in laravel hasMany() relation is working but belongsTO not working - laravel-8

i have two tables 1: users 2: roles
as for migration of users table like this
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* #return void
public function up()
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()
as for roles table migration
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* #return void
public function up()
Schema::create('roles', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()
User mode
namespace App\Models;
// use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use App\Models\Role;
use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable;
public function role(){
return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* #var array<int, string>
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be hidden for serialization.
* #var array<int, string>
protected $hidden = [
* The attributes that should be cast.
* #var array<string, string>
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
Role model
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
class Role extends Model
use HasFactory;
public function users(){
return $this->hasMany(User::class);
so i have tried
so it is returning
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#4831
all: [
App\Models\User {#4829
id: 2,
role_id: 1,
name: "zahid",
username: "admin",
email: "",
email_verified_at: null,
#password: "$2y$10$6Up.B4.0gytPsVWOT/f0eeG4yk.u466FDRNf34yYZwxbwyKJh8o8u",
updated_at: null,
it is returning null
please tell me where is my fault in code why my belogsTo not working. i want for one use lke jone or nike contains only one role lke author or admin or writer etc. but one role lke admin or it could be contain multiple users lke multiple user can be admin or author.
is in my logic any fault or in code above.
plz help me. and thank for advaced for all helpfull code loves.


Issue With Laravel 8 Auth Email Verification

I'm Using Laravel 8.x And i'm trying to make login/register With Email verification
I followed Some Tutorials,Blogs but didn't get desired output
I want:-
Whenever User Register themselve An Verification Email must send to there email
(Email Is Sent but not able to verify by that url so i follow some laracast blog by that i'm able to verify by that verification url)
but the issue is if i didn't verified my self i'm still able to login into my application
Here Is Codes
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class HomeController extends Controller
* Create a new controller instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Show the application dashboard.
* #return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function index()
return view('home');
Register Controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\RegistersUsers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
class RegisterController extends Controller
',' Register Controller
',' This controller handles the registration of new users as well as their
',' validation and creation. By default this controller uses a trait to
',' provide this functionality without requiring any additional code.
use RegistersUsers;
* Where to redirect users after registration.
* #var string
protected $redirectTo = RouteServiceProvider::HOME;
* Create a new controller instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Get a validator for an incoming registration request.
* #param array $data
* #return \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator
protected function validator(array $data)
return Validator::make($data, [
'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
'contact' => ['required','min:10'],
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users'],
'password' => ['required','string','min:8','confirmed','regex:/^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[#?!#$%^&*-]).{6,}$/'],
* Create a new user instance after a valid registration.
* #param array $data
* #return \App\Models\User
protected function create(array $data)
return User::create([
'name' => $data['name'],
'contact' => $data['contact'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),
Veification Controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException;
use App\Models\User;
class VerificationController extends Controller
| Email Verification Controller
| This controller is responsible for handling email verification for any
| user that recently registered with the application. Emails may also
| be re-sent if the user didn't receive the original email message.
use VerifiesEmails;
* Where to redirect users after verification.
* #var string
protected $redirectTo = RouteServiceProvider::HOME;
* Create a new controller instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
// $this->middleware('auth');
$this->middleware('throttle:6,1')->only('verify', 'resend');
public function verify(Request $request)
// if ($request->route('id') != $request->user()->getKey()) {
// throw new AuthorizationException;
// }
$user = User::find($request->route('id'));
if ($request->user()->hasVerifiedEmail()) {
return redirect($this->redirectPath());
if ($request->user()->markEmailAsVerified()) {
event(new Verified($request->user()));
return redirect($this->redirectPath())->with('verified', true);
Auth::routes(['verify' => true]);
Route::group(['prefix'=>'user', 'middleware' => 'auth'],function(){});

