In the rust test, I don't care about the sequence of vec![]. What should i do? [closed] - testing

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Closed last month.
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Is there any disorderd arrays Or Do not judge the order when asserting?

What I do is sort both sides in the assert call itself. This only works if T implements Ord.
let result = my_function();
let target = vec![];
assert_eq!(result, target);
If your datatype does not support Ord, you can use sort_by with a FnMut that returns an instance of Ordering.
Note that this can have issues when there isn't one specific way a vector can be sorted.

Convert the Vec(s) to HashBag(s) that contains references to the items in the Vecs. That will disregard the order of items when asserting for equality:
hashbag = "0.1.9"
fn two_vecs_equal_independent_of_item_order() {
use hashbag::HashBag;
let actual = vec![1, 2, 3, 3];
let expected_fail = vec![3, 2, 1];
let expected_pass = vec![3, 2, 1, 3];


Kotlin - how to use sort function [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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Hallo Ladys and Gentleman,
i strugle with a function.
I want convert a given String to a MutableMap.
var testString = "hshhfzrt" + "hszrhhtnt"
function to use:
charMap.toList().sortedByDescending { (_, value) ->
value }.toMap()
Final Output should be a Sorted Char in a new String.
Output example(Not related to testString is just example):
hhh, lll, aaa,
I hope you can help me.
Thx for reading this and your time.
val testString = "hshhfzrt" + "hszrhhtnt"
val result = testString
.groupBy { it }
.map { it.value.joinToString("") }
.joinToString(", ")
println(result) // Output: "f, hhhhhh, n, rr, ss, ttt, zz"

Kotlin compare two lists - if ids match overwrite it [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have two lists of Object. Both objects have an id val. I need to check both lists by the id val, if the id is the same take the object from list B and overwrite it in list A. Is there a simple up to date way to achieve this outcome in kotlin?
Ive been searching through the kotlin docs and other comparing list questions on here but I havent found anything in the docs or on here that matches my usecase
Not sure about how efficient this is but it works...
Sample Class
data class SomeClass(val id: Int, val someString: String) {
fun transformList(firstList: List<SomeClass>, secondList: List<SomeClass>): List<SomeClass> {
return { firstClass ->
val tempItem = secondList.firstOrNull { == }
tempItem ?: firstClass
basically, the function takes both the lists and compares each item with each other, and returns items from list 2 if the id is the same.
fun main() {
val listOne = listOf<SomeClass>(
SomeClass(0, "I am 0, from list 1"),
SomeClass(1, "I am 1, from list 1"),
val listTwo = listOf<SomeClass>(
SomeClass(0, "I am 0, from list 2"),
SomeClass(1, "I am 1, from list 2"),
println(transformList(listOne, listTwo))
[SomeClass(id=0, someString=I am 0, from list 2), SomeClass(id=1, someString=I am 1, from list 2)]

How to check array integer value in kotlin? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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i want to make check value function like below code.
enabled is true only if the integer array contains 5 or 16, otherwise enabled is false.
Anyone can help?
Use the default IntArray.any(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean) : Boolean function to check it. Example:
fun intArray_containsElement() {
val arrayTest = intArrayOf(1, 10, 50, 5, 6, 4, 3)
val isEnable = arrayTest.any { it == 5 || it == 16 }
assertEquals(true, isEnable) // Successfully
edit: As Duc Thang pointed out, using any is better because it only iterates the array once:
val IntArray.enabled: Boolean get() = any { it == 5 || it == 16 }
Previous less efficient version:
val IntArray.enabled: Boolean get() = contains(5) || contains(16)
fun main() {
println(intArrayOf(0, 5).enabled)
println(intArrayOf(1, 16).enabled)
println(intArrayOf(5, 16).enabled)
println(intArrayOf(19, 1000, 4).enabled)

Clarification on ending a while loop [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I am currently working with a while loop and was confused as to why I couldn't end the loop.
I played around with it for a little while and for some reason the following code works and ends the while loop:
boolean keepGoing = true;
while (keepGoing != false)
//execute code
System.out.println("Would you like to continue? Enter Y for yes or N for no.");
String keepGoingYesOrNo = input.nextLine();
if (keepGoingYesOrNo.equals("Y"))
keepGoing = true;
keepGoing = false;
But the alternative doesn't end the while loop:
boolean keepGoing = true;
while (keepGoing = true)
//execute code
System.out.println("Would you like to continue? Enter Y for yes or N for no.");
String keepGoingYesOrNo = input.nextLine();
if (keepGoingYesOrNo.equals("Y"))
keepGoing = true;
keepGoing = false;
Shouldn't while (keepGoing = true) and while (keepGoing != false) be the same thing. I got the code to work but I was hoping to get some clarification on why one works and the other doesn't.
One thing to look out for is that (keepGoing = true) and (keepGoing == true) are not the same. If you want to check if keepGoing is true, you should use ==. When you use the single =, you're assigning true to keepGoing, so every time you're trying to check if it's true, you're actually setting it to true.
Also, because while loops are already checking if the condition is true, you could simplify your while statement to just while (keepGoing) {}.

Convert SQL (LEFT OUTER JOIN) to LinQ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Could someone please convert the below raw sql to linq ?
_sql= " SELECT tbl_book.*, tbl_time.tt_scope, tbl_time.tt_time "+
" FROM tbl_time "+
" LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_book ON tbl_time.tt_time = tbl_book.book_time "+
" AND (tbl_book.ppt_id=#ppt_id AND tbl_book.fct_id=#fct_id "+
" AND tbl_book.book_date=#book_date)";
var ppt_id_param = "#ppt_id";
var fct_id_param = "#fct_id";
var book_date_param = "#book_date";
be our params, and your context be this:
TestEntities DBContext = new TestEntities();
your linq query is like:
var query = (from time in tbl_time
join book in tbl_book on time.tt_time equals book.book_time
into joinedList
from book in joinedList.DefaultIfEmpty()
where book == null ?
true :
book.ppt_id == ppt_id_param &&
book.fct_id == fct_id_param &&
book.book_date == book_date_param &&
select new {