Change Video Background dynamically in react-native onPress - react-native

Today for a school project I need to create a shop in which when you click a button, the Video (used as background) in the Home page changes.
I found how to change color through style but here the Video is a component and the Video's link is it content so I'm not sure how to proceed...
I'm trying to use useEffect like this :
useEffect(() => {
const backGround = document.getElementById("bg");
setBg(backGround.Video = "source{require("./test2.mp4")}");
}, [bg])
If you guys could refer me, it would be awesome !


How to determine mouse events in React Native (mobile)?

I need to use a callback function for the mouse click event. Below code is working in React web app:
const checkAnswer = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
const answer = e.currentTarget.value // here .value property is undefined and gives error in React-Native. Just e.currentTarget is defined.
const correct = questions[number].correct_answer === answer
if(correct) setScore(prev => prev + 1)
But I couldn't apply it on React Native (mobile) for Pressable or TouchableOpacity.
This is the render part of React web app's code:
<button value={answer} onClick{checkAnswer} />
and I try to apply it on React Native. The value will be passed to button's value. But there is no "value" option in native's Pressable component. Therefore I am confused
Any help?
you can determine touch events by following
<View onTouchStart={(e) => {console.log('touchMove',e.nativeEvent)}} />
Here is some similar scenario what I could able to understand from the question.
There is a Score state which will store the user's score of a quiz game.
There is a array of question where all the options and correct option are given.
There will be a button for the option, if user choose a option, and based on that it will validate if user is correct or not.
It might not be the exact scenario of you. But this could definitely help to solve your scenario.
Here is a solution for the scenario => solution.
If you click on the solution link you will be redirect to a page which is similar to the screenshot attached below. On very right you will find "My Device", "Android", "ios", choose any and run. Run via "my device" with expo app installed in your mobile if you don't want to be in queue for some certain time.
Note: from your code this is for React web:
<button value={answer} onClick{checkAnswer} />
but in React Native you have to use a click event like this:
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>buttonHandler()}></TouchableOpacity>
Here ()=> and () extra need to be added to work a function properly.
Also instead of .map() function you can use FlatList to improve your app. FlatList support lazy loading.

How to prevent user interaction during screen transition animation?

When navigating between screens using the StackNavigator with a fade transition, a user is able to click during the transition animation and possibly hit a TouchableOpacity on the screen that is being navigated away from. The TouchableOpacity registers the hit and thus the app responds accordingly. This is causing issues for "fast clicking" users where they click a button to navigate to a new screen and immediately click where they think a new button will be, but in reality is clicking a button on the previous screen.
Is there a way to prevent any user interaction during these transition animations? I have tried setting the transition duration to 0 like so:
transitionConfig: () => ({
transitionSpec: {
duration: 0
but the issue still occurs.
I do not want to disable the animation completely, because it is quick enough for most users and they like the animation.
So in your case you can do several things
You can use React Native Activity Indicator -> View
You can use Overlay Library -> react-native-loading-spinner-overlay -> View GitHub
If you like to make loading like facebook / instagram -> then use react-native-easy-content-loader -> View GitHub
you need to flag screen before navigating away; disabling all touchs.
an easy way would be to have a reusable hook that return a transparent absolute positioned View that cover entier page and a callback to enable it;
so you flow will be; enable this which will overlap whole screen and capture any clicks basically disabling them;
something more like:
function useOverlay(){
const [isVisible, toggle] = React.useState(false);
const Component = React.memo(()=><View style={styles.transparentAbsolute} />,[])
return [toggle, isVisible ? Component : null];
then inside your Screen before you call navigate just call toggle
and include Component at top of you screen;
export default function TabOneScreen({ navigation }: RootTabScreenProps<'TabOne'>) {
const [ toggle, component ] = useOverlay();
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Button onPress={()=>{toggle(true); navigation.navigate('Home');} title="go home" />

