Top N solution for a planning entity - optaplanner

I have a simple field mapping use case where I need to intelligently find the target field for an input source field based on multiple constraints.
To elaborate more, there is only one source Field and there are say 100 target field.
public class FieldMapping {
private Long id;
public FieldMapping()
protected Field inputField;
#PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {
"targetFieldRange" })
protected Field targetField; }
public class FieldMappingSolution {
#ValueRangeProvider(id = "targetFieldRange")
private List<PlanningRecommField> targetFields;
private HardSoftScore score;
private SolverStatus solverStatus;
Currently Optaplanner is giving the best solution mapping. Can I have some API where I get the top N solutions.

No. But you can listen to best solutions and build up whatever statistics you like. That said, if two best solutions have the same score, the event will only be fired for the first one.

Caveat on Lukas's excellent answers: Listening to best solution events will not deliver a solution if it has the same score as the latest best solution at that time.
Maybe OptaPlanner should support a simple boolean in SolverConfig to have best solution events for solutions on new steps with a score the same as the current best solution. This may yield duplicate solutions, but the API would specify that clearly so the user can deal with it.
That being said, in most use cases, listening to new solutions with a score equal to the current best solution will be drinking from the firehose. Especially when LA/SA runs a while, you will likely get billions of solutions with the same score and trivial differences between them (for example: swap 2 math lessons of the same teacher and studentGroup).
Also, OptaPlanner doesn't support Pareto optimization out of the box, which is a more advanced form of what you're asking (with a lot more complexity - I've rarely seen it useful in practice). Some have hacked BestSolutionRecaller to enable it. Don't do that.


How to determine which class should have a specified method

This is a question regarding the concept of OOP.
Let's say I'm creating a game and I have a few objects:
Field - representig some field on the map.
User - representing a player.
Item - representing an item that user can have (for example shovel)
Now I know that player can dig a field using shovel. And this action will be a method of one of those classes. Is there some rule to determine which of those classes should have this method.
The most obvious performer of this action is the player (User), so User class could have method like digField(Field field). But actually the field itself is most affected by this action, so maybe it shold be the Field class method, like dig(User performer) or dig(Item toolUsed). Or maybe the Item itself should have a child class like Tool with a method like digField(Field field).
There are lots of ways to solve this problem and I was just wondering if there is some kind of simple best practice there.
Like said in other answers, it depends on what else is happening (or can happen in the future).
For example, for digging there can be some options:
user.digField(field, tool): this way can be helpful when your user also needs to spend time, or maybe he gets tired, i.e. use this way if you want to FOCUS on the user.
field.dig(user, tool): this way can be helpful when the field itself should be focussed on, like setting the status of the field.
tool.dig(user, field): this way can be used to change e.g. the status of the tool, or the maintenance needed.
However, in most cases there are a multiple of statuses/changes need to be set. So maybe it is best to create a separate class Action like:
public class Action
public void DigField(User user, Location location, Tool tool)
user.Status = Digging;
user.Energy -= 50;
location.Status = Digging;
tool.Status = Digging;
As you can see this function may grow as action might get more complex. So what is a good way to call separate functions in the appropriate classes, like a mix:
public class Action
public void DigField(User user, Location location, Tool tool)
public class User
public void DigField()
Status = Digging;
Energy -= 50;
public class Field
public void Dig()
Status = Digging;
public class Tool
public void Dig()
Status = Digging;
This has the advantage to keep the functionality where it belongs.
Nothing prevents you from passing parameters, like if the energy drain for auser depends on the type of field, use:
public class User
public void DigField(Field field)
Status = Digging;
Energy -= field.Type == Clay ? 30 : 20;
It depends on the rest of your game. You can't architect your classes without thinking about all of it. So questions such as:
Are there many tools, do they perform different actions on different objects?
Are there many types of land masses (field, stream, etc)
Does the user have any effect (such as with strength) on the action
These types of questions are useful to think about before laying out your classes. As an example, if you have many different tools, then you could tie the digging with the shovel, which will detail what it does to different types of land (and which ones it can work with). Then maybe there is a tractor, which does something different to the land.
One last thought, the closer your classes match the real world, the better the classes work as the code expands. In other words, if you were describing a shovel to someone who has never seen one, your class should model itself after that kind of description.
This not a case of overloading, I think you have recognise the complexity but you are trying to escape it. It's been you take time to model it now,it may be costly later.
Here is what I think:
User object performs the action so it must have the User.Dig() method. Maybe you can decide to pass in an Item object (eg Shovel).
Field object reacts to the action (Dig) of the User object. You now have to determine what this reaction is. Also you determine what the action is.
Like you said there are likely many approach and I think game engines have solved problems like this but I don't use them so I can't recommend. If I would have to model what explain I first try out Observable Pattern
Good luck

