Why I Cant set the FilterOn property in form_open? - vba

I try to set a filter of an continuous form in access vba. This is the code I use:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim filter As String
filter = "1 = 0" ' "1=0" is just for testing purpurses
Me.filter = filter
Me.FilterOn = True
Debug.Print Me.FilterOn & "; " & Me.filter
end sub
The output is:
False; 1 = 0
and the filter is not used.
Why does this not work? And is there a way to set and activate the filter before the form is shown?

I found out that the reason is. I use a framework where I set the recordsource later. While there is no recordsource, "Me.FilterOn = True" simply does not work. The following code does work:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = "select * from MyTable"
Dim filter As String
filter = "1 = 0" ' "1=0" is just for testing purpurses
Me.filter = filter
Me.FilterOn = True
Debug.Print Me.FilterOn & "; " & Me.filter
end sub
and the output is:
True; 1 = 0


Data Type Mismatch on SQL statement

I am trying to pull in column data from a table into a timer in VBA. In my table I have IntervalSeconds as a number. I'm trying to query the number of seconds to determine how long to set my counter for.
Dim timeRemaining As Long (Form Variable) - used in multiple functionss
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSQL As String
Me.Visible = False
strSQL = "SELECT AccessControl.IntervalSeconds FROM AccessControl WHERE AccessControl.DatabaseName = '" & CurrentDb.Name & "'"
timeRemaining = CLng(strSQL)
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmForceLogout")
End Sub
Every time I run the form I get a Type Mismatch error when I hit the timeRemaining = cLng(strSQL) line. Am I missing something?
You can use DLookup for such simple tasks:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Criteria As String
Me.Visible = False
Criteria = "DatabaseName = '" & CurrentDb.Name & "'"
timeRemaining = DLookup("IntervalSeconds", "AccessControl", Criteria)
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmForceLogout")
End Sub

Save reports according to choice from a sub form

I have a main form called (frmcarSearch) that displays table data called (tblCar).
The form contains three drop-down menu (cmbCar, cmbType, cmbGroup) that allow user to filter data and display them in a sub-form called (frmCarSub)
and there are three buttons to save the filtered data btnPrint, btnPDF, btnExcel.
The question is: How to write a code for each button so that the report displays (or save) the data in the sub-form according to the choice from each drop-down menu?
The code for each combo box:
Private Sub cmbCar_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmbGroup.Value = ""
Me.cmbType.Value = ""
Me.frmCarSub.Form.Filter = "[CarNum]= '" & [cmbCar] & "'"
Me.frmCarSub.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmbType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmbGroup.Value = ""
Me.cmbCar.Value = ""
Me.frmCarSub.Form.Filter = "[TypeName]='" & [cmbType] & "'"
Me.frmCarSub.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmbGroup_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmbCar.Value = ""
Me.cmbType.Value = ""
Me.frmCarSub.Form.Filter = "[CarGroupName]= '" & [cmbGroup] & "'"
Me.frmCarSub.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
I used this code for btnPrint button
Private Sub btnPrint_Click()
If IsNull([cmbCar]) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCar", acViewPreview
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCar", acViewPreview, , "[CarNum]='" & [cmbCar] & "'"
End If
End Sub
But the problem with this code is that I have to use three buttons for the three menus and this is illogical.
Thank you.
You could define a function such as the following with the module for your form:
Function FilterString() As String
If Not IsNull(cmbCar) Then FilterString = " AND [CarNum]= '" & cmbCar & "'"
If Not IsNull(cmbType) Then FilterString = FilterString & " AND [TypeName]= '" & cmbType & "'"
If Not IsNull(cmbGroup) Then FilterString = FilterString & " AND [CarGroupName]= '" & cmbGroup & "'"
FilterString = Mid(FilterString, 6)
End Function
Then, define another function such as:
Function SetFilter()
Me.frmCarSub.Form.Filter = FilterString
Me.frmCarSub.Form.FilterOn = True
End Function
Then, the event handlers for each of your comboboxes become:
Private Sub cmbCar_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub cmbType_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub cmbGroup_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Finally, the Print button event handler can become:
Private Sub btnPrint_Click()
If FilterString = vbNullString Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCar", acViewPreview
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCar", acViewPreview, , FilterString
End If
End Sub
And the user also has the ability to filter by more than one field.

