Pass type to Json.encodeToString() without reified - kotlin

I'm having problem with Json.encodeToString . Because it's required reified type . But i can't provide reified type on my program. So, how i can get it happen for below code...
// I don't want to use reified
fun <I> encodeToString(model: I): String {
return Json.encodeToString(model) // EROR: type mismatch
Please help to get rid of this problem. Any argument based solution or reflection would be good instead of reified

After doing some research i've converted the KType to SerializationStrategy<T>.
fun <I> encodeToString(type: KType, model: I): String {
return Json.Default.encodeToString(Json.serializersModule.serializer(type), model)
And it works.


Convert Comparable<*> but get error inferred type is Any? but Nothing was expected

I am trying to convert this piece of java code to kotlin
public int compare1(Comparable c, Object o) {
return c.compareTo(o);
to kotlin code:
fun compare1(c: Comparable<*>, o: Any?): Int {
return c.compareTo(o)
But get error
Type mismatch: inferred type is Any? but Nothing was expected
Any reason why this error occurs? Thanks
This code in Java shows a warning, because the compiler can't know if provided comparable can compare itself to provided object. Compiler still allows this, but it doesn't guarantee it won't throw an exception at runtime.
Its equivalent in Kotlin is either:
fun compare1(c: Comparable<Any?>, o: Any?): Int {
return c.compareTo(o)
With this code you'll have to do unchecked casts when calling the function. Or alternatively:
fun compare1(c: Comparable<*>, o: Any?): Int {
return (c as Comparable<Any?>).compareTo(o)
Note it doesn't solve the problem. You can call this function passing an integer and a string and then you will get an exception. So use this code only if the logic of your application guarantees you always pass matching objects to the function.
Even better, try to redesign your code to use generics in a type-safe manner. In that case your function would become:
fun <T> compare1(c: Comparable<T>, o: T): Int {
return c.compareTo(o)
This function is type-safe, so it doesn't allow using comparables with incorrect types. It may not work as a direct replacement of your Java function though, as the original function didn't care about the type safety. You may need to redesign other parts of your code to use this function.

Kotlin type is not inferred into generic function

I have a generic function to fetch/get any list out of the SharedPreferences. However, when I wanted to test, that it does not work, when I saved a list of say, Messages and ask for a list of say, Ints, it still worked. It just ignored the type I precised and returned a List of JsonObjects. When I debugged the whole code, I found, that apparently the function does not care about the inferred class type. I´ll first put here the code, so I can explain the problem:
fun <T> getListFromPreferences(preferences : SharedPreferences, key : String)
: MutableList<T> {
val listAsString = preferences.getString(key, "")
val type: Type = object : TypeToken<List<T>>() {}.type
val gson = SMSApi.gson
return gson.fromJson<ArrayList<T>>(listAsString, type)
?: ArrayList()
So, what I would expect, was, that when I call the function like this:
PreferenceHelper.getListFromPreferences<Message>(preferences, TEST_KEY)
the "type" variable in the above code should return List. However the result the debugger shows me is: java.util.List<? extends T>
I have absolute no idea, why the inferring does not work, but I´d really like it to work to ensure, what I am requesting is actually what I get, for obvious reasions.
Does anybody know a reason and a solution for this weird behaviour?
Due to type erasure, actual type information about T is lost, so basically this method returns List<Any?> (even if you pass Int as T).
To preserve the actual type, you need to declare this method with reified parameter:
inline fun <reified T> getListFromPreferences(preferences : SharedPreferences, key : String)
: MutableList<T> {

How to make a generic function for enumValues<T> in Kotlin?

