With Julia, is there a way to create a test/temporary/throwaway environement? - testing

I would like to test the installation of a certain combination of packages without polluting my primary environment and without needing to create a folder. Is there a way to do this interactively/in the REPL?

For this specific purpose, there is also
(#v1.5) pkg> activate --temp
Activating new environment at `/tmp/jl_r7woaE/Project.toml`

Yes, navigate to into a specific folder (this will be where the throw away env. files are) and then run activate . in the package manager.


How to temporarily change a setting in VSCode

When I am editing a standalone Python file in VSCode (not part of a workspace) I will often need to alter the value of python.pythonPath to reflect a specific virtualenv I am using to run that code.
As the setting is just for the one file, I don't want to change my persistent global settings, and I don't have workspace settings. Is there a way to change a setting just for this session? (Ideally, just for this one file, but I don't expect that to be possible, so I'd be happy with "just for the session"). If there isn't a built in way to do this, is there an extension which allows this? Or even an extension API that I could use to write my own extension for this?
As an alternative, is there a way to use an environment variable in a setting, and then set that environment variable for the current VSCode process? That would have the same effect, it would just require me to set up my user settings specifically to allow this usage.
If you launch vscode from the terminal after having activated your virtualenv, vscode will automatically use the aforementioned virtualenv (with no modification to your settings):
source venv/bin/activate
code .
Note: if vscode is already opened, use code -n . in order to open the file/folder in a new window.

LiteIDE won't run code after building, Process failed to start

About a week ago I installed golang successfully on my computer and got it's terminal commands to process. So by that, I know go is on my computer.
I have been looking for a good IDE and found https://code.google.com/p/liteide/ LiteIDE which was made specifically for Go.
I read that if you already had go installed on your computer then you could use LiteIDE to start building your code right away. I must have read something wrong some where because I cannot get my projects to build at all. I think it there may be a missing/incorrect path and or something is just setup incorrectly.
This is the error I get in the console:
Current environment change id "win64-user"
C:/go/bin/go.exe env [c:\go]
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOBIN=
set GOCHAR=6
set GOEXE=.exe
set GOHOSTARCH=amd64
set GOHOSTOS=windows
set GOOS=windows
set GOROOT=c:\go
set GOTOOLDIR=c:\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64
set TERM=dumb
set CC=gcc
set GOGCCFLAGS=-g -O2 -m64 -mthreads
set CXX=g++
Command exited with code 0.
First_Lite_Go_Proj [C:/go/src/First Litel Go Proj]
Error: process failed to start.
I checked the C:/go directory to make everything there is correct and it was. Also I'm using 64bit windows 7 and double checked that as well.
Any ideas? Mine are: Missing/Incorrect Paths, Can't access a certain directory due to restrictions.
While I have not tested this in Windows 7, on Windows 10, these were the steps that I took to make LiteIDE work
Installed Go to C:\Go
Added C:\Go\bin to PATH and made sure go was working from Command Line
This was the most important step for me. Defined GOPATH in an environment variable. In my case, it was C:\Users\vivek\Documents\Source\Go. I also made sure that there were three folders src, pkg and bin were created in GOPATH. At this point go env was showing me correct values for GOPATH and GOROOT. go get, go build and go install was working as well at this step.
