Pandas `replace` * in signature - pandas

Following is the signature for the replace method in Pandas API (
DataFrame.replace(to_replace=None, value=_NoDefault.no_default, *,
inplace=False, limit=None, regex=False, method=_NoDefault.no_default)
While I understand the API method, I do not understand what does that * refer to in the arguments string. My guess would be that it is something related to *args. Perhaps *-like notation can be used after the second argument, but I wanted some clarity on this

This is to make all arguments after it keyword only. The * catches the third and more unnamed parameters.
Thus in this method, only to_replace and value can be passed directly:
df.replace('a', 'b')
pandas had been transitioning from classical ordered parameter to keyword-only for many methods lately. This improves on usability/readability for many cases. For instance pivot/pivot_table have so far similar parameters but in a different order, which makes it difficult to remember. In the future, enforcing keyword-only will make it unambiguous.


What are the benifits of using Higher order functions in Kotlin?

I am learning about higher order functions[HOF] and lambda in Kotlin.
I checked the Kotlin docs but didn't understand it, I found one benefit of HOF:
You can perform any operations on functions that are possible for other non-function values.
so, What are 'non-functional values'?
and What are those 'operations'?
In a higher order function if a lambda is taking two parameters and returning a value, then can't we just use a function for it?
and what is the real scenario when we have return a function?
I have seen real programs in Kotlin, but I haven't seen any use of lambda or HOF in them.
I want to understand why, else many of the features would just go unused.
It's just a part of the Kotlin syntax that makes it more concise and understandable.
For example, try to imagine this code without using lambdas and HOF like map, filter etc:
val sum = listOfInts.filter{it % 2 == 0}.map{it*it}.sumOf{it % 10}
Type-safe builders is a cool thing too.
These functions are widely used in many libraries and frameworks, like Compose by Google. The first thing I remembered - State hoisting pattern.

Why is ones_like listed as a ufunc?

I was surprised to see numpy.ones_like listed in the list of ufuncs here. Is this just an oversight, or is there specific use case?
That is an oversight in the documentation. ones_like is not a ufunc. It is implemented in numpy/core/, along with zeros_like and similar functions. It uses the shape and data type of the argument, but it does not perform an elementwise operation.

How does Julia recognize values as singleton types?

It is a cool feature of Julia that values can be used as types, at least as type parameters. For example, one can assert that arrays are of a particular dimensionality, such as x :: Array{Int,2}. My question is: how does Julia do that and how do users of Julia get access to that power? I assume that 2 is being converted to or interpreted as some sort of singleton type of 2. I am curious to know what function does that conversion. I tried to assert 2 :: Type{2} and isa(2, Type{2}), but that only asserts a singleton if 2 is replaced by an actual type.
You can not define your own imutables and use them as singleton types (yet).
Currently anything that makes static int valid_type_param(jl_value_t *v) defined in jltypes.c return true, can be used as a type parameter. There is a TODO to add more types, and you'll probably just need a compelling usecase to get help to change the behaviour.
See also the manual documentation on types: Both abstract and concrete types can be paramaterized by other types and by certain other values (currently integers, symbols, bools, and tuples thereof). Type parameters may be completely omitted when they do not need to be referenced or restricted.

Ocaml naming convention

I am wondering if there exists already some naming conventions for Ocaml, especially for names of constructors, names of variables, names of functions, and names for labels of record.
For instance, if I want to define a type condition, do you suggest to annote its constructors explicitly (for example Condition_None) so as to know directly it is a constructor of condition?
Also how would you name a variable of this type? c or a_condition? I always hesitate to use a, an or the.
To declare a function, is it necessary to give it a name which allows to infer the types of arguments from its name, for example remove_condition_from_list: condition -> condition list -> condition list?
In addition, I use record a lot in my programs. How do you name a record so that it looks different from a normal variable?
There are really thousands of ways to name something, I would like to find a conventional one with a good taste, stick to it, so that I do not need to think before naming. This is an open discussion, any suggestion will be welcome. Thank you!
You may be interested in the Caml programming guidelines. They cover variable naming, but do not answer your precise questions.
Regarding constructor namespacing : in theory, you should be able to use modules as namespaces rather than adding prefixes to your constructor names. You could have, say, a Constructor module and use Constructor.None to avoid confusion with the standard None constructor of the option type. You could then use open or the local open syntax of ocaml 3.12, or use module aliasing module C = Constructor then C.None when useful, to avoid long names.
In practice, people still tend to use a short prefix, such as the first letter of the type name capitalized, CNone, to avoid any confusion when you manipulate two modules with the same constructor names; this often happen, for example, when you are writing a compiler and have several passes manipulating different AST types with similar types: after-parsing Let form, after-typing Let form, etc.
Regarding your second question, I would favor concision. Inference mean the type information can most of the time stay implicit, you don't need to enforce explicit annotation in your naming conventions. It will often be obvious from the context -- or unimportant -- what types are manipulated, eg. remove cond (l1 # l2). It's even less useful if your remove value is defined inside a Condition submodule.
Edit: record labels have the same scoping behavior than sum type constructors. If you have defined a {x: int; y : int} record in a Coord submodule, you access fields with foo.Coord.x outside the module, or with an alias foo.C.x, or Coord.(foo.x) using the "local open" feature of 3.12. That's basically the same thing as sum constructors.
Before 3.12, you had to write that module on each field of a record, eg. {Coord.x = 2; Coord.y = 3}. Since 3.12 you can just qualify the first field: {Coord.x = 2; y = 3}. This also works in pattern position.
If you want naming convention suggestions, look at the standard library. Beyond that you'll find many people with their own naming conventions, and it's up to you to decide who to trust (just be consistent, i.e. pick one, not many). The standard library is the only thing that's shared by all Ocaml programmers.
Often you would define a single type, or a single bunch of closely related types, in a module. So rather than having a type called condition, you'd have a module called Condition with a type t. (You should give your module some other name though, because there is already a module called Condition in the standard library!). A function to remove a condition from a list would be Condition.remove_from_list or ConditionList.remove. See for example the modules List, Array, Hashtbl,Map.Make`, etc. in the standard library.
For an example of a module that defines many types, look at Unix. This is a bit of a special case because the names are mostly taken from the preexisting C API. Many constructors have a short prefix, e.g. O_ for open_flag, SEEK_ for seek_command, etc.; this is a reasonable convention.
There's no reason to encode the type of a variable in its name. The compiler won't use the name to deduce the type. If the type of a variable isn't clear to a casual reader from the context, put a type annotation when you define it; that way the information provided to the reader is validated by the compiler.

What is the definition of ":=" in vb

I came across some sample code in VB.Net which I have some experience with and kinda having a duh moment figuring out the meaning of :=.
RefreshNavigationImages(bForward:=True, startIndex:=-1)
The sig for this method is RefreshNavigationImages(boolean, int). Is this a default value if null? Like "bIsSomething ?? false"?
Tried to bing/google but they just don't like searching for operators especially if it's only 2 chars.
They are named parameters. They let you specify values for arguments in function calls by name rather than order.
The := indicates the use of named parameters. Rather than relying on the order of the parameters in the method declaration, named parameters allow you to specify the correlation of parameters to values by specifying the name of the parameter.