In TensorFlow 1 / Keras, how to see the value of a Tensor during training? - tensorflow

On my Keras model, I need to see the output of a hidden layer during training.
Here is what I have done:
net = Model(x, [y, hidden_layer])
then, I constructed a custom callback
class CustomCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_batch_end(self):
But, when I run the training with:
I get:
ValueError: Error when checking model target: the list of Numpy arrays
that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected.
Expected to see 2 array(s), but instead got the following list of 1
Any idea ?


tensorflow2: keras: callbacks and eager mode

I am running Tensorflow 2.1 with keras API. I am following the following coding style:
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
..., callbacks=callbacks)
Now, I would like to save some intermediate layer tensor value as image summary (as a sample what is happening at n-th training step). In order to do this, I've implemented my own callback class. I've also learned how keras.callbacks.TensorBoard is implemented, since it can save layer weights as image summaries.
I do the following in my on_epoch_end:
tensor = self.model.get_layer(layer_name).output
with context.eager_mode():
with ops.init_scope():
tensor = tf.keras.backend.get_value(tensor)
tf.summary.image(layer_name, tensor, step=step, max_outputs=1)
Unfortunately, I am still getting issue related to eager/graph modes:
tensor = tf.keras.backend.get_value(tensor)
File "/home/matwey/lab/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/keras/", line 3241, in get_value
return x.numpy()
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy'
Unfortunately, there is a little to no documentation on how to correctly combine keras callbacks and tf.summary.image. How could I overcome this issue?
upd: tf_nightly-2.2.0.dev20200427 has the same behaviour.

Tensorflow Keras - feeding input to multiple model layers in parallel

With tensorflow.keras (Tensorflow 2), I want to feed my input into different layers of my model. So we are looking at a graph where the input layers branches off into 3 lines to go to 3 different convolutional layers. It has 3 outputs.
Pseudocode is something like this:
inputs = Input()
conv1 = Conv2D()(inputs)
conv2 = Conv2D()(inputs)
conv3 = Conv2D()(inputs)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[conv1, conv2, conv3])
But I'm getting the following error when I try to fit the model with a tf DataSet stream:
ValueError: Error when checking model target: the list of Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected. Expected to see 3 array(s), for inputs ['conv2d_1', 'conv2d_2', 'conv2d_3'] but instead got the following list of 1 arrays: [<tf.Tensor 'ExpandDims:0' shape=(None, 1) dtype=int32>]
I have verified that my code works fine if I comment out the branches and set outputs=conv1.
Note: I am not trying to feed in multiple different inputs (there are many questions and answers on here that solve this). Just one input which should branch off.
Issue solved. I should be providing a 3-array of labels.

How to correct shape of Keras input into a 3D array

I've a Keras model that when I fit fails with this error
> kerasInput = Input(shape=(None, 47))
> LSTM(..)(kerasInput)
>, ...)
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (10842, 1)
When looking at my input I found it has a shape of (10842, 1) but for each row it's actually a list of list. I can verify with
> pd.DataFrame(realInput[0]).shape
(260, 47)
How I could correct my input shape?
When trying with keras Reshape layer, the creation of the model fails with:
Model inputs must come from `keras.layers.Input` (thus holding past layer metadata), they cannot be the output of a previous non-Input layer. Here, a tensor specified as input to your model was not an Input tensor, it was generated by layer reshape_8.
Note that input tensors are instantiated via `tensor = keras.layers.Input(shape)`.
The tensor that caused the issue was: reshape_8/Reshape:0
You can use numpy.expand_dims method to convert the shape to 3D.
import numpy as np
Reshape layer keras
Use the third parameter as 1
# Something Similar to this
X_train = np.reshape(X_train,(X_train.shape[0],X_train.shape[1],1))
Edit: Added np.reshape method
Refer this repository:
As I said before in the comments. You will need to make sure to reshape your data to match what LSTM expects to receive and also make sure the input_shape is correctly set.
I found this post quite helpful when I struggled with inputting to an LSTM layer. I hope it helps you too : Reshape input for LSTM

