ML.NET C# finds out which indicators are best to predict a trend - stock

I have a file that has a stock price and many indicators' values (for example MACD, RSI, EMA, and so on). I want to use ML.NET to find out which indicators are most important to identify a trend (up/down trend).
Anyone can help me?


Predict a nonlinear array based on 2 features with scalar values using XGBoost or equivalent

So I have been looking at XGBoost as a place to start with this, however I am not sure the best way to accomplish what I want.
My data is set up something like this
Where every value, whether it be input or output is numerical. The issue I'm facing is that I only have 3 input data points per several output data points.
I have seen that XGBoost has a multi-output regression method, however I am only really seeing it used to predict around 2 outputs per 1 input, whereas my data may have upwards of 50 output points needing to be predicted with only a handful of scalar input features.
I'd appreciate any ideas you may have.
For reference, I've been looking at mainly these two demos (they are the same idea just one is scikit and the other xgboost)

Using an ARX model in GAMS

I have created an Autoregressive model with exogenous input (ARX model) for my thermal model which I want to use to calculate Room temperature for an optimized Air conditioner power. The ARX requires the previous 6 values of input (and the output) variables.
However, I have not found a suitable way to successfully write an expression in GAMS that includes the current values and the previous values of the same variables.
I will appreciate it if anyone can point me to some websites, materials, etc that address such an issue.
Best regards.

Should my seq2seq RNN idea work?

I want to predict stock price.
Normally, people would feed the input as a sequence of stock prices.
Then they would feed the output as the same sequence but shifted to the left.
When testing, they would feed the output of the prediction into the next input timestep like this:
I have another idea, which is to fix the sequence length, for example 50 timesteps.
The input and output are exactly the same sequence.
When training, I replace last 3 elements of the input by zero to let the model know that I have no input for those timesteps.
When testing, I would feed the model a sequence of 50 elements. The last 3 are zeros. The predictions I care are the last 3 elements of the output.
Would this work or is there a flaw in this idea?
The main flaw of this idea is that it does not add anything to the model's learning, and it reduces its capacity, as you force your model to learn identity mapping for first 47 steps (50-3). Note, that providing 0 as inputs is equivalent of not providing input for an RNN, as zero input, after multiplying by a weight matrix is still zero, so the only source of information is bias and output from previous timestep - both are already there in the original formulation. Now second addon, where we have output for first 47 steps - there is nothing to be gained by learning the identity mapping, yet network will have to "pay the price" for it - it will need to use weights to encode this mapping in order not to be penalised.
So in short - yes, your idea will work, but it is nearly impossible to get better results this way as compared to the original approach (as you do not provide any new information, do not really modify learning dynamics, yet you limit capacity by requesting identity mapping to be learned per-step; especially that it is an extremely easy thing to learn, so gradient descent will discover this relation first, before even trying to "model the future").

Objective - Subjective text Classifier :

I am trying to built a classifier for subjective and objective text using imdb data . For objective data point I am using the movie's plot summary as input where as for subjective data points I am using review of the movies.
I took complete plot summary as one data point where as in case of reviews each review by a single user is a single data point .In my database different reviews of the same movie by different user is entered as different data points.
After this I cleaned the words of special character , removed stop word , calculated the Information gain to create the word dictionary and applied Naive Bayes using word frequency to calculate the probabilities .
Now my question are
Is my algo to build the classifier correct ?
My classifer is heavvily biased toward objective. Am I making mistake
in creation of training data ?
I want to create a genric classifer that can be used for tweets or
somthing extracted from blogs . Is movie review data is sufficient ? Right now its not working even for movie review data

How to plot a Pearson correlation given a time series?

I am using the code in this website to implement a Pearson Correlation given two time series data like so:
require 'gsl'
pearson_correlation = GSL::Stats::correlation(
This returns a number such as -0.2352461593569471.
I'm currently using the highcharts library and am feeding it two sets of timeseries data. Given that I have a finite time series for both sets, can I do something with this number (-0.2352461593569471) to create a third time series showing the slope of this curve? If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it!
No, correlation doesn't tell you anything about the slope of the line of best fit. It just tells you approximately how much of the variability in one variable (or one time series, in this case) can be explained by the other. There is a reasonably good description here:
How you deal with the data in your specific case is highly dependent on what you're trying to achieve. Are you trying to show that variable X causes variable Y? If so, you could start by dropping the time-series-ness, and just treat the data as paired values, and use linear regression. If you're trying to find a model of how X and Y vary together over time, you could look at multivariate linear regression (I'm not very familiar with this, though).