Downloaded and unzipped LiteIDE to C:\liteide. Started LiteIDE and it worked out of the box for me. Make sure that GOPATH is seen correctly by LiteIDE by going to View > Manage GOPATH
Hope this helps. Good luck.
It's not a good idea to keep your projects in the GOROOT path, which per default (when installed using the MSI installer) is C:\Go. Always keep it separated from there. It also helps to avoid issues with updates.
Since Go projects are made up of packages which are organized in directory structures it is important to follow a few rules and keep the working space for your Go projects separated and clean.
In my opinion its best practice to create ONE working directory as the root for ALL your Go projects somewhere in your user space and stick to it.
One way to do this is to create a directory like "work" and set the environment variable GOPATH to it (e.g. C:\Users\Peter\Documents\work). Make sure to relog or restart your computer after your changes.
Upon certain operations Go will automatically create the directories bin, pkg and src below your GOPATH.
src contains your created or downloaded Go source files,
pkg contains your installed package objects, and
bin contains your installed executable files.
bin or pkg will automatically be created when you use the go install command to install a binary executable or a package. It's important to understand that these are files that are not part of the Go installation.
src, if it does not yet exist, will automatically be created the first time you issue a go get command or in case of LiteIDE, the first time you create a new Go1 Command Project or Go1 Package Project. Watch the "Location:" field on the dialog box, it should include your path defined in GOPATH followed by \src (e.g. C:\Users\Peter\Documents\work\src).
In the name field enter the path you want to use for your project. If you plan to track the development of your project on Github (or other repo) it's common practice to include the path to the Git repo in your source path (e.g. github.com/petergloor/hello-go).
Of course you can use any other structure to organize your projects as long you make sure they fall below the src directory in your GOPATH.
For more information about Go workspaces read https://golang.org/doc/code.html#Workspaces.
A final note about the GOROOT environment variable. Dont explicitly set this if you install Go in C:\Go. It's enough to include C:\Go\bin in your path and to set GOPATH. GOROOT is only needed in case Go is installed at another location.
I also had this problem first, but after completing the installation process, I succeeded.
Step 1:
Run (Ctrl+R) -> run target, request build first.
BuildAndRun(Ctrl+F7) -> build and run target
FileRun(Alt+F6) -> go run
step 2:
Check Config via this URL:
Try setting up the GOROOT to the directory where go was installed. It worked for me.
Do you have 'Install' keyword in your project name? Try remove it.
You have to setup LiteIDE variables correctly (if there are not by default).
Please, check two options:
Go to Settings → "Manage GOPATH"
Options → LiteEnv (there are
environment definitions files). Just double click on someone and
setup Go environment variables.
I'm not sure how this works, but it worked in my case. I got this idea from this video on Youtube-Chris Hawkes
Open LiteIDE.
Click File---New.
Select "Go1 Command Project".
Browse the desired path.
Select the desired folder.
Name the folder and click Ok.
Now, you will be able to see a "main.go" file opened in the IDE.
Write whatever code you want to run in this file with correct syntax, it will run.
The only problem with this is, whenever I create another ".go" source code file in the same folder, the same error is shown. So, you might have to edit this file every time, you try to write new code.