How to edit video player props in React Native Video using ref

I am using react-native-video. I am trying to change the props for each video onPress, which are in a FlatList of videos. So if I use state it will change all the video props in the entire FlatList, whereas I only want to change the one.
I created: const videoPlayer = [] and added a ref in each Video player like: ref={r => videoPlayer[] = r}, and I know I can do videoPlayer[].presentFullscreenPlayer() to play the video in fullscreen because it is a method of the player, but what about controlling other properties like resizeMode and paused?
I have tried videoPlayer[].props.paused = false, but that has no effect. I also imagine I can create some sort of complex object in state, but then the entire list will update every time I change a property and that may cause slow running refreshes in a big list.
So, is there I way I can control props of each video like I explained?
You definitely could use setNativeProps like:
paused: false
This is a doc page about it:

StatusBarIOS Color Change on Page Load in React Native

I'm trying to change the colour of the StatusBarIOS on the page load. The documentation StatusBarIOS, the example shows how to change the accent of the Status Bar on the action of a Touch Highlight. I want this to happen automatically on page load.
Also is there a possibility of setting the StatusBarIOS colour to the whole application itself without applying it in every page?
In your route js file (index.ios.js) just do this:
componentWillMount: function() {
return StatusBarIOS.setStyle(1);
This will make the status bar white throughout your entire app. Take into consideration that if you are switching to another app from your app, for example to the Camera Roll app for picking a file to upload, you will probably need to set the color to white again as that app changes it to black.
If that doesn't work, try requiring a different file from your initial file and then do it there:
var App, AppRegistry, React;
React = require('react-native');
AppRegistry = React.AppRegistry;
App = require('./app/dist/App');
AppRegistry.registerComponent('yourapp', function() {
return App;
componentWillMount: function() {
return StatusBarIOS.setStyle(1);

How to navigate to a different view that is not a child?

I am new to react native and new to iOS (not programming) so please excuse me if this question is a simple one. I am trying to navigate from one view to another (with a transition), however they are not related so I do not need the back navigation. I actually do not have a navigation bar at all. When using the Navigator component it seems to not support this at all. I am not sure if there is a separate way to do this but I am not able to figure it out without implementing my own hack.
If I use the navigator component and keep pushing on the views then it just keeps them all in memory and I do not want that. I can transition from one view to another and then pop but I may end up going to the wrong view in that case. I can also replace the view but it seems that does not allow for transitions.
To give you a scenario think of it like this:
Application starts and loads a "Loading" screen.
When initial loading is complete it will then go to the "Login" screen.
There is a button on the "Login" screen to "Register" or "Retrieve Password".
If they click "Register" it will take them there with a button back to "Login".
If they click "Retrieve Password" it will take them to a page with buttons to go back to "Login" or "Register".
So by this example you can see that there is no way to pop because if you were on the login screen and went to the register screen and then wanted to go the retrieve password screen then pop just simply wouldn't work. I do not want any navigation controls on the screen I just want to be able to do a smooth transition between these screens.
Now I was able to find a way to do this but I had to add a method to the Navigator class and hack code in using some of there core methods which seems like its not a good idea at all but here is the code (note this is really just a hack to see if it would work):
Navigator.prototype.pushWithUnmount = function(route) {
var activeLength = this.state.presentedIndex + 1;
var activeStack = this.state.routeStack.slice(0, activeLength);
var activeAnimationConfigStack = this.state.sceneConfigStack.slice(0, activeLength);
var nextStack = activeStack.concat([route]);
var destIndex = nextStack.length - 1;
var nextAnimationConfigStack = activeAnimationConfigStack.concat([
routeStack: nextStack,
sceneConfigStack: nextAnimationConfigStack,
}, () => {
null, // default velocity
null, // no spring jumping
() => {
this.replaceAtIndex(nextStack[destIndex], 0);
presentedIndex: 0,
By using the code provided above I am now able to do:
this.props.navigator.pushWithUnmount({ component: SomeComponent });
With this code the views are pushed onto the stack with a transition and the old views are unmounted when its finished.
Please tell me that I am doing something wrong and that there is a better way to do this?
The default router with React Native is pretty limited. I'd check out React Native Router Flux. We just switched to it a few weeks ago in our product and have really liked it. It does exactly what you want.