More than one occurrence from table - sql

create table customer (cif number, name varchar(20),mobile number);
insert into table customer values(121,'ANT',789);
insert into table customer values(122,'ANT',789);
insert into table customer values(123,'ENT',789);
insert into customer values(124,'ENT',789);
insert into customer values(125,'BEE',123);
insert into customer values(126,'BEE',123);
insert into customer values(127,'BRO',789);
insert into customer values(128,'FIO',789);
I want retrieve data from customer table based on name and mobile more than one occurrences.
Can anyone help me out
Result like

You can use COUNT() aggregation as Analytic function along with grouping by those columns through use of PARTITION BY clause as
SELECT cif, name, mobile
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY name, mobile) AS cnt
FROM customer c )
WHERE cnt > 1

SQL> select * From customer;
---------- -------------------- ----------
121 ANT 789
122 ANT 789
123 ENT 789
124 ENT 789
125 BEE 123
126 BEE 123
127 BRO 789
128 FIO 789
8 rows selected.
Based on result you posted, you're looking for rows that aren't unique per name and mobile. If that's so, here's another option:
SQL> select *
2 from customer a
3 where exists (select null
4 from customer b
5 where =
6 and =
7 group by,
8 having count(*) > 1
9 );
---------- -------------------- ----------
121 ANT 789
122 ANT 789
123 ENT 789
124 ENT 789
125 BEE 123
126 BEE 123
6 rows selected.


How to query: "for which do these values apply"?

I'm trying to match and align data, or resaid, count occurrences and then list for which values those occurrences occur.
Or, in a question: "How many times does each ID value occur, and for what names?"
For example, with this input
Name ID
jim 123
jim 234
jim 345
john 123
john 345
jane 234
jane 345
jan 45678
I want the output to be:
count ID name name name
3 345 jim john jane
2 123 jim john
2 234 jim jane
1 45678 jan
Or similarly, the input could be (noticing that the ID values are not aligned),
jim john jane jan
123 345 234 45678
234 123 345
but that seems to complicate things.
As close as I am to the desired results is in SQL, as
for ID, count(ID)
from table
group by (ID)
order by count desc
which outputs
ID count
345 3
123 2
234 2
45678 1
I'll appreciate help.
You seem to want a pivot. In SQL, you have to specify the number of columns in advance (unless you construct the query as a string).
But the idea is:
select ID, count(*) as cnt,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then name end) as name_1,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then name end) as name_2,
max(case when seqnum = 3 then name end) as name_3
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by id) as seqnum -- arbitrary ordering
from table t
) t
group by ID
order by count desc;
If you have an unknown number of columns, you can aggregate the values into an array:
select ID, count(*) as cnt,
array_agg(name order by name) as names
from table t
group by ID
order by count desc
the query would look similar to this if that's what you're looking for.
COUNT(id) as count
WHERE = 'input'
AND = 'input'

calculate Count and Sum from two different table with group by without using inner query

I have two table first A having column id,phone_number,refer_amount
and second B having column phone_number,transaction_amount
now i want sum() of refer_amount and transaction_amount and count() of phone_number from both table using group by phone_number without using inner query
Table A
phone_number refer_amount
123 50
456 80
789 90
123 90
123 80
123 20
456 20
456 79
456 49
123 49
Table B
phone_number transaction_amount
123 50
123 51
123 79
456 22
456 11
456 78
456 66
456 88
456 88
456 66
789 66
789 23
789 78
789 46
i have tried following query but it gives me wrong output:
SELECT a.phone_number,COUNT(a.phone_number) AS refer_count,SUM(a.refer_amount) AS refer_amount,b.phone_number,COUNT(b.phone_number) AS toal_count,SUM(b.transaction_amount) AS transaction_amount FROM dbo.A AS a,dbo.B AS b WHERE a.phone_number=b.phone_number GROUP BY a.phone_number,b.phone_number
output (wrong):
phone_number refer_count refer_amount phone_number transaction_count transaction_amount
123 15 867 123 15 900
456 28 1596 456 28 1676
789 5 450 789 5 291
output (That I want):
phone_number refer_count refer_amount phone_number transaction_count transaction_amount
123 5 289 123 3 180
456 4 228 456 7 419
789 1 90 789 5 291
I would do the aggregations on the B table in a separate subquery, and then join to it:
COUNT(a.phone_number) AS a_cnt,
SUM(a.refer_amount) AS a_sum,
COALESCE(b.b_cnt, 0) AS b_cnt,
COALESCE(b.b_sum, 0) AS b_sum
COUNT(*) AS b_cnt,
SUM(transaction_amount) AS b_sum
GROUP BY phone_number
) b
ON a.phone_number = b.phone_number;
One major potential issue with your current approach is that the join could result in duplicate counting, as a given phone_number record in the A table gets replicated due to the join.
Speaking of joins, note that above I use an explicit join, rather than the implicit one you were using. In general, you should not put commas into the FROM clause.
This can help. You don't need sum(b.phone_number) when checking for a.phone_number = b.phone_number. Distinct is needed for phone number as there are two columns to consider.
For group by, anything not in aggregate function needs to be in group by function.
select a.phone_number, count(distinct a.phone_number), sum(a.refer_amount),
sum (b.transaction_amount)
from A as a, B as b
where a.phone_number=b.phone_number
group by a.phone_number