Is it bad OOP practice to subclass MANY classes from a base class?

I'm relatively new to this site so if I am doing something wrong when it comes to posting questions and whatnot please let me know so I can fix it for next time.
I'm curious as to whether or not it is bad OOP practice to subclass multiple classes from a single base class. That probably doesn't quite make sense so I'm going to elaborate a little bit.
Say for instance you are designing a game and you have several different monsters you might come across. The approach I would take is to have a base abstract class for just a general monster object and then subclass all of the specific types of monsters from the base class using a new class.
One of my instructors told me that you shouldn't rely on inheritance in this case because the number of monsters will continue to grow and grow and the number of classes will increase to a point where it is hard to keep track of all of them and thus yo will have to recompile the program with every new class added in the future.
I don't understand why (or even if) that's a bad thing. If anybody could help me understand where my professor is coming from that would be much appreciated.
If monsters are very similar, in that the only differences are (for example) their name, how much damage they impart, what color they are, etc., then these differences which can be reflected in a field (in values), may make sub-classing unnecessary.
If, however, you have monsters that are fundamentally different from others, such that it is necessary to have very different methods and logic, and more specifically, differences that cannot be reflected in fields, then a sub-class SpecialMonster may be necessary.
But again, even SpecialMonster may not need to be sub-classed by individual monster types, as it's fields may be enough to distinguish between them.
While it's legal to have a million sub-classes of specific monster types, you don't want to take care of all that duplicate code when it could simply be expressed in the fields of new Monster instances, such as
new Monster("Goob", WakeTime.NOCTURNAL, 35, new Weapon[]{sword, hammer, knittingNeedle});
new Monster("Mister Mxyzptlk", WakeTime.ANYTIME, 71, new Weapon[]{sword, mindMeld, cardboardCutter});
There is an alternative, where you do have a lot of classes, but you don't impose them onto your users, and you don't clutter up your API/JavaDoc with them. If your Monster happens to be an abstract class
public abstract class Monster {
private final String name;
public Monster(String name, int default_damage, WakeTime wake_time, Weapon[] weapons) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public abstract int getDamage(int hit_strength);
Then you could have a Monster convenience creator like this:
<P>Convenience functions for creating new monsters of a specific type.</P>
public class NewMonsterOfType {
private NewMonsterOfType() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Do not instantiate.");
<P>Creates a new monster that is nocturnal, has 35-default-damage, and whose weapens are: sword, hammer, knittingNeedle.</P>
public static final GOOB = new GoobMonster();
<P>Creates a new monster that can be awake at any time, has 71-default-damage, and whose weapens are: sword, mindMeld, cardboardCutter.</P>
public static final MISTER_MXYZPTLK = new MisterMxyzptlkMonster();
class GoobMonster extends Monster {
public GoobMonster() {
super("Goob", WakeTime.NOCTURNAL, 35, new Weapon[]{sword, hammer, knittingNeedle});
public int getDamage(int hit_strength) {
return (hit_strength < 70) ? getDefaultDamage() : (getDefaultDamage() * 2);
class MisterMxyzptlkMonster extends Monster {
public GoobMonster() {
super("Mister Mxyzptlk", WakeTime.ANYTIME, 71, new Weapon[]{sword, mindMeld, cardboardCutter});
public int getDamage(int hit_strength) {
return (hit_strength < 160) ? getDefaultDamage() + 10 : (getDefaultDamage() * 3);
In order for these private (actually package-protected) classes to not show up in you JavaDoc, you need to set its access to something either protected or public.
Inheritance is quite natural in your scenario as all the specific monsters ARE base monsters as well :). I'd actually use inheritance a lot here, since probably specific monsters do have specific behaviour that would have to be overriden. MonsterA might move by crawling while MonsterB might move by flying. The base AMonster would have an abstract Move() method , implemented by those sub types.
This isn't a final answer, it really much depends on the game needs, however, in simplified form, inheritance makes sense here. The number of monster types might continue to grow, but really, are they all the same? The monster design is just based on grouping together some predefined data/behaviour? The game is quite trivial then...
I really get the impression your instructor doesn't code games for a living (me neither, although I did make a game some time ago), but his explanation why you shouldn't use inheritance is way too simplified. The number of defined classes is never an issue in an app, the more the better IF the Single Responsibility Principle is respected.
About you have to recompile your app.... yeah, when you fix a bug you have to recompile it too. IMO, the reasons he gave to you aren't valid for this scenario. He needs to come up with much better arguments.
In the mean time, go for inheritance.
Theoretical question needs theoretical answer :).
It is not just bad, it is pointless. You should have a LIMITED number of "base" classes that inherits from other classes, and those classes should be composed from other classes (vide favour composition versus inheritance).
So as complexity grows the number of classes that base classes are composed from should grows. Not number of base classes itself.
It is like in the industry. If you see machines for instance, they are really composed from large quantity of small parts, and some of those small parts are the same in different machines. When yo designing new machine you do not order new unique "base" part for it just to have a name for your new machine. You use parts existing on a market and you designing some new parts (not "base") only if you cannot find existing counterparts...

