how can I duplicate venv environment without requirements.txt? - python-venv

I want to duplicate my environment. I cannot use conda or other tools in personal reason. I also don't want to use requirements.txt because it takes too long time.
How can I solve this problem?
I just copied and pasted original environment folder: myvenv1 to myvenv2
But if I activate myvenv2, it shows myvenv1's name, like this.
root: > source ./myvenv2/bin/activate
(myvenv1) root: >

Using requirements.txt is probably the fastest and safest solution.
Otherwise, I am not 100% sure but... if you copy a virtual environment, then I think that you need to edit the content of some files. For example the activate script which will be in charge of setting the prompt. But note that virtual environments are not designed to be copied, renamed or moved around. Things will break if you are not careful.


With Julia, is there a way to create a test/temporary/throwaway environement?

I would like to test the installation of a certain combination of packages without polluting my primary environment and without needing to create a folder. Is there a way to do this interactively/in the REPL?
For this specific purpose, there is also
(#v1.5) pkg> activate --temp
Activating new environment at `/tmp/jl_r7woaE/Project.toml`
Yes, navigate to into a specific folder (this will be where the throw away env. files are) and then run activate . in the package manager.

Getting an installed module to recognize changes to config files

I have a package that uses config.json for some settings it uses. I keep the package locally rather than installing it from CPAN. My problem is when I make changes to config.json, the package doesn't recognize the changes since the config file's cached elsewhere, forcing me to run zef install --force-install or delete precomp. How can I ensure that the package always recognizes updates to the config file?
When you install packages using zef, it keeps them in the filesystem, but their names are converted into sha1, something like
zef keeps track of them, however, and you can locate them using zef locate, for instance:
zef locate lib/Zef/CLI.pm6
You can run that from a program, for instance this way:
sub MAIN( Str $file ) {
my $location = qqx/zef locate $file/;
my $sha1 = ($location ~~ /\s+ \=\> \s+ (.+)/);
say "$file → $sha1[0]";
which will return pretty much the same, except it will give you the first location of the file you give it at the command line:
lib/Zef/CLI.pm6 → /home/jmerelo/.rakudobrew/moar-2018.03/install/share/perl6/site/sources/81436475BD18D66BFD96BBCEE07CCCDC0F368879
You probably need to install your config.json file in a resources directory (which is the preferred location) and then use something like that.
That said, probably actually installing a module you're testing is not the best strategy. If you're still testing things, it's probably better if you just keep it in the directory you're working with and use perl6 -I<that directory> or else use lib <that directory> is probably a better option. You can just delete that when you release, or keep it, since that only adds another directory to the search path and will not harm the released module.

How to configure IntelliJ products WITHOUT editing files in bin?

I'd like to set some specific options in idea.vmoptions and for IntelliJ IDEA 14, but I don't have access to those files in C:\Program Files\... (yes, that's Windows, don't troll ;)
Is there a folder in %UserProfile% or an environment variable I could set to read those files (both vmoptions and properties!) from elsewhere?
Please don't suggest to copy the whole IDEA folder elsewhere, there's a reason why I can't access it. I would be interested in a Linux solution too, the same would most likely work on Windows.
My Research
For Mac there're specific instructions at Increasing Memory Heap, but for Linux and Windows it's just filename which are trivial to find out anyway.
I also found IntelliJ IDEA files locations, but it says can be modified in IDEA_HOME\bin\ which doesn't help since I can't access that file, but want to change properties in it.
Update: Simple Answer
Create IDEA_PROPERTIES and IDEA_VM_OPTIONS environment variables and point them to the files you want, restart IDE, done.
Also see documentation for more (and maybe report that it lacks any mention of IDEA_PROPERTIES).
You can use %USERPROFILE%\.IntelliJIdea14\idea%BITS%.exe.vmoptions on Windows as custom options file. I tried it and it works.
Another way that I haven't tried, but I think should work, is to copy idea.bat and edit it to use the file you need.