Updating the first occurrence of the column with a value and the remaining with other value

select emp_id, emp_dept, emp_name
from employee
where emp_id in (123, 234);
emp_id emp_dept emp_name
123 222 1234
123 222 5678
123 222 9101
234 222 1011
234 222 1112
234 222 1213
Here there are 3 records for each emp_id.
I want a query to update the emp_dept such that out of three records, only one record will be updated to 555(it can be any record doesnt matter) and the other 2 will be updated to 666.
Create a CTE (common table expression) adding a ROW_NUMBER window function partitioned by emp_id then write an update statement joining the cte and building a case statement to determine row number
The code below builds a Table Variable with Test data, selects the data to show you the "before" and then modifies with the cte method and selects the data to show you the final result.
;WITH cte AS (
SET emp_dept = CASE WHEN RowNum = 1 THEN 555 ELSE 666 END
#Table t
ON t.emp_id = u.emp_id
You can use MERGE.
Data Preparation
create table em1(
emp_id number, emp_dept number, emp_name varchar2(10));
insert into em1 values(123,1,'we');
insert into em1 values(123,1,'asd');
insert into em1 values(123,1,'rfw');
insert into em1 values(345,2,'rtg');
insert into em1 values(345,2,'bfg');
insert into em1 values(345,2,'uyi');
SELECT emp_id, emp_dept, emp_name,
row_number() over (partition by emp_id order by 1) r
FROM em1
WHERE emp_id in (123,345)
) f
ON (f.emp_id = e.emp_id and f.emp_name = e.emp_name)
UPDATE SET e.emp_dept = case when f.r = 1 then 555 else 666 end;
emp_id emp_dept emp_name
123 555 we
123 666 asd
123 666 rfw
345 555 rtg
345 666 bfg
345 666 uyi