Business Entity - should lists be exposed only as ReadOnlyCollections?

In trying to centralize how items are added, or removed from my business entity classes, I have moved to the model where all lists are only exposed as ReadOnlyCollections and I provide Add and Remove methods to manipulate the objects in the list.
Here is an example:
public class Course
public string Name{get; set;}
public class Student
private List<Course>_courses = new List<Course>();
public string Name{get; set;}
public ReadOnlyCollection<Course> Courses {
get{ return _courses.AsReadOnly();}
public void Add(Course course)
if (course != null && _courses.Count <= 3)
public bool Remove(Course course)
bool removed = false;
if (course != null && _courses.Count <= 3)
removed = _courses.Remove(course);
return removed;
Part of my objective in doing the above is to not end up with an Anemic data-model (an anti-pattern) and also avoid having the logic that adds and removes courses all over the place.
Some background: the application I am working with is an application, where the lists used to be exposed as a list previously, which resulted in all kinds of ways in which Courses were added to the Student (some places a check was made and others the check was not made).
But my question is: is the above a good idea?
Yes, this is a good approach, in my opinion you're not doing anything than decorating your list, and its better than implementing your own IList (as you save many lines of code, even though you lose the more elegant way to iterate through your Course objects).
You may consider receiving a validation strategy object, as in the future you might have a new requirement, for ex: a new kind of student that can have more than 3 courses, etc
I'd say this is a good idea when adding/removing needs to be controlled in the manner you suggest, such as for business rule validation. Otherwise, as you know from previous code, there's really no way to ensure that the validation is performed.
The balance that you'll probably want to reach, however, is when to do this and when not to. Doing this for every collection of every kind seems like overkill. However, if you don't do this and then later need to add this kind of gate-keeping code then it would be a breaking change for the class, which may or may not be a headache at the time.
I suppose another approach could be to have a custom descendant of IList<T> which has generic gate-keeping code for its Add() and Remove() methods which notifies the system of what's happening. Something like exposing an event which is raised before the internal logic of those methods is called. Then the Student class would supply a delegate or something (sorry for being vague, I'm very coded-out today) when instantiating _courses to apply business logic to the event and cancel the operation (throw an exception, I imagine) if the business validation fails.
That could be overkill as well, depending on the developer's disposition. But at least with something a little more engineered like this you get a single generic implementation for everything with the option to add/remove business validation as needed over time without breaking changes.
I've done that in the past and regretted it: a better option is to use different classes to read domain objects than the ones you use to modify them.
For example, use a behavior-rich Student domain class that jealously guards its ownership of courses - it shouldn't expose them at all if student is responsible for them - and a StudentDataTransferObject (or ViewModel) that provides a simple list of strings of courses (or a dictionary when you need IDs) for populating interfaces.

