TFS2013 MsTest, invalid switch - msbuild

I've recently moved to TFS213, did an install on a new machine.
After building one of my projects the result showed an error on MsTest. It turned out that it had invalid switches (as in Error when running unit tests from MSBuild)
Invalid switch "/publish".
Invalid switch "/publishbuild".
Invalid switch "/teamproject".
Invalid switch "/platform".
Invalid switch "/flavor".
I have found various posts online about this and have done the following :
I have installed vs2013 professional on the build-machine, in various posts it's says to install ultimate but I don't have a license for ultimate.
The problem still persists, the MsTest.exe is started from the correct location (it's only installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE, and the build-process does find the MsTest executable.
for now I've disabled testing in my build-definition but that's not the 'ideal' situation ;-).
Should I just remove the invalid 'switches' or is there some other solution

I had the same issue and solved it by modifying the properties of the "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies" step in the build.
Summary of fix: I changed the Flavor, Platform and Publish properties of the "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies" step to "" (empty string).
Details of fix: I did this in a custom template but I think you could also make the change in the default template.
Disabled tests (as you did) to make sure my build would work as a baseline.
Followed instructions here to create and use to a custom template:
Tested that the Custom Template worked by adding a "Write Build Message" step to the build (per advice in article above).
Searched for (drilled down) to the "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies" step in the build. This took a long time because it is deep. I am sure there is a faster way to find it but I am not sure how.
Set Flavor, Platform and Publish properties to "" (empty string). (See photo).
Committed template changes to TFS.
Re-ran the build and it worked.
When all tests pass I don't see test results on the build results screen.
When a test fails it causes the build to fail. I don't see the test failure in the build summary but it does show up when I click "View Log".
This isn't ideal, but at least I have the tests running and preventing a build from passing when a test fails.


VSTS Test Assemblies - No test assemblies found

I'm attempting to run some selenium tests in my solution that are in a project called SA.SEPA.Web.UI.Selenium as part of a build definition in VSTS, but it is failing to run the Visual Studio Test task with the error...
No test assemblies found matching the pattern: **\*Selenium*.dll.
Search folder is set to - $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Preceding tasks are a nuget restore and build solution
Can anyone help?
You are specifying $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) as the search folder. By default (unless overridden), this points to the Source folder on the Agent.
If you are instructing MSBuild (using the OutDir parameter) to output your assemblies in a specific location then you should use that location.
Edit: If this is an On-premises Agent, it should also be running in interactive mode (not service) if you want to execute any UI tests
I ran into this same error but it was a different cause, so I'm adding my solution here.
I was getting the "no test assemblies found" error when trying to run Selenium tests with VSTS as part of a build.
My problem turned out to be that the test assemblies were not checked into change control (git, through VS2017), and therefore were not part of the build. The folders that contain the test assemblies were ignored during my original check-in by default. Once I added those folders to my repository, the build could find the tests and run them.

HaxeDevelop: cross-platform compilation via default project templates

Trying investigate how to create "Hello world" on different languages via HaxeDevelop. I'm newbie and may be inacurate at terminology.
1) C# project. Pressing F8 gives me error:
haxe -cp src -cs D:/Programs/Projects/CsTestHaxe/bin/ -main Main
Unix.Unix_error(8, "mkdir", "D:/Programs/Projects/CsTestHaxe/bin/")
Build halted with errors (haxe.exe).
Via googling pretty much outdated info at least found solution:
haxe -main Main -cs out
And it works but ouput go to "src" location which is bad. Next googling led me to "Custom build" and using .hxml with pre-build command at project settings.
But why default template/settings not works for such simple thing as "Hello world" (used cs.system.Console)?
How default build may be fixed / probably I've installed or setup something wrong via HaxeDevelop installation?
2) C++ project. Pressing F8 gives me error:
Warning: Could not find environment variables for Visual Studio
Error: Could not automatically setup MSVC
Error: Build failed
Build halted with errors (haxe.exe).
Using command line (similar to C# above) I can exucute C++ sources, but cant compile it.
Installed Visual Studio Community 2017. Nothing changed, same error. VS provide different own parts for installation. Should I install any specific?
Found also many threads about OpenFL workaround for C++ compilation. But I needn't OpenFL and want to use default Haxe API and tools.
Also OpenFL and C++ always mentioned with Lime. Do I need it too? Installed Lime via command line. But seems nothing changed.
3) Am I right that HaxeDevelop not yet support HashLink?
And if possible couple words about why HashLink appeared if there is Neko affiliated with Haxe?
As a result here an additional question: is it right that Haxe during compilation to target platform only "convert" .hx source to target one and then using third party (target platform) compile?
1) C# project. Pressing F8 gives me error.
This appears to be a known Haxe issue. Since it's been fixed on the dev branch, you could try a nightly build from Alternatively, you could also try manually creating the bin directory, since that seems to be what the error is about.
2) C++ project. Pressing F8 gives me error:
The latest Haxelib release of hxcpp (3.4.64) does not support Visual Studio 2017 yet. You could use a development version by installing hxcpp from GitHub, since again, it should be fixed there:
haxelib git hxcpp
The alternative is to downgrade Visual Studio.
Also OpenFL and C++ always mentioned with Lime. Do I need it too?
Yes, if you want to use OpenFL, you also need Lime, as OpenFL depends on it.
3) Am I right that HaxeDevelop not yet support HashLink?
Actually, a HashLink project template was added. But to follow the general theme of this answer, it seems it hasn't made it into an official relase yet. You can get a nightly build from here.
And if possible couple words about why HashLink appeared if there is Neko affilated with Haxe?
There is a two-part blog series on by HashLink's author: part 1, part 2. The first part has a paragraph talking about this exact topic. Here's an excerpt:
First, let me explain the reasons for writing another virtual machine in replacement of Neko.
Back then, the Neko virtual machine was not especially designed to run Haxe and suffered from some limitations, the main one being performance.
And to your final question:
is it right that Haxe during compilation to target platform only "convert" .hx source to target one and then using third party (target platform) compile?
That is true for some targets, but it depends. For C++, C# and Java, Haxe indeeds generates source code for the target language and then invokes the target-native compiler after doing its own compilation (this step is usually called "native compilation").
However, some targets produce byte code directly (SWF and Neko), so there is no native compilation step there. Other target languages are interpreted (JS, PHP, Python and Lua), so there's no native compilation step there either. For HL it actually depends, there is HL/Jit (byte code) and HL/C, which is compiled to native C code.
You can find a comprehensive list of Haxe targets an their characteristics here.
Phew, that was a lot of questions in one. ;)

