How to run example programs in Systemc2.3.4? - systemc

I have been trying to use Systemc2.3.4 instead of 2.3.3. I have installed 2.3.4 and have run a small sample program which ran. I am currently testing out the example provided within "/systemc/examples/sysc/". Whenever I run make for any of these programs I am met with:
make: *** No rule to make target '/opt/systemc/lib/libsystemc.a',
needed by '-----.x'. Stop.
I have checked /opt/systemc/lib/ and there are only .so files present! Did I do something wrong in terms of the installation? or should I be doing some editing in the makefiles for these programs?
I should also point out that "make check" had 0 fails when I run it after make command. And that log showed the target for simple_fifo.x was built and successfully tested. What am I missing?


Why does NS3 build every time I run a file

I am working on NS3 and I am using the ./ns3 cmake wrapper to run my .cc files. The issue is that the ns3 builds all the dependencies every time i run a file, even when there are no code changes. Is this expected? This is really hogging my time and I see in the NS3 manual that it should not build every single time, and builds only what is necessary
The behavior you report should not be happening, especially if you are using the latest ns-3.36.1 release. If it is with that release or later, please file an issue with enough details for a maintainer to try to reproduce the issue. In any case, you can suppress even checking whether a new build is needed by passing the --no-build option to ./ns3 run command.

Nothing to be done for `internal-bundle-compile' Theos

Just yesterday I started getting a message in terminal when I tried to compile a tweak. It said
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `internal-bundle-compile'.
The .deb is still built, but when I install it on my device, the preference bundle doesn't show up in settings.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `internal-bundle-compile'.
Making stage for tweak test...
Making stage in prefs...
Making stage for bundle prefs...
dpkg-deb: building package `com.myname.test' in `./com.myname.test_0.0.1-14_iphoneos-arm.deb'.
I know there's no problem with my code, because I get these results on tweaks I've successfully built in the past, and have not modified since. Been trying to figure this out for several hours with no luck.

TFS2013 MsTest, invalid switch

I've recently moved to TFS213, did an install on a new machine.
After building one of my projects the result showed an error on MsTest. It turned out that it had invalid switches (as in Error when running unit tests from MSBuild)
Invalid switch "/publish".
Invalid switch "/publishbuild".
Invalid switch "/teamproject".
Invalid switch "/platform".
Invalid switch "/flavor".
I have found various posts online about this and have done the following :
I have installed vs2013 professional on the build-machine, in various posts it's says to install ultimate but I don't have a license for ultimate.
The problem still persists, the MsTest.exe is started from the correct location (it's only installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE, and the build-process does find the MsTest executable.
for now I've disabled testing in my build-definition but that's not the 'ideal' situation ;-).
Should I just remove the invalid 'switches' or is there some other solution
I had the same issue and solved it by modifying the properties of the "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies" step in the build.
Summary of fix: I changed the Flavor, Platform and Publish properties of the "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies" step to "" (empty string).
Details of fix: I did this in a custom template but I think you could also make the change in the default template.
Disabled tests (as you did) to make sure my build would work as a baseline.
Followed instructions here to create and use to a custom template:
Tested that the Custom Template worked by adding a "Write Build Message" step to the build (per advice in article above).
Searched for (drilled down) to the "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies" step in the build. This took a long time because it is deep. I am sure there is a faster way to find it but I am not sure how.
Set Flavor, Platform and Publish properties to "" (empty string). (See photo).
Committed template changes to TFS.
Re-ran the build and it worked.
When all tests pass I don't see test results on the build results screen.
When a test fails it causes the build to fail. I don't see the test failure in the build summary but it does show up when I click "View Log".
This isn't ideal, but at least I have the tests running and preventing a build from passing when a test fails.

ctest tests are always enabled, I want to disable them

In ctest documentation, I see the following statement:
enable_testing: Enable testing for current directory and below.
If the ENABLE_TESTING command has been run, this command adds a test target to the current directory. If ENABLE_TESTING has not been run, this command does nothing. The tests are run by the testing subsystem by executing Exename with the specified arguments. Exename can be either an executable built by this project or an arbitrary executable on the system (like tclsh). The test will be run with the current working directory set to the CMakeList.txt files corresponding directory in the binary tree.
So, I removed ENABLE_TESTING from the current directory and above, however the tests are still working. Is it by default enabled? how can I disable the tests?
I want to disable the testing so that I can run ctest without starting all the tests. I want to add them one by one. the problem is that tests seems to be always enabled.

How do you debug a unit test in Xcode 3?