Ad hoc data and repository pattern

What is the recommended way to return ad hoc (custom case by case) data from repository which don't fit any model entities or which extend some?
The 101 example would be the ubiquitous hello word application: a blog system. Suppose you want to load a list of posts where post entry has some additional information which does not exists in the Post entity. Let’s say it is the number of comments and the date and time of the last comment. This would be highly trivial if one was using the plain old SQL and reading data directly from the database. How am I supposed to do it optimally using the repository pattern if I cannot afford loading the entire collections of Comments for each Post, and I want to do it in one database hit? Is there any commonly used pattern for this situation? Now imagine that you have moderately complex web application where each page needs a slightly different custom data, and loading full hierarchies is not possible (performance, memory requirements etc).
Some random ideas:
Add a list of properties to each model which could be populated by the custom data.
Subclass model entities case by case, and create custom readers for each subclass.
Use LINQ, compose ad hoc queries and read anonymous classes.
Note: I’ve asked a similar question recently, but it seemed to be too general and did not attract much attention.
Based on suggestions in answers below, I am adding a more concrete example. Here is the situation I was trying to describe:
IEnumarable<Post> posts = repository.GetPostsByPage(1);
foreach (Post post in posts)
// snip: push post title, content, etc. to view
// determine the post count and latest comment date
int commentCount = post.Comments.Count();
DateTime newestCommentDate = post.Comments.Max(c => c.Date);
// snip: push the count and date to view
If I don’t do anything extra and use an off the shelf ORM, this will result to n+1 queries or possibly one query loading all posts and comments. But optimally, I would like to be able to just execute one SQL which would return one row for each post including the post title, body etc. and the comment count and most recent comment date in the same. This is trivial in SQL. The problem is that my repository won’t be able to read and fit this type of data into the model. Where do the max dates and the counts go?
I’m not asking how to do that. You can always do it somehow: add extra methods to the repository, add new classes, special entities, use LINQ etc., but I guess my question is the following. How come the repository pattern and the proper model driven development are so widely accepted, but yet they don’t seem to address this seemingly very common and basic case.
There's a lot to this question. Are you needing this specific data for a reporting procedure? If so, then the proper solution is to have separate data access for reporting purposes. Flattened databases, views, ect.
Or is it an ad-hoc query need? If so, Ayende has a post on this very problem.
He utilizes a "Finder" object. He's using NHibernate, so essentially what he's doing is creating a detached query.
I've done something similar in the past by creating a Query object that I can fill prior to handing it to a repository (some DDD purist will argue against it, but I find it elegant and easy to use).
The Query object implements a fluent interface, so I can write this and get the results back:
IQuery query = new PostQuery()
Post post = _repository.Find(query);
However, in your specific case I have to wonder at your design. You are saying you can't load the comments with the post. Why? Are you just being overly worrisome about performance? Is this a case of premature optimization? (seems like it to me)
