Bootstrap .NET MAUI project with specific components - project

Every time I am starting a new .NET MAUI project, I basically do the same steps repeatedly:
Create new MAUI app
Add Fontawesome font and create a styles dictionary to hold the unicode - keyword pairs
Add multilanguage support (Nuget package) and resx files to hold translations
Add test project for unit tests (xunit)
... and maybe more in future.
Is there a way how to automate that? How do you do this?


UWP Using Pages from different Project

Is it possible to have all pages in a different project from where the app.xaml/cs is in?
I tested this by creating a new "Class Library (Universal Windows)" or "Windows Runtime Component" project, then I created the new pages in those projects.
After I add this project as a reference to the main UWP app and call the page(s) in the "rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainShellView), e.Arguments)" I get the exception
system.accessviolationexception attempted to read or write protected memory
Is it possible to have the pages, controls in different projects than the UWP main project and use them as references?
You will need to keep an empty/dummy MainPage.xaml page in the main project as there is a hard-coded reference to it in the project system. With that in place you can load all your pages (incl. the initial start page) from other projects that you are referencing in the solution.
I will log a bug on the hard-coded dependency on the existence of "MainPage.xaml". Thanks for reporting!

How to make a custom Class file part of Xcode? (I.E. importable from any new project without having to copy the class)

As the title says, I wanna be able to import a custom class of mine from any new project. So for example, if I have a class called LAView, I wanna be able to type #import "LAView.h" from any new project without actually having to copy LAView.h and LAView.m into the project itself. Is that possible? :)
Create a framework, copy the finished product into /Applications/ and /Library/Frameworks/
This way your framework will be visible and available in any Xcode project and you can access it like any other framework from the Xcode frameworks list.
NOTE: When you edit your framework you will have to copy the new version into both these locations again. You can automate this using BASH scripts run from the Terminal (if you do this be careful!).

ExtJS 5 Custom Theme Testing

I recently started to create custom theme for ExtJS 5 by Sencha.
Following I managed to create ThemeDemoApp, inherit ext-theme-neptune, change $base-color to green and refresh/rebuild ThemeDemoApp with my-custom-theme. All ok.
My problem is, ThemeDemoApp is quite poor for testing a custom theme. A panel, tab, button and a modal window. That's it?
After bit of googling I bumped into (Why isn't this mentioned in the guide?!) Heading says: View and test every Ext component against bundled Ext Themes, or your own custom themes.
My question is: How? How do I test my own custom theme against this example? Do I have to dig into the source (themes.js) and build such page/application myself?
The examples - including the Theme tester - is included in the ExtJS download.
You can modify the list of themes available by editing the shared/options-toolbar.js file.
To get it to find your theme, you'll either need to name it similar to the others (ext-theme-name), or modify themes.js accordingly.
Or you could just hack the theme.js file to hardcode your theme.
(Ext JS 4 used to create an example page for themes automatically - it doesn't seem to do that now, though)
According to advice at How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? I decided to load both options-toolbar.js and themes.js (with just minor modification - commenting out Ext.onReady(...) function in themes.js) and I used functions getBasicPanel(), getCollapsedPanel(), etc. in my own application to create the same testing page (absolute-layout container that fits the page).
Anyhow, I guess Robert's answer is the correct one - there is no prearranged, ready-to-use functionality from Sencha :-(

Checked use Core Data in new project

When I created my Xcode project i checked the checkbox "use Core Data" because I thought I was going to use that. Now however it turns out I never used Core Data and would like to disable it. My project is way to big to just simply create a new project and leave the checkbox unchecked.
Does anyone know what methodes and files I need to delete in order to have a project without Core Data? I think some project settings need to be changed as well.
Just create a new empty project and find out. Must of the methods will be in your App delegate. You also have to remove the Data model (.xcdatamodel) file from your project

Rails 3.1 - changing default scaffold views and template

I'm using rails 3.1 with Zune Foundation templates and haml. I have tried to fiend ways to change the default scaffold view templates to use css I want so I get a consistent look with all scaffold without manually changing the view. I also use simple_form.
As I don't want to program my own generators, is there some easy and/or recommended ways to handle this?
You can override default view templates by creating your own templates in 'lib/templates/erb/scaffold' folder of your rails app.
The default templates can be found here -