Duplicating multiple records in table with primary key

I am working with duplicating multiple records in table 1 with primary key which has a reference with table 2 (foreign key)
Consider table employee with columns (eid(primary key),ename,dept,dept_code).
Table 2 employee_address with columns (eaid(primary key), eid(foreign key), city, country)
Now the task is the table 1 (ie. employee) may have number of values with different department codes.
Suppose dept_code may be 1 or 2 like so and so.
Now with both the table with some data look like this
Eid(pk) ename dept Dept_code
100 Sss Cse 1
101 Aaa Cse 1
102 Bbb Cse 1
103 Ccc Eee 2
104 ddd it 3
Eaid (pk) Eid (fk) city country
1 100 NY Us
2 100 NY Us
3 100 NY Us
4 101 CALIF Us
5 102 DC Us
6 102 DC Us
7 103 NJ Us
now the thing is i have to duplicate all the records in employee table where dept_code=1 and duplicate records dept_code should be = 5.
And the foreign key referencing to employee address table (ie. here in the current document 100,101,102) in the table 2 has to be duplicated number of times those foreign key value present in table 2.
I have to get the output like this
Employee table
Eid(pk) ename dept Dept_code
100 Sss Cse 1
101 Aaa Cse 1
102 Bbb Cse 1
103 Ccc Eee 2
104 ddd it 3
**105 sss cse 5
106 aaa cse 5
107 bbb cse 5**
Employee Address table
Eaid (pk) Eid (fk) city country
1 100 NY Us
2 100 NY Us
3 100 NY Us
4 101 CALIF Us
5 102 DC Us
6 102 DC Us
7 103 NJ Us
**8 105 NY Us
9 105 NY Us
10 105 Ny Us
11 106 CALIF Us
12 107 DC Us
13 107 DC Us**
Now I have to get the output like this.
Conditions for this task is,
no for loop
hitting a database should be as minimal as possible
can use java or if posssible in sql query itself.
I tried with various ideas nothing worked out.
Help me out in this.
If I understand your question, these two queries will work. They use tSql window functions, if you are not using Sql Server then you will need to find the equivalent.
Edited to answer comment from OP-
If you want to create new tables:
Select * Into EmployeeNew From (
Select *
From Employee E
Union All
Select Row_Number() Over (Order By eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
ename, dept, 5 dept_code
From Employee
Where Dept_Code = 1) A
Select * Into EmployeeAddressNew From (
Select A.*
From Employee E
Join EmployeeAddress A On A.eid = E.eid
Union All
Select A.eaid + (Select Max(eaid) From EmployeeAddress),
Dense_Rank() Over (Order By E.eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
City, Country
From Employee E
Join EmployeeAddress A On A.eid = E.eid
Where E.Dept_Code = 1) A
If you only want to insert 'new' records into the original tables:
Insert Employee
Select Row_Number() Over (Order By eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
ename, dept, 5 dept_code
From Employee
Where Dept_Code = 1
Insert EmployeeAddress
Select A.eaid + (Select Max(eaid) From EmployeeAddress),
Dense_Rank() Over (Order By E.eid) + (Select Max(eid) From Employee),
City, Country
From Employee E
Join EmployeeAddress A On A.eid = E.eid
Where E.Dept_Code = 1

INSERT new row consolidate similar rows

Here is what I need to accomplish:
INSERT a new row into t_order by combining two or more rows from the same table (t_order) where all values are the same except for order_id (Identity) and order_number
The New Row will represent a consolidated order.
Two orders going to the same address get combined into one
Example Table before Insert
order_id order_number ship_addrs1 ship_to_zip
-------- ------------ ----------- -----------
1 ABC001 111 1st St 11111
2 ABC002 123 Main St 12345 <--- Source Row
3 ABC003 123 Main St 12345 <--- Source Row
4 ABC004 111 2nd St 11111
Result After Insert (Source orders must remain)
order_id order_number ship_addrs1 ship_to_zip
-------- ------------ ----------- -----------
1 ABC001 111 1st St 11111
2 ABC002 123 Main St 12345
3 ABC003 123 Main St 12345
4 ABC004 111 2nd St 11111
5 ABC005 123 Main St 12345 <--- New Row
I have considered using the following code to accomplish this but not sure what I need to do to consolidate the three rows.
SELECT * INTO tmp_order_cosolidation
FROM t_order
WHERE order_id = 1 AND order_number = ABC002
ALTER TABLE tmp_order_cosolidation
DROP COLUMN order_id, ordern_number
FROM tmp_order_cosolidation;
DROP TABLE tmp_order_cosolidation ;
Thank you in advance for your answers
Your order table should have a few more columns to show whether the order is a consolidation, eligible for consolidation, or has already been consolidated. Here is my proposed solution, which has added columns. All inferred columns are in CAPS.
select count(order_id),ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2
from t_order
group by ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2
having count(order_id) > 1
declare #tmptable TABLE (total_orders int,ship_addrs1 nvarchar(50),ship_to_zip2 nvarchar(50),CONSOL_ELIGIBLE nvarchar(1))
insert into #tmptable (total_orders, ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2,CONSOL_ELIGIBLE)
(select count(order_id),ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2,'N'
from t_order
group by ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2
having count(order_id) > 1)
insert into ORDER_TABLE (total_orders, ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2,CONSOL_ELIGIBLE)
(select total_orders, ship_addrs1,ship_to_zip2,CONSOL_ELIGIBLE
from #tmptable)