If I had a Post object it would be my aggregate root and it would come with the Comments attached. And then everything you want to do would work in every scenario.
Since we needed to urgently solve the issue I outlined in my original question, we resorted to the following solution. We added a property collection (a dictionary) to each model entity, and if the DAL needs to, it sticks custom data into to. In order to establish some kind of control, the property collection is keyed by instances of a designated class and it supports only simple data types (integers, dates, ...) which is all we need at movement, and mostly likely will ever need. A typical case which this solves is: loading an entity with counts for its subcollections instead of full populated collections. I suspect that this probably does not get any award for a software design, but it was the simplest and the most practical solution for our case.
Can't say I really see what the problem is, just firing in the air here:
Add a specific entity to encapsulate the info yo want
Add a property Comments to the Post. (I don't see why this would require you to fetch all comments - you can just fetch the comments for the particular post you're loading)
Use lazy loading to only fetch the comments when you access the property
I think you would have a greater chance of seeing your question answered if you would make platform, language and O/R mapper specific (seems to be .NET C# or VB, since you mentioned LINQ. LINQ 2 SQL? Entity framework? Something else?)
If you aren't locked into a RDBMs then a Database like CouchDB or Amazons SimpleDB might be something to look at. What you are describing is trivial in a CouchDB View. This probably doesn't really answer you specific question but sometimes it's good to look at radically different options.
For this I generally have a RepositoryStatus and a Status class that acts as my Data Transfer Object (DTO). The Status class is used in my application service layer (for the same reason) from which the RepositoryStatus inherits. Then with this class I can return error messages, response objects, etc. from the Repository layer. This class is generic in that it will accept any object in and cast it out for the receiver.
Here is the Status class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RanchBuddy.Core.Domain;
using StructureMap;
namespace RanchBuddy.Core.Services.Impl
public class Status : IStatus
public Status()
_messages = new List<string>();
_violations = new List<RuleViolation>();
public enum StatusTypes
private object _object;
public T GetObject<T>()
return (T)_object;
public void SetObject<T>(T Object)
_object = Object;
private List<string> _messages;
public void AddMessage(string Message)
public List<string> GetMessages()
return _messages;
public void AddMessages(List<string> Messages)
private List<RuleViolation> _violations;
public void AddRuleViolation(RuleViolation violation)
public void AddRuleViolations(List<RuleViolation> violations)
public List<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
return _violations;
public StatusTypes StatusType { get; set; }
And here is the RepositoryStatus:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RanchBuddy.Core.Services.Impl;
using StructureMap;
namespace RanchBuddy.Core.DataAccess.Impl
public class RepositoryStatus : Status, IRepositoryStatus
As you can see the RepositoryStatus doesn't yet do anything special and just relies on the Status objects utilities. But I wanted to reserve the right to extend at a later date!
I am sure that some of the die-hards out there will state that this should not be used if you are to be a prueist...however I know your pain in that sometimes you need to pass out more than just a returned object!