Installshield Build Automation

I have seen many solutions for automating my InstallShield build, but I am having issues with each one. I am using InstallShield Professional 2013. Sorry for the lengthy question, but I am clueless on which direction to go to solve my issues.
1) IsCmdBld.exe - I have a script that runs and will build my installer. BUT, when the installer runs, I get an error message that says "The System Administrator has set policies to prevent this installation". I am not sure why this is happening, but I do not get the same error message if I build the installer through the designer. EDIT: Here is my command (%guid% is a Guid I generate to set the Product Code):
for /f %%i in ('"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\uuidgen.exe"') do set guid=%%i
"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2013 SP1 SAB\System\ISCmdBld.exe" -p "MyInstaller.ism" -r SingleImage -y "" -z ProductCode=%guid%
2) InstallShield Automation Interface - I have followed numerous examples and tutorials on this, but all end in the same result. When I call the following code:
var project = new ISWiAuto20.ISWiProject();
I get this error:
Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type
'ISWiAuto20.ISWiProject'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call
on the COM component for the interface with IID '{872D23A7-C18D-468C-895D-1CF027E4FBB1}'
failed due to the following error: Library not registered.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).
3) MsBuild.exe - Running MsBuild on my InstallShield project file yields this error:
error NSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. Invalid character in the
given encoding. Line 1, position 1
The choice between these approaches (when they all work) largely depends on the build system you are trying to integrate with. If you're using a batch or makefile approach, IsCmdBld.exe is probably the easiest starting point. If you're using Visual Studio and TFS or MSBuild, you'll probably have more luck there, as it will report errors in a way the build system can understand. (Other than that, they're fundamentally similar.) If you need to make tweaks to the project before you build it, the automation layer can either augment or replace the other approaches.
But in your case you say they all don't work. What have you done to diagnose why? Here are the first steps I'd take for each of those symptoms:
IsCmdBuild built setups yielding an error that the IDE-build ones do not. First identify what the problem really is. Look in a verbose log for more information. Build both ways with the .msi available and compare the results with MsiDiff. Make sure you've tested elevated. Depending on what you find, it may be something to address in the project, the build process, or a bug in InstallShield.
Automation Interface yields TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED. First off, if this is the IDE machine, consider repairing the installation. If it's a standalone-build machine, ditto. If it's a standalone-build machine that didn't use the installation, you should, or at least you should ensure the dependencies are present and that the automation interface is registered. Secondly, as Christopher Painter noted, InstallShield is a 32-bit product so it must be invoked from a 32-bit context. If you're calling, say, CScript to run a .vbs file, make sure you're using C:\Windows\SysWow64\CScript.exe.
MSBuild NSB4025. The comment from stijn is largely correct - you can't call MSBuild on the .ism file (while it can be xml instead of binary, it's not MSBuild-compatible). However you can create a .isproj file that can work correctly. Save the project in Visual Studio, or copy <InstallShield>\Support\0409\MSBuild.xml to (ProjectName).isproj and tweak its contents; call MSBuild on the resulting .isproj file. Odds are strong this will have approximately the same results as IsCmdBuild, as the build portion is largely shared.
Using MSBuild doesn't follow the exact order of the Project files specified in the solution .sln file.
The best option is to use devenv.exe
And sometimes, devenv doesn't return exact return status, so I kept an exe to scan the log file for the success code.
And for iscmdbuild.exe, better to use commandline as it is the suggested one from flexera.