Start two instances of IntelliJ IDE

Well my question is pretty simple, how do I start two instances of IntelliJ (community edition).
When I have one instance started and I try to start another one, all that happens is that my started instance gets focus.
I'm developing Android applications using IntelliJ.
Any thoughts?
Press Ctrl+Alt+SChoose Appearance & Behavior, then System Settings, check radio button: Open project in new window.
You need to configure each instance to use its own folders for config/plugins/system locations by editing idea.properties file on Windows/Linux and Info.plist on Mac. You can find the details in FAQ.
Note that normally it's not necessary since you can open multiple projects in different IDEA frames within the same instance using File | Open or Open Recent.
CrazyCoder has roughly the right idea. However, setting the config file alone was not sufficient for me to run multiple instances. Here are my steps to get this going (in GNU/Linux, I am sure you can figure out equivalent in other systems):
Create a folder/directory per instance you want to run.
mkdir -p ~/idea/instance-0
Go to the installation directory (e.g. /opt/intellij) and copy the idea.properties (in bin) file over to your instance directory.
cp /opt/intellij/bin/idea.properties ~/idea/instance-0/
Copy 3 more directories: system, plugins, and config. I highly recommend doing this without the running instance
cp -r /opt/intellij/system ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/plugins ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/config ~/idea/instance-0/
mkdir ~/idea/instance-0/log
Open your idea.properties file and update the configurations for your directories:
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
Now, you can start IntelliJ with the new setup:
IDEA_PROPERTIES=~/idea/instance-0/idea.properties /opt/intellij/bin/idea
Obviously, you probably want to put the command in a script file for invocation. This seems to work for me.
File->Settings->General and in section "Startup/Shutdown" check "Confirm window to open project in"
With Ultimate 2020.2, go to Appearance & Behavior > System Settings in the settings dialog and select the "Ask" option for "Open project in"
As per the directions from jetbrains you'll need go to the 'General' page of the 'Settings' dialog and chose 'Open project in a new window'. Then proceed to open a project as you normally do. IntelliJ should then startup a completely new instance.
There is an other very quick way of doing it. There is always an EAP version of the IDE and it can run at same time with the current one. For example I am using AppCode 2017.2 and 2017.3 EAP in parallel.
Go go to IntelliJ | Tools | Create Command-line Launcher...
Keep the defaults (which creates a binary named "idea"):
Now, go to your command line.
Cd to your project directory and type: idea .
This will create a .idea directory for IntelliJ configurations for that project, which it will re-use each time to start IntelliJ from that directory.
You can now go to a different project directory and type: idea .
Assuming you left the previous IntellJ IDE open, you will now have two IntellJ IDEs open, one for each project.
1) If your project uses environment variables, then I'd recommending opening a separate terminal tab/window for each project and set that project's environment variables before running: idea .
2) Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may need to modify your classpath (or settings like Project GOPATH) for each IntelliJ instance.
My answer is not directly related to the question but its a solution for some cases where we think we need 2 Intellij instances.
For my issue I was thinking to launch 2 Intellij instances. But after careful thinking and searching for other options, I found an easy and quick solution and I wanna share with the community
If you are looking to compare files between different branches, and you wanna compare the difference, that can be done with git comparison. You don't need 2 different Intellij instances.
My Case:
In my case, I wanted to copy very specific code from 1 branch to another and I wanted to compare the difference between the code. The restriction was, I can't do git merge or cherry-pick because we didn't want full commit to be part of new branch. Just few necessary lines were required in the new branch.
My Solution:
Select the branch
Open the file where you wanna insert code
Right Click -> Git -> Compare with... (refer to pic)
Select the branch and you will get the difference
Append or Copy the difference
If you have new files or directories, you can create it manually and copy-paste the content
I know this answer doesn't directly relates to what has been asked, but sometimes we miss alternative solutions.
Hope this can be helpful as an alternative solution.
In addition to the above comments from #crazycoder and #magice, Make sure that you are not trying to load Pycharm with the same project two times which happened to me!!!.
For example, in windows10 already loaded with ONLY one project in PyCharm and tried to load another Pycharm instance by clicking on the PyCharm desktop shortcut or from task-bar if added. In this case, Pycharm will not load the second instance.
I have wasted some time here. So, wanted to share with the community as it will help someone out there!!

Changing multiple SSIS Packages in an Automated way

I have about 170 SSIS packages. A new requirement is that users from other workstations can run them from their command lines using dtexec.
To make this possible I'd like to set change the protection level to encrypt sensitive with password, and change the password in each package.
Is there a way to automate this?
It's not something I've tried personally, but you could potentially amend or add the property in the XML source of the packages using a global search and replace.
A much easier method is to use the built in package configuration functionality. Configure your package to look to load its configuration from a config file. Distribute the config file with the package(s). You'll have to decide on what technique to use for the package to find it's config file (this technique will be used on all dev workstations). I've typically used registry entry. You can also use system variables. From an execution stand point, you can pass in the name and location of the config file to dtexec.

Setting up StyleCop for team development

We are trying to setup stylecop for a team development environment. So far what we have done is:
Checked the files into source control
Create an environment variable on every machine that points to that location (each dev has source checked out to a different location, this solves that)
Add the tag to the project as follows:
This works great, but VS complains that the file is unsafe, and I know to fix that we have to mark is safe in the registry. We wanted to create a .reg file to import this setting and make it easier for everyone. Can we use that environment variable in the path? I have tried the snippet below, but that doesn't seem to work. Is the syntax for an environment variable different?
Why you need to host that Targets file in a global place? Everyone can install a copy of StyleCop.
If you in fact plan to share StyleCop settings, please configure the projects to use a project locally setting file (*.SourceAnalysis). You can check in this file along with your projects, and then everyone is in sync.