I followed Apple's instructions to set up Unit Testing in my project. I followed the directions for making them dependent, so the tests run with every build of my main project. This works, and when my tests pass, the application runs; when they don't, I get build errors on the lines of the unit tests that failed.
I would like, however, to be able to step through my application code when the tests are failing, but can't get Xcode (3.2.5) configured properly. The project is a Mac project, not iOS.
I tried the instructions here and here, but execution never stopped at the breakpoints I set, neither in the the unit test code or in my application code. After following the first set of instructions, the breakpoints I set turned yellow with blue outlines, and I don't know what that meant, either. What do I need to do to step through my tests?
I found another page attempting to solve this problem (here) by adding arguments and environment variables to my main executable, but again, those didn't cause execution to stop at my breakpoints. I also noticed that my test's (copious) log statements aren't showing up in my Debugger Console, either.
I also found out that the yellow breakpoints mean the code there can't be found at runtime. These are in my test case class, so that definitely seems to explain why those aren't firing.
I usually have no problem debugging my OCTest tests with Xcode 3.2, including halting at breakpoints.
The basic idea is to tell gdb to launch otest with your bundle as argument. You will do that by adding /Developer/Tools/otest as a custom executable to your Xcode project, then your OCTest bundle name as the sole argument (choose "Edit Active Executable otest" in the Project menu, and in the second tab add a line with Foo.octest in the top box to debug the Foo test).
Now if you hit the debug button it will start debugging your test bundle right now, and will stop at the declared breakpoints (if you hit build and debug it might not start if the test does not pass). Also note that you will maybe have to set an environment variable to YES to disable garbage collection (in the bottom box of the same "Arguments" tab), otest will tell you exactly which if you need.
If you did everything above and are still unable do step into your test code, this might either be because it is compiled with debug symbol generation turned off - check your debug build settings, but most likely because the test code is not recompiled at all. I say most likely, since your logs are not showing in the console, NSLog should write in the Xcode console. Clean your build and bin folders manually, sometimes when you change a path or a name you end up loading obsolete code. You might also want to check that the file has not jumped out of the test target (is the failing test in the same not-logging file ?).
I have a variant of what Hiedi Utley posted at What I did not like about it is the duplication of unit test bundle targets, one that contained a Run Script phase to execute the unit tests after building, and another that did not run the unit tests. I had noticed in the Get Info pane for the Run Script phase the toggle "Run script only when installing" and thought that that would be a way to toggle between running the unit tests in normal mode and running them in the debugger.
As per Hiedi's instructions, create a new Executable item, say LogicTestsGDB. Configure it like so:
General Tab:
Path: Developer/usr/bin/otest (No leading /)
Path Type: Relative to Current SDK
Set the working directory to: Build Products directory
Arguments Tab:
Arguments: Your UnitTest Bundle (eg. LogicTests.octest)
Variables to be set in the environment
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH . : ${SDKROOT}/Developer/Library/Frameworks
CFFIXED_USER_HOME : ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
Done. Now to debug your unit tests,
Expose the bundle's build phases and double-click on the Run Script phase.
Check the Run script only when installing option
Set the Active Target to be the unit test bundle (eg. LogicTests.octest).
Set the Active Executable to be the new executable created (eg. LogicTestsGDB)
Click Build and Debug
To run normally, executing unit tests as part of the build phase of the application:
Expose the bundle's build phases and double-click on the Run Script phase.
Uncheck the Run script only when installing option
Set the Active Target to be the application being built
Set the Active Executable to be the application being built
To automate the steps above, I created a simple AppleScript script that toggles between the two states:
property kApplicationName : "MyApp" -- name of the normal application to build
property kUnitTestName : "LogicTests" -- name of the bundle target to debug
property kUnitTestRunner : "LogicTestGDB" -- name of the executable to use when debugging the unit test bundle
tell application "Xcode"
tell the active project document
set theTarget to first target whose name is kUnitTestName
set thePhase to first run script phase of theTarget
if name of active target is kApplicationName then
set active target to theTarget
set theExecutable to first executable whose name is kUnitTestRunner
set active executable to theExecutable
set run only when installing of thePhase to true
set theTarget to first target whose name is kApplicationName
set active target to theTarget
set theExecutable to first executable whose name is kApplicationName
set active executable to theExecutable
set run only when installing of thePhase to false
end if
return "Targeting " & (name of active executable)
end tell
end tell
I also tried the solutions in the links you provided with, but none worked for me, too. But then I found this one: -- it works like a charm :) Fresh stuff, too.
develop your unit tests so they wrap a program which resides in a project which has a target, then just open the dependent project and work in it. this would likely be a project with a library and an executable which calls through the library (2 targets). then you can just open the project and debug, while your unit tests in the dependency would then call through this library. this is a more modular approach.
good luck
The only thing that ended up working for me was upgrading to Xcode 4. It integrates beautifully. There was a little bit of pain in moving over to it, but now that it's over with, the integration is great. I'm fully able to step through my tests and application code.