Using a keras model in a custom keras loss

I have a regular keras model called e and I would like to compare its output for both y_pred and y_true in my custom loss function.
from keras import backend as K
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(K.square(e.predict(y_pred)-e.predict(y_true)), axis=-1)
I am getting the error: AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'ndim'
This is because y_true and y_pred are both tensor object and keras.model.predict expects to be passed a numpy.array.
Any idea how I may succeed in using my keras.model in my custom loss function?
I am open to getting the output of a specified layer if need be or to converting my keras.model to a tf.estimator object (or anything else).
First, let's try to understand the error message you're getting:
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'ndim'
Let's take a look at the Keras documentation and find the predict method of Keras model. We can see the description of the function parameters:
x: the input data, as a Numpy array.
So, the model is trying to get a ndims property of a numpy array, because it expects an array as input. On other hand, the custom loss function of the Keras framework gets tensors as inputs. So, don't write any python code inside it - it will never be executed during evaluation. This function is just called to construct the computational graph.
Okay, now that we found out the meaning behind that error message, how can we use a Keras model inside custom loss function? Simple! We just need to get the evaluation graph of the model.
The use of global keyword is a bad coding practice. Also, now in 2020 we have better functional API in Keras that makes hacks with layers uneccessary. Better use something like this:
from keras import backend as K
def make_custom_loss(model):
"""Creates a loss function that uses `model` for evaluation
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(K.square(model(y_pred) - model(y_true)), axis=-1)
return custom_loss
custom_loss = make_custom_loss(e)
Try something like this (only for Sequential models and very old API):
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
# Your model exists in global scope
global e
# Get the layers of your model
layers = [l for l in e.layers]
# Construct a graph to evaluate your other model on y_pred
eval_pred = y_pred
for i in range(len(layers)):
eval_pred = layers[i](eval_pred)
# Construct a graph to evaluate your other model on y_true
eval_true = y_true
for i in range(len(layers)):
eval_true = layers[i](eval_true)
# Now do what you wanted to do with outputs.
# Note that we are not returning the values, but a tensor.
return K.mean(K.square(eval_pred - eval_true), axis=-1)
Please note that the code above is not tested. However, the general idea will stay the same regardless of the implementation: you need to construct a graph, in which the y_true and y_pred will flow through it to the final operations.

TensorFlow: How to save the trained model parameters to the file that can be imported to other frameworks?

I'd like to pass the parameters of the trained model (weights and bias for convolution and fully connected layers) to other frameworks or languages including iOS and Torch by parsing the saved file.
I tried tf.train.write_graph(session.graph_def, '', 'graph.pb'), but it seems it only includes the graph architecture without weights and bias. If so, to create checkpoint file (, "model.ckpt")) is the best way? Is it easy to parse ckpt file type in Swift or other languages?
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Instead of parsing a .ckpt file, you can just try evaluating the tensor (in your case the weights of a convolutional layer) and getting the values as a numpy array. Here is a quick toy example (tested on r0.10 - there might some small API changes in newer versions):
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
x = tf.placeholder(np.float32, [2,1])
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([2,2], stddev=0.1))
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1.0, shape=[2,1]))
z = tf.matmul(w, x) + b
with tf.Session() as sess:
w_val, z_val =[w, z], feed_dict={x: np.arange(2).reshape(2,1)})
[[-0.02913031 0.13549708]
[ 0.13807134 0.03763327]]
[[ 1.13549709]
[ 1.0376333 ]]
If you have trouble getting a reference to your tensor (say it is in nested into a higher-level "layer" operation), try finding by name. More info here: Tensorflow: How to get a tensor by name?
If you want to see the how the weights change during training, you can also try to save all the values you are interested into tf.Summary objects and parse them later: Parsing `summary_str` byte string evaluated on tensorflow summary object