LiteIDE won't run code after building, Process failed to start

About a week ago I installed golang successfully on my computer and got it's terminal commands to process. So by that, I know go is on my computer.
I have been looking for a good IDE and found LiteIDE which was made specifically for Go.
I read that if you already had go installed on your computer then you could use LiteIDE to start building your code right away. I must have read something wrong some where because I cannot get my projects to build at all. I think it there may be a missing/incorrect path and or something is just setup incorrectly.
This is the error I get in the console:
Current environment change id "win64-user"
C:/go/bin/go.exe env [c:\go]
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOBIN=
set GOCHAR=6
set GOEXE=.exe
set GOHOSTARCH=amd64
set GOHOSTOS=windows
set GOOS=windows
set GOROOT=c:\go
set GOTOOLDIR=c:\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64
set TERM=dumb
set CC=gcc
set GOGCCFLAGS=-g -O2 -m64 -mthreads
set CXX=g++
Command exited with code 0.
First_Lite_Go_Proj [C:/go/src/First Litel Go Proj]
Error: process failed to start.
I checked the C:/go directory to make everything there is correct and it was. Also I'm using 64bit windows 7 and double checked that as well.
Any ideas? Mine are: Missing/Incorrect Paths, Can't access a certain directory due to restrictions.
While I have not tested this in Windows 7, on Windows 10, these were the steps that I took to make LiteIDE work
Installed Go to C:\Go
Added C:\Go\bin to PATH and made sure go was working from Command Line
This was the most important step for me. Defined GOPATH in an environment variable. In my case, it was C:\Users\vivek\Documents\Source\Go. I also made sure that there were three folders src, pkg and bin were created in GOPATH. At this point go env was showing me correct values for GOPATH and GOROOT. go get, go build and go install was working as well at this step.
Downloaded and unzipped LiteIDE to C:\liteide. Started LiteIDE and it worked out of the box for me. Make sure that GOPATH is seen correctly by LiteIDE by going to View > Manage GOPATH
Hope this helps. Good luck.
It's not a good idea to keep your projects in the GOROOT path, which per default (when installed using the MSI installer) is C:\Go. Always keep it separated from there. It also helps to avoid issues with updates.
Since Go projects are made up of packages which are organized in directory structures it is important to follow a few rules and keep the working space for your Go projects separated and clean.
In my opinion its best practice to create ONE working directory as the root for ALL your Go projects somewhere in your user space and stick to it.
One way to do this is to create a directory like "work" and set the environment variable GOPATH to it (e.g. C:\Users\Peter\Documents\work). Make sure to relog or restart your computer after your changes.
Upon certain operations Go will automatically create the directories bin, pkg and src below your GOPATH.
src contains your created or downloaded Go source files,
pkg contains your installed package objects, and
bin contains your installed executable files.
bin or pkg will automatically be created when you use the go install command to install a binary executable or a package. It's important to understand that these are files that are not part of the Go installation.
src, if it does not yet exist, will automatically be created the first time you issue a go get command or in case of LiteIDE, the first time you create a new Go1 Command Project or Go1 Package Project. Watch the "Location:" field on the dialog box, it should include your path defined in GOPATH followed by \src (e.g. C:\Users\Peter\Documents\work\src).
In the name field enter the path you want to use for your project. If you plan to track the development of your project on Github (or other repo) it's common practice to include the path to the Git repo in your source path (e.g.
Of course you can use any other structure to organize your projects as long you make sure they fall below the src directory in your GOPATH.
For more information about Go workspaces read
A final note about the GOROOT environment variable. Dont explicitly set this if you install Go in C:\Go. It's enough to include C:\Go\bin in your path and to set GOPATH. GOROOT is only needed in case Go is installed at another location.
I also had this problem first, but after completing the installation process, I succeeded.
Step 1:
Run (Ctrl+R) -> run target, request build first.
BuildAndRun(Ctrl+F7) -> build and run target
FileRun(Alt+F6) -> go run
step 2:
Check Config via this URL:
Try setting up the GOROOT to the directory where go was installed. It worked for me.
Do you have 'Install' keyword in your project name? Try remove it.
You have to setup LiteIDE variables correctly (if there are not by default).
Please, check two options:
Go to Settings → "Manage GOPATH"
Options → LiteEnv (there are
environment definitions files). Just double click on someone and
setup Go environment variables.
I'm not sure how this works, but it worked in my case. I got this idea from this video on Youtube-Chris Hawkes
Open LiteIDE.
Click File---New.
Select "Go1 Command Project".
Browse the desired path.
Select the desired folder.
Name the folder and click Ok.
Now, you will be able to see a "main.go" file opened in the IDE.
Write whatever code you want to run in this file with correct syntax, it will run.
The only problem with this is, whenever I create another ".go" source code file in the same folder, the same error is shown. So, you might have to edit this file every time, you try to write new code.

Flash Builder 4.6 linked Resources not working with ANEs and Certs

I'm having an issue with linked Resources in Flash Builder. I work in a team environment where we use Linked Resources extensively. We just started developing ANEs and noticed that while linkedResources are used in the libraryPathEntry, in the buildTargets like anePathEntry and airCertificatePath, the absolute path is stored. I tried editing the .actionScriptProperties files directly, modifying the buildtarget absolute paths to linked resource equivalents using the libraryPathEntry as a guide but FlashBuilder complained when loading the project.
Is there a way to get the buildTargets to respect linkedResources and not save the absolute path? I'm trying to avoid the draconian way where all developers must have the exact same directory structure.
My team had this exact problem and all attempts to fix it with relative paths or workspace macros (i.e. ${PROJECT_LOC}) failed. It seems as if the team in charge of Flash Builder neglected to support relative paths in these particular dialogs, despite them being supported elsewhere.
Here is what we have done to fix this problem. I am assuming you are on a Mac/Linux or the like. If not, the concept here can still be applied.
Most of our projects already have a "set up" bash script that contributors run when they get code. Inside of that script, we simply set up a couple of symbolic links from the user specific absolute path, to a new absolute path with a "common" user. The script first creates the directory if it does not exist, and then creates the symlinks.
sudo mkdir -p /Users/common/<project>/
sudo ln -f -h -s ~/path/to/certificate/dir /Users/common/<project>/certificates
Obviously you can use whatever you like and whatever makes sense for the common path.
Now, in your .actionScriptProperties file you can change the location pointed to by the provisingFile and airCertificatePath to this new common absolute path.
<buildTarget ... provisioningFile="/Users/common/<project>/certificates/provisionfile.mobileprovision" ... >
<airSettings airCertificatePath="/Users/common/<project>/certificates/cert.p12" ... >
We actually take this a step further (and I suspect you will need to also) and create common symlink paths for the ANE files themselves. This ends up changing the anePathEntry to the common path as well.
<anePathEntry path="/Users/common/<project>/anes/some.ane"/>
You will need to make sure that you either hand edit the .actionScriptProperties file directly, or type in the fully qualified symlink path into the dialogs directly. Any attempt at using the Finder dialog launched by Flash Builder to navigate to the files in the common location resulted in the symlinks being auto-resolved to their actual locations.
The script requires sudo, which as I'm sure you know, will require that the users of it know their root password. Maybe some more bash savvy folks can suggest a way around sudo if this is not an option for you.
This will work for android stuff as well I believe. I don't know if that matters to you or not.
Hope this helps!
It looks like this issue was called out in the Flash Builder 4.6 known issues:
The bug is apparently fixed but I haven't been able to check the new Flash Builder 4.7 beta yet: