Data Type Mismatch on SQL statement - sql

I am trying to pull in column data from a table into a timer in VBA. In my table I have IntervalSeconds as a number. I'm trying to query the number of seconds to determine how long to set my counter for.
Dim timeRemaining As Long (Form Variable) - used in multiple functionss
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSQL As String
Me.Visible = False
strSQL = "SELECT AccessControl.IntervalSeconds FROM AccessControl WHERE AccessControl.DatabaseName = '" & CurrentDb.Name & "'"
timeRemaining = CLng(strSQL)
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmForceLogout")
End Sub
Every time I run the form I get a Type Mismatch error when I hit the timeRemaining = cLng(strSQL) line. Am I missing something?

You can use DLookup for such simple tasks:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Criteria As String
Me.Visible = False
Criteria = "DatabaseName = '" & CurrentDb.Name & "'"
timeRemaining = DLookup("IntervalSeconds", "AccessControl", Criteria)
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmForceLogout")
End Sub


Why I Cant set the FilterOn property in form_open?

I try to set a filter of an continuous form in access vba. This is the code I use:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim filter As String
filter = "1 = 0" ' "1=0" is just for testing purpurses
Me.filter = filter
Me.FilterOn = True
Debug.Print Me.FilterOn & "; " & Me.filter
end sub
The output is:
False; 1 = 0
and the filter is not used.
Why does this not work? And is there a way to set and activate the filter before the form is shown?
I found out that the reason is. I use a framework where I set the recordsource later. While there is no recordsource, "Me.FilterOn = True" simply does not work. The following code does work:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = "select * from MyTable"
Dim filter As String
filter = "1 = 0" ' "1=0" is just for testing purpurses
Me.filter = filter
Me.FilterOn = True
Debug.Print Me.FilterOn & "; " & Me.filter
end sub
and the output is:
True; 1 = 0

Modify multiple records via listbox based on combobox in Access

I have a form that has a multi-selection listbox based on a query of items that have a specific field that is blank (UserID). I would like to select a UserID from a combobox and click a button to have all selected records modified to have that UserID. (I would also like to update the DateAssigned field to whatever the current date is). CaseID is the unique value in the table.
Sample Form Picture
(The combo box has two columns, the second one has the actual ID I'd want to use).
I've looked at multiple different posts on here like this but I haven't been able to get it to work. Here's an example of a code I found and tried, altered slightly.
Private Sub AssignButton_Click()
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim lID As Long
Dim sSQL_Update As String
Dim sText_1 As String
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
sText_1 = Me.ComboBox
With Me.ToAssignList
For lCnt = 1 To .ListCount
If .Selected(lCnt) Then
lID = .Column(4, lCnt - 1)
'Example update for 1 column
sSQL_Update = "UPDATE MainData SET UserID = '" & sText_1 & "' WHERE CaseID = " & lID & ";"
bSuccess = Update_Statement(sSQL_Update)
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Function Update_Statement(sUpdate_Stmt) As Boolean
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute (sUpdate_Stmt)
End Function
When I try running this nothing happens.
Thank you!
Hy, Some remarks and tweaks to your code :
First enable the direct screen :
This will enable you to use the debug function.
Is the field : UserID in the table Maindata a text field ? If so, fine, otherwise you should alter the string to :
"UPDATE MainData SET UserID = " & Cint(sText_1) & " WHERE CaseID = " & lID & ";"
Then it would be better to create different functions in a module for what you are trying to do. But ok, this is not your main concern right now...
Try :
Private Sub AssignButton_Click()
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim lID As Long
Dim sSQL_Update As String
Dim sText_1 As String
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
sText_1 = Me.ComboBox
With Me.ToAssignList
For lCnt = 1 To .ListCount
If .Selected(lCnt) Then
lID = .Column(4, lCnt - 1)
'Example update for 1 column
sSQL_Update = "UPDATE MainData SET UserID = '" & sText_1 & "' WHERE CaseID = " & lID & ";"
'Check your sql statement and add it to stack overflow if it still is not working
Debug.Print sSQL_Update
bSuccess = Update_Statement(sSQL_Update)
End If
End With
End Sub
There is should be a logical check in the code bellow to see if the update is done, anyhow, the code bellow should work and return a true value if the update doesn't produce an error... it's not good code but ok.
Public Function Update_Statement(sUpdate_Stmt) As Boolean
Dim Currentdb As Database
Set Currentdb = Currentdb
Call Currentdb.Execute(sUpdate_Stmt, dbSeeChanges)
Update_Statement = True
End Function
Good luck !