Which class design is better? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Which class design is better and why?
public class User
public String UserName;
public String Password;
public String FirstName;
public String LastName;
public class Employee : User
public String EmployeeId;
public String EmployeeCode;
public String DepartmentId;
public class Member : User
public String MemberId;
public String JoinDate;
public String ExpiryDate;
public class User
public String UserId;
public String UserName;
public String Password;
public String FirstName;
public String LastName;
public class Employee
public User UserInfo;
public String EmployeeId;
public String EmployeeCode;
public String DepartmentId;
public class Member
public User UserInfo;
public String MemberId;
public String JoinDate;
public String ExpiryDate;
The question is simply answered by recognising that inheritance models an "IS-A" relationship, while membership models a "HAS-A" relationship.
An employee IS A user
An employee HAS A userinfo
Which one is correct? This is your answer.
I don't like either one. What happens when someone is both a member and an employee?
Ask yourself the following:
Do you want to model an Employee IS a User? If so, chose inheritance.
Do you want to model an Employee HAS a User information? If so, use composition.
Are virtual functions involved between the User (info) and the Employee? If so, use inheritance.
Can an Employee have multiple instances of User (info)? If so, use composition.
Does it make sense to assign an Employee object to a User (info) object? If so, use inheritance.
In general, strive to model the reality your program simulates, under the constraints of code complexity and required efficiency.
Nice question although to avoid distractions about right and wrong I'd consider asking for the pros and cons of each approach -- I think that's what you meant by which is better or worse and why. Anyway ....
The First Approach aka Inheritance
Allows polymorphic behavior.
Is initially simple and convenient.
May become complex or clumsy over time if more behavior and relations are added.
The Second Approach aka Composition
Maps well to non-oop scenarios like relational tables, structured programing, etc
Is straightforward (if not necessarily convenient) to incrementally extend relations and behavior.
No polymorphism therefore it's less convenient to use related information and behavior
Lists like these + the questions Jon Limjap mentioned will help you make decisions and get started -- then you can find what the right answers should have been ;-)
I don't think composition is always better than inheritance (just usually). If Employee and Member really are Users, and they are mutually exclusive, then the first design is better. Consider the scenario where you need to access the UserName of an Employee. Using the second design you would have:
which is bad (law of Demeter), so you would refactor to:
which requires a small method on Employee to delegate to the User object. All of which is avoided by the first design.
You can also think of Employee as a role of the User (Person). The role of a User can change in time (user can become unemployed) or User can have multiple roles at the same time.
Inheritance is much better when there is real "is a" relation, for example Apple - Fruit. But be very careful: Circle - Ellipse is not real "is a" relation, because cirlce has less "freedom" than ellipse (circle is a state of ellipse) - see: Circle Ellipse problem.
The real questions are:
What are the business rules and user stories behind a user?
What are the business rules and user stories behind an employee?
What are the business rules and user stories behind a member?
These can be three completely unrelated entities or not, and that will determine whether your first or second design will work, or if another completely different design is in order.
Neither one is good. Too much mutable state. You should not be able to construct an instance of a class that is in an invalid or partially initialized state.
That said, the second one is better because it favours composition over inheritance.
Stating your requirement/spec might help arrive at the 'best design'.
Your question is too 'subject-to-reader-interpretation' at the moment.
Here's a scenario you should think about:
Composition (the 2nd example) is preferable if the same User can be both an Employee and a Member. Why? Because for two instances (Employee and Member) that represent the same User, if User data changes, you don't have to update it in two places. Only the User instance contains all the User information, and only it has to be updated. Since both Employee and Member classes contain the same User instance, they will automatically both contain the updated information.
Three more options:
Have the User class contain the supplemental information for both employees and members, with unused fields blank (the ID of a particular User would indicate whether the user was an employee, member, both, or whatever).
Have an User class which contains a reference to an ISupplementalInfo, where ISupplementalInfo is inherited by ISupplementalEmployeeInfo, ISupplementalMemberInfo, etc. Code which is applicable to all users could work with User class objects, and code which had a User reference could get access to a user's supplemental information, but this approach would avoid having to change User if different combinations of supplemental information are required in future.
As above, but have the User class contain some kind of collection of ISupplementalInfo. This approach would have the advantage of facilitating the run-time addition of properties to a user (e.g. because a Member got hired). When using the previous approach, one would have to define different classes for different combinations of properties; turning a "member" into a "member+customer" would require different code from turning an "employee" into an "employee+customer". The disadvantage of the latter approach is that it would make it harder to guard against redundant or inconsistent attributes (using something like a Dictionary<Type, ISupplementalInfo> to hold supplemental information could work, but would seem a little "bulky").
I would tend to favor the second approach, in that it allows for future expansion better than would direct inheritance. Working with a collection of objects rather than a single object might be slightly burdensome, but that approach may be better able than the others to handle changing requirements.