Multiple OR in SQL string Variable, VBA

I am using a bit a code to Adjust form length and an SQL variable to modify the names that show up in a Combobox. I want to make sure that the names in the Comboboxes above the one that is being worked on, do not show any names.
So if Combo1 has 40 names then Combo2 will only have 39 and so on.
My problem seems to be when I use multiple "OR" within the WHERE Clause of the SQL String. Can anyone advice?
Private Sub Worker3_Change()
Dim Worker4STR As String
'Shows Worker 4
Me.Worker4.RowSource = ""
Worker4STR = "SELECT T1Workers.NonUserID, T1Workers.[FirstName] & "" "" & [LastName] AS FullName FROM T1Workers WHERE T1Workers.NonUserID <>" & _
Me.Worker1.Value & " OR " & Me.Worker2.Value & " Or " & Me.Worker3.Value
Me.Worker4.RowSource = Worker4STR
Me.Worker4.AllowValueListEdits = False
Me.Worker4.ColumnCount = 2
Me.Worker4.ColumnWidths = "0, "
Me.Worker4.Visible = True
Me.Activity4.Visible = True
Me.w4a1s.Visible = True
Me.w4a1d.Visible = True
Me.w4a1o.Visible = True
Me.w4a2s.Visible = True
Me.w4a2o.Visible = True
Me.w4a2d.Visible = True
Me.w4a3s.Visible = True
Me.w4a3o.Visible = True
Me.w4a3d.Visible = True
Me.w4a4s.Visible = True
Me.w4a4o.Visible = True
Me.w4a4d.Visible = True
Me.w4a5s.Visible = True
Me.w4a5o.Visible = True
Me.w4a5d.Visible = True
Me.InsideHeight = 1440 * 4.6
End Sub
Thank you in Advance.
Your clause:
X <> A OR B OR C
Is not valid SQL. You can use NOT IN instead:
"WHERE T1Workers.NonUserID NOT IN (" & _
Me.Worker1.Value & " , " & _
Me.Worker2.Value & " , " & _
Me.Worker3.Value & " ) "
Note that if the values are strings they at a minimum need to be enclosed in quotes. A much better solution is to use SQL parameters instead, but I do not know if that's possible with whatever Worker4 is.

Access SubForm selection depends on Combo box

I would like to Filter my sub form based on my Combo box filter. I'm getting code error. I need help with this.
After Update I have written one event:
Private Sub cboSelected_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyName As String
MyName = " select * from [ITP_Checklist Log] where ([ITP_Checklist Log].[Name] = " & Me.cboSelected & " )"
Me.ITP_Checklist_Log_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyName
End Sub
Run-time error '3464'
Data Type Mismatch in Criteria expression.
Use quotes for string values - and Requery is only needed if you don't change the recordsource:
Private Sub cboSelected_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyName As String
MyName = "select * from [ITP_Checklist Log] where ([ITP_Checklist Log].[Name] = '" & Me!cboSelected.Value & "')"
Debug.Print MyName
If Me!ITP_Checklist_Log_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyName Then
Me!ITP_Checklist_Log_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyName
End If
End Sub

Error when I set a radio button to be checked by default

I have a radio button in my VB.NET dll that I wan't to be checked by default. There is a total of 3 radio buttons in this group. Under its properties I set Checked = true. I verified the code was there, this is all the form generated code for the radio button:
Me.rdbProductPC.AutoSize = True
Me.rdbProductPC.Checked = True
Me.rdbProductPC.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
Me.rdbProductPC.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(49, 12)
Me.rdbProductPC.Name = "rdbProductPC"
Me.rdbProductPC.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(45, 17)
Me.rdbProductPC.TabIndex = 1
Me.rdbProductPC.TabStop = True
Me.rdbProductPC.Text = "P&&C"
Me.rdbProductPC.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
For some reason I get this error when I start the application:
An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
Nothing has changed besides the one line adjusting the checked value. Any idea what could be causing this?
This is the code for my GetProducts() method. The error arises after the call to ExecuteReader() but I cannot see the code for this. If my g_strSQL = pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary it executes fine. But when g_strSQL = pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary '','','N' it errors out.
That being said, if I leave the radio button unchecked by default and then check it later while the program is running it will go into this same method and g_strSQL will look like pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary '','','N' and it will work fine.
Private Sub GetProducts(ByVal ProductList As ListBox)
Dim g_strSQL As String
lstProduct.Enabled = True
g_strSQL = String.Empty
objcmd.Connection = ControlConnection
'Clear location combo box
Select Case intProduct
Case Product.Summary
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & "pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary "
Case Product.Detail
g_strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT b.dtl_prod_cd, rtrim(ltrim(b.dtl_prod_desc))"
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & " FROM product_detail_ref b "
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & " ORDER BY rtrim(ltrim(b.dtl_prod_desc)) "
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
If p_and_C <> String.Empty Then
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & "'" & String.Empty & "','" & String.Empty & "','" & p_and_C & "'"
End If
If g_strSQL <> "" Then
objcmd.CommandText = g_strSQL
rsProducts = objcmd.ExecuteReader()
End If
'Process results from query
If rsProducts.HasRows = False Then
Exit Sub
' This nested if will check which radio button is selected and add the corresponding
' 'all' entry to the top of the lstProduct box
If rdbProductPC.Checked = True Then
ElseIf rdbProductNonPC.Checked = True Then
End If
ProductList.SelectedIndex = 0
While rsProducts.Read()
End While
ProductList.SetSelected(0, True)
End If
rsProducts = Nothing
End Sub