In a React Native application, how can I dynamically change the background color of the background behind the views? - react-native

I'm building an iOS app using react native. Using react-navigation, I open a screen using the 'modal' option. This is a common behavior for iOS applications to open a screen in a modal which animates the screen on top of the current screen, but also moves both screens down so there is a gap at the top and it reveals a black background behind the two screens. For my app, I'd like to dynamically change the color of this background to say a red, green or blue while the app is running. How do I do this in react native using react native or react-navigation apis?


How to fix White Screen after Splash Screen in React Native for iOS

For Android, I made the color of the white screen the same as the Splash Screen color. So how do I change the color of the white screen on iOS?
use react-native-bootsplash or implement splash screen by your own.
you can change the bg color of splash screen using xCode, find and select the .storyboard that is currently used in your project.
from the right side of your x code controls, you will see background prop, from there you can change it.

React native iOS - splash screen using lottie file

In a React native application, We are trying to load Lottie animation as a splash screen.
In android, I'm able to achieve it by creating a native view for the android Lottie library. I want to play lottie animation in splash screen+ React native
I need the same in iOS, currently, we have an image splash screen, which we have implemented images.xcassets and LaunchScreen.storyboard (refer to screenshots)
Is there any possibility to use Lottie animations instead of these images here?
There is a workaround where I can add the Lottie animation in the app.js before starting with app content. In this case, first, the above-mentioned splash screen comes and the animation. If I remove this splash screen here, then a white screen and the animation will come.
How to use the Lottie animation instead of splash screen image on iOS?
At first, I have searched many articles about changing ios's LaunchScreen.storyboard with lottie animation. However, Xcode enforces that LaunchScreen.storyboard should be static screen. So, I inserted animation code after static launch screen loading. Maybe, launch screen is essential, because it is loading screen for initial loading resource in ios. If you remove the launch screen, then ios app shows black or white screen at first loading. Remove launch screen, Xcode 7
If you looking for animation launch screen using lottie in react native, i would suggest looking into this package.
It implements animation splash screen using airbnb lottie files. Also, I apply this for multiple react native projects and it worked well. Have a nice day!
In iOS, the splash screen is a view without any associated logic.
What you could do to give the impression of the animation is to have it look like the first frame of your Lottie file.
Then, in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, you can start your Lottie animation.
In a RN application, the splash screen should be a quick flash and most of the startup time would be taken up by the RN setup. So, the animation should show up relatively smoothly even with this approch.
You can take a look at this repo to see how they've implemented it.

React Native: Android navigation bar color changes randomly on load

The android app navigation bar color changes randomly when the app loads from background. Some time the navigation bar color is taken from screen first elements.
You can change it using this package

React Native Vertical Sticky Sliding Tab Bar/Panel

I need a way to create a tab bar that will vertically bump up the upper text and stick to the top of the page.
I currently am using createMaterialTopTabNavigator and it sits in the vertical center of the screen. I would like such that when a person scrolls on the subpages from the tab navigator for the whole page to scroll with it until the topTabNavigator sticks to the top of the screen.
I am currently using React Native + Expo.
I am open to different options as well. I have tried using a panel and embedding the tab bar in that but it caused weird scrolling issues on Android devices.

How to remove background of selected image in react native?

I want to get this kind of effect in React Native.
Such as removing background by touching screen, removing similar color point in one screen, and after select one point, moving finger here and there to remove the background.
Can I get this effect in react native?
If possible, which module should I use?