SSH failed: No such file or directory (2) - ssh

I try to copy files with rsync and i have checked multiple times that the address is correct but still i get feedback: no such directory. The code is:
rsync -azvrP -e ssh master_123#165.x.x.115:/applications/123/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2023/ /applications/321/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2023/
What could be the error?


rsync succeeds of fails depending on the destination directory

I am conducting both experiments below with empty /home/pantelis folder (which is the destination directory)
This command succeeds:
rsync -zalP --progress --exclude=.git --exclude=.vscode /Users/pantelis/Workspace/my-work/terragrunt/modules/ my-server:/home/pantelis/my-work/
i.e. on my-server, my-work directory is created and has the contents of /Users/pantelis/Workspace/my-work/terragrunt/modules/
On the remote machine, I now delete /home/pantelis/my-work so /home/pantelis is once again empty.
I try to run the rsync command as follows which now fails
▶ rsync -zalP --progress --exclude=.git --exclude=.vscode /Users/pantelis/Workspace/my-work/terragrunt/modules/ my-server:/home/pantelis/my-work/terragrunt/modules/
building file list ...
1114 files to consider
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (8 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/d7e177bcf5/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9]
I am trying this since, apparently I want the remote file structure to match the local one.
Why is it failing in the second attempt?
It it because for (some inherent reason) rsync cannot create any other dir than the leaf? (my-work)? In that case I have tried the --relative option as suggested here but with no success whatsoever.
Add this to your command to create missing directory hierarchy on my-server:
--rsync-path="mkdir -p /home/pantelis/my-work/terragrunt/modules/ && rsync"

SCP log file to server

Hello I am trying to SCP a log file to serve and I keep getting error
Warning: Identity file ids-east-1.pem not accessible: No such file or directory. Permission denied (publickey).
lost connection
I have tried all the solutions presented earlier but can't seem to figure out what's wrong.
The key I am using is :
scp -r -i ids-east-1.pem ~/int/resources/tests/tasks/lib/testing.log
Just a reminder- I am able to get a log file from this server using :
scp -i ids-east-1.pem ~/Desktop/aws_chrono.log
If one command works, but the other gives you:
Warning: Identity file ids-east-1.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.
You are likely not running the commands from the same directory. Try specifying the key path fully (something like):
scp -i ~/.ssh/ids-east-1.pem ...

Upload via scp gives "Permisssion denied" on Karaf ssh console

The scp command to get a file from the Karaf directories via Karaf ssh console works well :
scp -P 8101 karaf#localhost:/deploy/README
(after I have entered the password)
But the reverse operation to upload a file fails with a "Permission denied" error :
scp README -v -P 8101 karaf#localhost:/deploy/
I tried to locally remove the file first, same error. I gave 777 on the "deploy" directory, and also tried with a new test directory.
Where can it come from ?
Found it : the -P option cannot be anywhere in the line, it has to be before the local and remote filenames

scp not working saying its a directory error

I am trying to copy a file to remote server in a certain folder.
Its an adrive backup plan. But it comes with scp. I can copy the file if I don't select directory. Even if I put a directory that doesn't exist it says its a directory.
root#host1 [/usr/src]# scp
scp: /mysql-only/: Is a directory
Amazingly enough in my case it was that the directory didn't exists!! :|
Is the error message a bug?... or it's me. Tempted for the latter.
SCP doesn't automatically create you new directory if you want to scp file (it creates directory only if you do recursive copy). There is wrong error message. The error should be No such file or directory or similar.
It is known problem and there is upstream bugzilla about this [1].
You are copying the sh file to a new directory on the server, and the directory is expected to be there but in fact not(then the machine thinks you want to change the file to be a directory). Most probably the directory you set is wrong.
-r' Recursively copy entire directories. Note that scp follows symbolic links encountered in the tree traversal.
But it doesn't create a directory but you can do below
ssh remote mkdir /diretcory
root#host1 [/usr/src]# scp -r
rsync can do the creating of directory if not exist
its basic command syntax is similar to scp:²
$ rsync -r -e ssh me#my-system:/complete_path/mysql-only/
I saw a similar error, when tried scp to path that relative to home directory. The error fixed after removing unnecessary leading / in path:
# scp
rather then
# scp
scp -r source_location user#servername:/target_location
Don't put "/" after the directory's name.
Try to download the file directly to your local root directory and then copy it from there :
root#host1 [/usr/src]# scp user#host:/root/Desktop/file.txt /root/home/

Can't rsync into subfolder, or even ssh at this point

I need to rsync log files like this:
rsync --progress -rvze ssh name#host:/path/to/folder/*.log
When I run this command though, I get an error:
rsync: getcwd(): No such file or directory (2)
No such file or directory? That's odd. So I try to ssh directly:
ssh name#host
it prompts to enter my name, I do, then I type
cd /path/to/folder
which works fine (log files are present).
I double checked my ssh keys, everything seems to be in order there, but for some reason I can't ssh into a subfolder on this host, so there's no way I can get rsync working correctly.
Running the identical rsync command on my Mac, it works fine. Running it in my ubuntu EC2 instance is still failing.
Are you sure there are any log files at all? If not this command will fail with the 'No such file or directory'
Rather use:
rsync --progress --include='*.log' -rvze ssh name#host: /path/to/folder/ local_folder
The 'direct' ssh syntax you use in your second test is not supported:
ssh name#host:/path/to/folder/
because it will use host:/path/to/folder/ as the hostname.