Access SubForm selection depends on Combo box

I would like to Filter my sub form based on my Combo box filter. I'm getting code error. I need help with this.
After Update I have written one event:
Private Sub cboSelected_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyName As String
MyName = " select * from [ITP_Checklist Log] where ([ITP_Checklist Log].[Name] = " & Me.cboSelected & " )"
Me.ITP_Checklist_Log_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyName
End Sub
Run-time error '3464'
Data Type Mismatch in Criteria expression.
Use quotes for string values - and Requery is only needed if you don't change the recordsource:
Private Sub cboSelected_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyName As String
MyName = "select * from [ITP_Checklist Log] where ([ITP_Checklist Log].[Name] = '" & Me!cboSelected.Value & "')"
Debug.Print MyName
If Me!ITP_Checklist_Log_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyName Then
Me!ITP_Checklist_Log_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyName
End If
End Sub

Recursive Function Not Returning

I am hopeing someone can help me here with a recursive function I have that is not returning either true or false as I would have espected it to. The function loops through a Active Directory group for its members and then calls itself if it encounters any groups within the membership in order to gets its members as well. I am trying to return either true or false based on if any errors were encountered but not haveing any luck at all. It appears to just hang and never return back to the primary calling sub that starts the recursive function. Below is my code I am using:
Private Sub StartAnalysis(ByVal grp As String, ByVal grpdn As String, ByVal reqid As String)
Dim searchedGroups As New Hashtable
'prior work before calling sub
searchedGroups.Add(grp, 1)
Dim iserror As Boolean = GetGroupMembers(grpdn, searchedGroups, reqid)
If iserror = False Then
'do stuff
'do stuff
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetGroupMembers(ByVal groupSearch As String, ByVal searchedGroups As Hashtable, ByVal requestID As String) As Boolean
Dim iserror As Boolean = False
Dim lastQuery As Boolean = False
Dim endLoop As Boolean = False
Dim rangeStep As Integer = 999
Dim rangeLow As Integer = 0
Dim rangeHigh As Integer = rangeLow + rangeStep
Dim range As String = "member"
If lastQuery = False Then
range = String.Format("member;range={0}-{1}", rangeLow, rangeHigh)
range = String.Format("member;range={0}-*", rangeLow)
endLoop = True
End If
Dim group As SearchResult = QueryObject(groupSearch, range)
Dim groupCN As String = group.Properties("cn")(0).ToString
If group.Properties.Contains(range) Then
For Each member As Object In group.Properties(range)
Dim user As SearchResult = QueryObject(member.ToString, "member")
Dim userCN = user.Properties("cn")(0).ToString
If Not user.Properties.Contains("member") Then
Dim userMail = String.Empty
If user.Properties.Contains("mail") Then
userMail = user.Properties("mail")(0).ToString
End If
userCN = userCN.Replace("'", "''")
Dim qry As String = _
"INSERT INTO group_analysis_details (request_id, member_name, member_email, member_group) " & _
"values ('" & requestID & "', '" & userCN & "', '" & userMail & "', '" & groupCN & "')"
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(cs)
Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(qry, sqlConn)
If Not searchedGroups.ContainsKey(userCN) Then
searchedGroups.Add(userCN, 1)
iserror = GetGroupMembers(user.Properties("distinguishedname")(0).ToString, searchedGroups, requestID)
If iserror = True Then Return iserror
searchedGroups(userCN) += 1
End If
End If
lastQuery = True
End If
If lastQuery = False Then
rangeLow = rangeHigh + 1
rangeHigh = rangeLow + rangeStep
End If
Loop While endLoop = False
Return iserror
Catch ex As Exception
myEvents.WriteEntry("Error while analyzing the following group: " & groupSearch & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Details of the error are as follows: " & ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error)
Return True
End Try
End Function
Hopefully someone can point out where I might be making my error is this.
Generally if you're using a 'Do...Loop While' and manually setting the exit condition inside the loop it's very easy to get stuck in an infinite loop which is what causes the program to hang.
It looks like you're not setting endloop = True in all circumstances. Try changing it to an Exit Do and adding one to each of the various conditions you have. A bit of trial and error will be required to get it just right.
Also to make your life easier extract the database insert code into a seperate function and call it when needed.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Can anyone help with the following code?
I'm trying to get data from the database colum to the datagridview...
I'm getting error over here "Dim sql_1 As String = "SELECT * FROM item where item_id = '" + DataGridView_stockout.CurrentCell.Value.ToString() + "'""
Private Sub DataGridView_stockout_CellMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView_stockout.CellMouseClick
Dim i As Integer = Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0
Dim thiscur_stok As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=MBTHQ\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=stock_check;Integrated Security=True")
' Sql Query
Dim sql_1 As String = "SELECT * FROM item where item_id = '" + DataGridView_stockout.CurrentCell.Value.ToString() + "'"
' Create Data Adapter
Dim da_1 As New SqlDataAdapter(sql_1, thiscur_stok)
' Fill Dataset and Get Data Table
da_1.Fill(Stock_checkDataSet1, "item")
Dim dt_1 As DataTable = Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables("item")
If i >= DataGridView_stockout.Rows.Count Then
'MessageBox.Show("Sorry, DataGridView_stockout doesn't any row at index " & i.ToString())
Exit Sub
End If
If 1 >= Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables.Count Then
'MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Stock_checkDataSet1 doesn't any table at index 1")
Exit Sub
End If
If i >= Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(1).Rows.Count Then
'MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(1) doesn't any row at index " & i.ToString())
Exit Sub
End If
If Not Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(1).Columns.Contains("os") Then
'MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(1) doesn't any column named 'os'")
Exit Sub
End If
'DataGridView_stockout.Item("cs_stockout", i).Value = Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("os")
Dim ab As String = Stock_checkDataSet1.Tables(0).Rows(i)(0).ToString()
End Sub
I keep on getting the error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
I dont know where I'm going wrong.
Help really appreciated!!
I think you need to use a 0 index.
Start the debugger and turn on break on exception, you'll see the exact point where the exception occurs then.