Convert SQL (LEFT OUTER JOIN) to LinQ [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Could someone please convert the below raw sql to linq ?
_sql= " SELECT tbl_book.*, tbl_time.tt_scope, tbl_time.tt_time "+
" FROM tbl_time "+
" LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_book ON tbl_time.tt_time = tbl_book.book_time "+
" AND (tbl_book.ppt_id=#ppt_id AND tbl_book.fct_id=#fct_id "+
" AND tbl_book.book_date=#book_date)";

var ppt_id_param = "#ppt_id";
var fct_id_param = "#fct_id";
var book_date_param = "#book_date";
be our params, and your context be this:
TestEntities DBContext = new TestEntities();
your linq query is like:
var query = (from time in tbl_time
join book in tbl_book on time.tt_time equals book.book_time
into joinedList
from book in joinedList.DefaultIfEmpty()
where book == null ?
true :
book.ppt_id == ppt_id_param &&
book.fct_id == fct_id_param &&
book.book_date == book_date_param &&
select new {


In the rust test, I don't care about the sequence of vec![]. What should i do? [closed]

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Closed last month.
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enter image description here
Is there any disorderd arrays Or Do not judge the order when asserting?
What I do is sort both sides in the assert call itself. This only works if T implements Ord.
let result = my_function();
let target = vec![];
assert_eq!(result, target);
If your datatype does not support Ord, you can use sort_by with a FnMut that returns an instance of Ordering.
Note that this can have issues when there isn't one specific way a vector can be sorted.
Convert the Vec(s) to HashBag(s) that contains references to the items in the Vecs. That will disregard the order of items when asserting for equality:
hashbag = "0.1.9"
fn two_vecs_equal_independent_of_item_order() {
use hashbag::HashBag;
let actual = vec![1, 2, 3, 3];
let expected_fail = vec![3, 2, 1];
let expected_pass = vec![3, 2, 1, 3];

Kotlin - how to use sort function [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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Hallo Ladys and Gentleman,
i strugle with a function.
I want convert a given String to a MutableMap.
var testString = "hshhfzrt" + "hszrhhtnt"
function to use:
charMap.toList().sortedByDescending { (_, value) ->
value }.toMap()
Final Output should be a Sorted Char in a new String.
Output example(Not related to testString is just example):
hhh, lll, aaa,
I hope you can help me.
Thx for reading this and your time.
val testString = "hshhfzrt" + "hszrhhtnt"
val result = testString
.groupBy { it }
.map { it.value.joinToString("") }
.joinToString(", ")
println(result) // Output: "f, hhhhhh, n, rr, ss, ttt, zz"

Kotlin compare two lists - if ids match overwrite it [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have two lists of Object. Both objects have an id val. I need to check both lists by the id val, if the id is the same take the object from list B and overwrite it in list A. Is there a simple up to date way to achieve this outcome in kotlin?
Ive been searching through the kotlin docs and other comparing list questions on here but I havent found anything in the docs or on here that matches my usecase
Not sure about how efficient this is but it works...
Sample Class
data class SomeClass(val id: Int, val someString: String) {
fun transformList(firstList: List<SomeClass>, secondList: List<SomeClass>): List<SomeClass> {
return { firstClass ->
val tempItem = secondList.firstOrNull { == }
tempItem ?: firstClass
basically, the function takes both the lists and compares each item with each other, and returns items from list 2 if the id is the same.
fun main() {
val listOne = listOf<SomeClass>(
SomeClass(0, "I am 0, from list 1"),
SomeClass(1, "I am 1, from list 1"),
val listTwo = listOf<SomeClass>(
SomeClass(0, "I am 0, from list 2"),
SomeClass(1, "I am 1, from list 2"),
println(transformList(listOne, listTwo))
[SomeClass(id=0, someString=I am 0, from list 2), SomeClass(id=1, someString=I am 1, from list 2)]

How to check array integer value in kotlin? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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i want to make check value function like below code.
enabled is true only if the integer array contains 5 or 16, otherwise enabled is false.
Anyone can help?
Use the default IntArray.any(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean) : Boolean function to check it. Example:
fun intArray_containsElement() {
val arrayTest = intArrayOf(1, 10, 50, 5, 6, 4, 3)
val isEnable = arrayTest.any { it == 5 || it == 16 }
assertEquals(true, isEnable) // Successfully
edit: As Duc Thang pointed out, using any is better because it only iterates the array once:
val IntArray.enabled: Boolean get() = any { it == 5 || it == 16 }
Previous less efficient version:
val IntArray.enabled: Boolean get() = contains(5) || contains(16)
fun main() {
println(intArrayOf(0, 5).enabled)
println(intArrayOf(1, 16).enabled)
println(intArrayOf(5, 16).enabled)
println(intArrayOf(19, 1000, 4).enabled)

JSON Array goes crazy [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a huge problem with my two lovely JSON-Arrays.
The code is like:
else if ($range == "day") $sqlRangeString = "GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(dbtime, '%Y-%c-%e')";
$startdate = doTimeStamp($startdate);
$enddate = doTimeStamp($enddate);
if (isset($consumer_on))
echo '[';
$counter = 0;
foreach($consumer_name as $consumer_name_value)
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT AVG(loadvalue) AS m1, dbtime, time
FROM $consumer_name_value
WHERE time >= $startdate
AND time <= $enddate
ORDER BY time") or die('#ä');
while ($data2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
$consumer_value[$counter][0] = $data2['time'];
if (!isset($consumer_value[$counter][1])) $consumer_value[$counter][1] = 0;
$consumer_value[$counter][1] = (float)$consumer_value[$counter][1] + (float)$data2['m1'];
echo json_encode($consumer_value);
if (isset($producer_on))
$ounter = 0;
if (isset($consumer_on) && ($consumer_on == 1))echo ',';
foreach($producer_name as $producer_name_value)
$result3 = mysql_query("SELECT AVG(power) AS m1, dbtime, time
FROM $producer_name_value
WHERE time >= $startdate
AND time <= $enddate
ORDER BY time") or die('#ää'); ;
while ($data3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3))
$producer_value[$counter][0] = $data3['time'];
if (!isset($producer_value[$counter][1])) $producer_value[$counter][1] = 0;
$producer_value[$counter][1] = $producer_value[$counter][1] + (float)$data3['m1'];
echo json_encode($producer_value);
My problem is the output :
Why does the output from the produver_value array has the number in front of each part? How can I remove this?
The "array" has a number before each item because the PHP array indexes don't start from 0. You have an associative array instead of a regular one, which makes json_encode produce a JSON object instead of an array.
It's possible that this happens because of this typo:
$ounter = 0; // should be $counter ?
You can use array_values to extract the values from the array.