ng serve command loading verylong time but not giving any console logs - angular14

I am running the angular 14 application with ng serve --open --port 4200 command from my windows 11 machine.
in general the above comand will terminate by showing any error logs or success with some warnings if applicable but in my case just loading without giving any type of logs.
can anyone please help to figureout the issue and provide the solution.


Why am I getting 'Cannot GET' in localhost for Vue npm run serve

I installed Vite build tool for Vue and when I ran it (npm run serve), I got an error that generated the following message
"Missing script: "serve"".
After a little research, I learned that my package.json was missing the serve key.
After I added it ("serve": "vite preview") and ran it, I received the following error in the browser
"Cannot GET /"
preview is for when your app is already built (with npm run build), it's to check the static result. At the end, serve is the name that was used with Vue2's CLI for preview.
If you want to work locally with it, simply run npm run dev.
More info available on Vite's documentation.

ECONNREFUSED error when running "axe http://localhost:9000" command

Currently, I have a requirement to add accessibility testing on GitHub CI action so that every pull request it can be validated. After doing some research, I came to know that we can add below command.
npm install -g #axe-core/cli
axe http://localhost:9000 --exit
However, I am encountering below error when ci action run.
Error: fetchError: request to http://localhost:9000 failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
I have tried few options to solve this issue but no success. Tried to change the port, run the command in vs terminal but having same issue.
Can anyone please help me on this ? Please note, I am using it in vue3 application.

Running against Edge on selenium-standable server

I am trying to run Edge in selenim-standalone server on my Mac.
I’ve followed the CLI command to install but when I try to with wdio project I get the following error:
ERROR webdriver: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new service: EdgeDriverService
Started my server using this command:
selenium-standalone start
I have not had much luck finding another person having the same issue.
Server is running with node 14
Wdio project is running with node 16
any thoughts on what it might be?
Issue resolved.
I ended up running the install command in node v16 and that worked. I did have to delete selenium-server jar file the first time because it was corrupt. Though I re-ran the install command again it worked.

while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded

while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Error :
Finishing Installation
The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Does your workplace require a proxy to be used to access the Internet? If so, you must configure the HTTP_PROXY environment variable before downloading Cypress. Read more:
Otherwise, please check network connectivity and try again:
But please not I m not using any proxy and on my personal wifi.
plz suggest ,what can be done in this case.Thanks
It seems to be too many possible reasons for this issue in general but I managed to find a workaround to install Cypress from within a corporation with npm and without using sudo npm or turning off strict ssl.
The following worked for me per November 18th 2020 with Ubuntu 18.04 and npm 6.14.8:
I downloaded the zip file shown in
I installed cypress as shown in : CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=~/Downloads/ npm install cypress --save-dev
I could now run npx cypress open to start the gui (which will also generate the cypress.json file)
Possible Reasons for this issue:
U might be running the project with a proxy setting.
One of the reason could be you are behind the firewall.that may prohibit your network? Please follow the guidelines in Proxy Configuration if so(
make sure you have right access to install the cypress.
if none of the above mentioned reasons try removing the biraries or node_modules and install again.

How to resolve clipboard error while deploying vuejs app on ubuntu server

I am deploying a vuejs app on my server.we have EC2 instance with ubuntu 16.04,As of now I am just deploying my test project but when I go running serve command like sudo serve -s dist but it is throwing an error which is: ERROR: Cannot copy to clipboard: Command failed: xsel --clipboard --input
xsel: Can't open display: (null)
: Inappropriate ioctl for device
I don't know this error is caused by ubuntu or vuejs please help me solve it.
I have followed these cammands so far.
First installed vue cli using
npm install -g #vue/cli
Then created a hello world app using
vue create helloWorld
Now run serve command
npm run serve
It was showing me a message like:
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8081/
- Network:
Now i have created a build to run an app on the production server
npm run build
So my build was created successfully
i run command to run the app on the live server
serve -s dist
And it is throwing an error which is not solving by me so far
WARNING: Checking for updates failed (use--debugto see full error)
ERROR: Cannot copy to clipboard: Command failed: xsel --clipboard --input
xsel: Can't open display: (null)
: Inappropriate ioctl for device
I am also attaching screenshot below.
As you can see, there is an X11 dependency with the serve module - which means you need an xserver(display) for it to work.
Alternatively, (highly recommended) you could use a high performance HTTP server like nginx, apache etc. instead.
All you need is to copy your dist folder to your instance, and point your virtual server block to the dist dir, and restart your HTTP server - BAM! you're up and running.
I had the same issue and I solved it by adding "-n" option to serve.
"-n, --no-clipboard Do not copy the local address to the clipboard"