code button, thus resulting in this original problem.

UWP Relativepanel bound to UiElement doesn't work like RelativePanel with propertie = UiElement

We are developing a Windows10 Universal App (UWP). We have huge issues related to how RelativePanel behave depending of syntax and pc.
We have dynamic data response from a web service and we have to display a dynamic structure of UI controls to render the GUI.
We are trying to use RelativePanels with child elements composed of ItemsControls rendering different type of sub data (Addresses, Phones, etc..).
The ItemTemplate of each ItemsControl' item is a Template composed of a RelativePanel.
Now, the weird stuff happened differently between design and runtime.
At design time, when we want to set Target UIElement of the RelativePanel, we can use the following syntax:
Ex: RelativePanel.Below="EntryMobileNumbers" or
Ex: RelativePanel.Below="{Binding ElementName=EntryMobileNumbers}" />
They are supposed to both work but they don't.
For some RelativePanels’ child elements, if we use the first syntax, the xaml designer bugs and display weird error message
about “value must be of type UIElement”.
Looked on forums for this type of Xaml error and it seems for some developers it’s better to use the second syntax with the Binding.
The good side of it is with that the design is not displaying the squigglys and the error BUT the pb is at Run-time;
the result is wrong and some elements are overlapping.
With syntax 2
With syntax 1
We have also different issues between dev pc’s. With the VS2015 Enterprise installed on all pc’s,
some are displaying squigglys or crash the Xaml Designer with Syntax 1 and some are not.
We also tried to update VS2015 with yesterday’s RC1. It fixed the issues on one of the Pc and not on the others.
PS. All samples out there are very simple. I would very happy to see a "real life" application.
Like e.g. Money from the store to see how layout are managed
RelativePanel.Above="{Binding ElementName=SubTitleDesktop}"
instead of
and it will helps you get rid off errors

dynamic data display chart plotter in MVVM

I am trying to use d3 chart plotter in MVVM.
I am trying to use the code given by Ravi ( https://dynamicdatadisplay.codeplex.com/discussions/63633 ) in my project, but not quite sure how to use it properly.
It says "the property Linegraphs is not found in type ChartPlotter" when I try to use it in the XAML code.
What I did is add the LinegraphViewModel.cs to my project and make it the same namespace as my new project.
Anyone can advice me on what should I do in order to use the plotter successfully in my MVVM application?
Thank you so much!
Dynamic Data Display is a complex library with many different components. It not enough to pull a single class into your project. You need to reference the d3 .dll to your project to be able to use it's functionality, as well as using the dynamic data namespace in your xaml.
After adding a reference to the library to your project, you can set up the Dynamic Data Display namespace like this :

MVC3 Razor View Project using VB.NET gives Syntax error in Error List window for all vbhtml pages

Using MVC3 and Razor View engine, I created a VB.NET web application in VS 2010. This creates the default Account and Home Controller along with corresponding Action Views.
Now if I open any vbhtml file I get the following error message in the Error List window.
Error 50 Syntax error. C:****\MVC3AppVB\Views\Account\LogOn.vbhtml MVC3AppVB
(See screenshot here http://www.flickr.com/photos/7672540#N07/5469248676/)
Who ever this app compiles and runs without any problem. I tried to create the same project using C# and there is no error message in the Error List Window.
Can anyone explain why this error message shows up only for VB and not for C#?
Thanks in advance.
The problem is with MVC3 and webpage 1.0 tooling. This issue has been answered in codeplex.
Probably some bug with the Intellisense. Try recompiling the project. Unfortunately the Razor Intellisense is far from perfect. I hope it will be improved in future releases of Razor.