Setting build configuration to staging

Simple question. How do I set the build configuration to something other than Debug?
Setting /P:Configuration=Staging in the Command line parameters box, leads to this error:
TeamCity says to use "Build Parameters" instead of "/property:" in an MSBuild step. What does that mean?
So how is it done? I need to build MSDeploy packages for all configurations, I can get the packages to build but everything is Debug.
The way you're doing it is fine -- although perhaps use a lowercase /p:. Our team does it this way too. TeamCity isn't throwing an error, it's just trying to provide some helpful information.
JetBrains provides some documentation for its preferred method at the bottom of the page under Using System Properties in Build Scripts.

How do I pass this common property to MSBuild using TeamCity?

I am using the TeamCity Visual Studio runner. I want to add a setting that is not accessible from Visual Studio.
I typed that directly into the build step "Command line parameters." The build log shows the error:
MSBuild command line parameters contains "/property:" or "/p:" parameters. Please use Build Parameters instead.
I don't understand how to provide this to MSBuild from TeamCity and get rid of this warning!
1. Which kind of parameter should I use?
There are 3 kinds:
Configuration parameters
System properties
Environment variables.
I don't want an environment or system variable because I don't want this build to depend on anything external. I am going to try Config right now, but then I'm not sure I'm filling it in right.
2. How can I tell this parameter is actually getting used?
The build log, which seems only to have navigable/foldable xml-like levels with their program, did not say the build parameters.
You should use "System properties". Don't worry about the name, that's just how TeamCity calls it. They are regular properties. You can add them in "Edit Configuration Settings > 7. Build Parameters".
For example, you can add the system property as follows:
Name: system.FileAlignment
Type: System property (system.)
Value: 4096
Note that TeamCity will insist on the "system." prefix. It doesn't matter because the MSBuild script will still see it as $(FileAlignment).
The TeamCity documentation defines Build Parameters as "a convenient way of passing generic or environment-specific settings into the build script". Configuration parameters provide a way to override some settings in a build configuration inherited from a template. They are never passed to a build. System and Environment parameters are provided to your build script. Environment variables are actually set on the system (I can't find any documentation for this). System parameters are passed to the script engine.
TeamCity automatically provides System variables to the actual command line (it looks like the Visual Studio runner runs msbuild.exe and not devenv.exe). I guess that TeamCity is constructing a command like
cmd> msbuild.exe my-solution.sln /p:FileAlignment=4096
I tried this on my command line, just to make sure that it should work (I added the /v:diagnostic flag). The diagnostic verbosity makes msbuild print all of it's properties to the console. I verified that FileAlignment=4096 was in there.
That /FileAlignment property appears to be a special property that's automatically in any .csproj file. So you should be good to go. You can check the actual parameters that were passed to the build by clicking on any build and viewing the 'Build Parameters' tab. There's a section that shows the "Actual Parameters on Agent".
This was solved. To clarify, Anthony told how to solve the problem in the commandline using MSBuild. It can also be solved on the commandline using devenv, per a ticket with Microsoft, the syntax is:
devenv ..\..\mysolution.sln /Rebuild /Property:Config=Release;Platform=AnyCPU;Filealignment=512
What I wanted, however, was to get Teamcity's "Visual Studio Build" to accept the parameter. This was achieved as follows. In the box for Command line parameters, I entered:
/Property:FileAlignment=filealignment v:diag
Then the output tab for Build Parameters shows:
User Defined Parameters
Name Value passed to build
system.filealignment 512
system.verbosity diagnostic
(This is -754 chars for a comment so must be typed as a post)
hi Anthony, Thank you for replying!
Yes, msbuild on the commandline works fine for me as well and project files may store FileAlignment properties. In our case, upon discussion with Microsoft, it appears necessary that I specify the solution-wide aka build-wide alignment, ie in the command arguments, in addition to fixing the projects (which I have already done).
No parameter that I specify on the GUI item ( /Build Step / Command line parameters/ ) will appear on the tab /Build Parameters/. Of course some will not compile at all.
Also I have even more weird behavior where using
causes a longer build log for the minimal! It appears diagnostic is hiding the details inside of a special task, which is part of Teamcity and not me;
[16:24:05]: Overriding target "SatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup" in project "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft.Common.targets" with target "SatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup" from project "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft.WinFX.targets".
I am struggling with this because the Teamcity-generated build output log is so nice to have as a TreeView. That works with the SLN build but using any bat file cannot produce log file with the pretty (xml, presumably) tree-format.
If you have further ideas I will love to hear them, and thank you for your edits! :)