I struggle with providing a type as parameter for a procedure that uses the enumValues<MyEnum>() function.
Got it to work with reified but using inline functions all the way is no option for me.
fun <T: Enum<Trait>> traits(
selectionState: SnapshotStateMap<Trait, Boolean>
) {
val chunks = enumValues<T>().toList().chunked(5)
chunks.forEach {
Row {
it.forEach {
TraitIcon(it, selectionState)
My enums all derive from enum class Trait. So in fact I want to pass enum class TraitFoo: Trait, enum class TraitBar: Trait and so on into the function.
Cannot use 'T' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead.
Is the compile error I receive here. Any idea of solving this? I am somewhat confused why this is not working.
Looking at the implementation of enumValues:
public inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumValues(): Array<T>
I see it uses reified. That does mean the type has to be known at compile time. Therefore I can not pass a generic but need to pass an explicit type? Is that the issue?
If yes - is there another way to achieve this rather than using reified ?
If you want to be able to use T in your function as if it's a real type then it must be reified. And in order for a type parameter to be reified it must be part of an inline function. So you're going to need an inline function.
The next bit is figuring out the generics. You currently have:
<T : Enum<Trait>>
That means, due to the nature of enums, that T can't possibly be anything other than Trait. However, you have since clarified that Trait is not an enum but is actually an interface that's implemented by various enum classes. So what you really want is T to be bounded by both Enum<T> and Trait.
Given all this, I believe what you're looking for is the following:
inline fun <reified T> traits(
selectionState: SnapshotTraitMap<Trait, Boolean>
) where T : Enum<T>, T : Trait {
val chunks = enumValues<T>().toList().chunked(5)
chunks.forEach {
Row {
it.forEach {
TraitIcon(it, selectionState)

Kotlin: generic cast function parameter

Taking my first steps in Kotlin, I'm struggling to find the correct signature for a function that receives an instance of a known class along with the desired output class and then looks in a map of converter lambdas whether the conversion can be done.
Here's an example for Long:
private fun <T> castLong(value: Long, clazz: Class<out T>): T {
// map lookup removed for simplicity
return when (clazz) { -> { value.toString() }
else -> { throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Cast") }
Where T is the class of the desired return value - let's say String. One should be able to call castLong(aLongValue, and receive an instance of String.
But the compiler says:
Type mismatch: inferred type is String but T was expected
This seems like it should be possible as it is quite straightforward so far but even playing around with reified and other constructs didn't yield any better results.
It happens because it can't smart cast String to T, you have to manually cast it.
Furthermore, since you said you are taking your first steps in Kotlin, I leave here two other "advices" not strictly related to your question:
you can get the class of T making it reified
the brackets of a case using when aren't necessary if the case is one line
private inline fun <reified T> castLong(value: Long): T {
// map lookup removed for simplicity
return when ( { -> value.toString()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Cast")
} as T

Why are Kotlin reified functions better?

The official Kotlin docs and this answer do a great job of explaining how Kotlin reified allows us to change something like:
But I don't think either do a good job of explaining the motivation. Is the reified function only preferable because it saves a few characters? Or are there other benefits to not having to pass the class in as a parameter?
One more advantage of reified type parameters is that they provide full type information, including type arguments, when the type is known at compile time.
abstract class TypeReference<T> : Comparable<TypeReference<T>> {
val type: Type =
(javaClass.genericSuperclass as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments[0]
override fun compareTo(other: TypeReference<T>) = 0
inline fun <reified T: Any> printGenerics() {
val type = object : TypeReference<T>() {}.type
if (type is ParameterizedType)
type.actualTypeArguments.forEach { println(it.typeName) }
printGenerics<HashMap<Int, List<String>>>()
java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String>
See: How to get actual type arguments of a reified generic parameter in Kotlin?
The other benefit is that the type parameter can be inferred. For example:
fun foo(myData: MyDataClass) { ... }
foo(myJsonString.toData()) // no need to specify MyDataClass at all
The motivation is type erasure in the end. Generics on the JVM are cool but only help at compile time. With reified, you can make generic types available at runtime. This results in cleaner APIs as demonstrated in this post and yole's answer, cleaner DSLs (they utilize reified a lot), and certainly also easier implementations that rely on type information which would be erased normally as shown by hotkey.