Auth::attempt return False

My problem with Auth::attempt return False
I'm moving from codeignter to laravel 8
I start with new laravel project and connected with my DB
Ihis is my controller (change password to to save hash password in DB)
public function loginCheck(Request $request)
dd(Auth::attempt(['email'=>$request->email,'password'=>$request->password])); // return false
$credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');
if (Auth::attempt(['email'=>$request->email,'password'=>$request->password])) {
return redirect()->intended('dashboard');
return back()->withErrors(['email' => 'The provided credentials do not match our records.']);
public function changePasswordAction(Request $request){
// dd($user);
//new pass
$user->password = Hash::make('123456');
this my user model
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasFactory, Notifiable;
protected $table = 'user';
protected $primaryKey = 'u_id';
public $timestamps = true;
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* #var array
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* #var array
protected $hidden = [
// 'remember_token',
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* #var array
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
public function setPasswordAttribute($password)
$this->attributes['password'] = Hash::make($password);
Email filed in DB:
email varchar(255) utf8_general_ci
Password filed in DB:
password varchar(255) utf8_general_ci
i have find solution i just remove this funcation from user model
public function setPasswordAttribute($password)
$this->attributes['password'] = Hash::make($password);
its was made a duplication in Hash code

Laravel Sanctum tokens() undefined

i'm new to laravel and trying to build an api for a login using sanctum.
I followed documentation, and a few tutorials but i've encountered an error where the token function is not accessible by my user class even when using HasApiToken.
here is my user model:
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable;
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* #var array
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* #var array
protected $hidden = [
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* #var array
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
public function country()
return $this->hasOne(Country::class);
[this is the error message][1]
I also already checked the route in config/auth.php and it is App\Models\User::class
I've solved that problem by adding $user->tokens()->delete(); into my AuthController#logout,
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
class AuthController extends Controller
public function logout(User $user){
return [
'message' => 'Logged out'
And User model looks like this.
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable;
protected $fillable = [
//some code
protected $hidden = [
//some code
protected $casts = [
//some code

Laravel SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064

Hi i want to create a foreign key but nothing work and i don't understand whyenter image description here
enter image description here
Please provide more info about table type, for now based on info that you type I can suggest you check are you using InnoDB tables? does FOREIGN KEY in table one corresponding to PK in table 2? are they have same types and length?
articles table
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateArticlesTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* #return void
public function up()
Schema::create('articles', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('title' , 255);
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()
category table
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateCategoryTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* #return void
public function up()
Schema::create('category', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()

Laravel 5.2 Eloquent Relationships with Irregular Names

I'm building out my first project in Laravel and have run into a bit of a snag with a one to many relationship between two tables.
Historically, I would have done something like this in SQL to achieve my end goal:
SELECT tag_key.key
FROM tag
LEFT JOIN tag_key
ON tag.tag_key_id =;
With Laravel, I'm trying to do things the ORM way and am getting hung up, probably on a naming thing somewhere down the pipe. Here's the code:
Part 1: Migrations:
"tag_keys" table
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateTagKeysTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* #return void
public function up()
Schema::create('tag_keys', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('key', 128);
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()
"tags" table
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateTagsTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* #return void
public function up()
Schema::create('tags', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('value', 128);
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()
Part 2: Models:
"TagKey" model
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class TagKey extends Model
protected $fillable = [
protected $dates = [];
protected $table = 'tag_keys';
* Tag Keys have many Tags
public function values()
return $this->hasMany('App\Tag');
"Tag" model
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Tag extends Model
protected $fillable = [
protected $dates = [];
* Tag values belong to Tag Keys
public function key()
return $this->belongsTo('App\TagKey');
Independently, they both work just fine. However, when I jump into tinker and try this (given there is a valid row in both the "tag" and "tag_key" tables and given that id 1 in the "tag" has the value of 1 in the "tag_key" table under the "tag_key_id" column):
$tag = App\Tag::first();
=> null
What am I missing here? How do I build this association?
When the foreign key name doesn't follow Eloquent conventions ("snake case" name of the owning model and suffix it with _id), you should specify it in the relationship:
TagKey object:
return $this->hasMany('App\Tag', 'tag_key_id');
Key object:
return $this->belongsTo('App\TagKey', 'tag_key_id');
More info in the documentation