tachyons-css does not reflected on the output - npm

Need Help, 'tachyons' is not working.
I installed it with npm install tachyons then imported it in the 'index.js' file using import 'tachyons' but it's not working.
It does not show any changes in the output although I put ’f1 tc’ in the className.
I’m sure npm is started and it is added in the json package file, and I have tried this few times.enter image description here
enter image description here


It is possible to publish a NPM package with FormData inside?

I have a problem with FormData, when I add a file with append I have this error in my console. This error appears only when I publish my package on npm, when I run it locally I don't have it...
My picture is inside and is File type, but on formData.append I have this error...
I also check if I have the same problem without using foreach, but It's the same problem.
smart-events is a NPM Package develop with rollup / vuejs3, this is the code which is a concern
Does someone has a solution?

Ag-Grid in Vue no npm install example?

I want to use ag-grid-vue without npm installing it.
code: https://codepen.io/riodw/pen/zYYOjdE
So I found this: Is it possible to use ag-grid with vue without a builder?. Followed that guid, and was basically able to get something to render but it get's stuck on "Loading..."
I downloaded ag-grid (from here: https://github.com/ag-grid/ag-grid)
Went into cd ag-grid-master/packages/ag-grid-vue
npm installed npm install
Then built npm run build
This generated the "ag-grid-vue.umd.js" file.
Modified that file to put AgGridVue on the window where AgGridVue is returned:
window.AgGridVue = AgGridVue;
return AgGridVue;
Then include that file with the ag-grid-community file:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ag-grid/21.2.1/ag-grid-community.min.js"></script>
<script src="/global/js/ag-grid/ag-grid-vue.umd.js"></script>
And ag-grid renders!
Problem is it get's stuck on loading and I don't know if there is a solution.
Are there any possibilities to help here?
Any help would be great. If not I'll have to use something else as installing is not an option for me unfortunately.
Image of render:
Debug mode codepen:
Everything you do is correct except one tiny thing.
I've found the solution, when I've used vue.js (not minified version), then Vue itself has thrown a warning;
Indicating that, in the "ag-grid-vue" tag, you should not use :rowData as below;
<ag-grid-vue :rowData="rowData" :columnDefs="columnDefs"/>
this usage is wrong as stated in the console warning from Vue.
You should use kebab-case instead of camel-case as below;
<ag-grid-vue :row-data="rowData" :column-defs="columnDefs"/>
This actually works as expected.
I beleive, camel-case works in an environment with the presence of module-loader.

Running Vuetify on Vert.x (w/ES4X)

I'm wondering if it's possible to run Vuetify (out-of-the-box) with Vert.x. I've played around a bit and I don't see a straightforward way but perhaps I'm missing something.
Create an out-of-the-box Vuetify:
npm install #vue/cli -g
vue create my-app
cd my-app
vue add vuetify
Test that it works by running it in Node
npm run start
When I view http://localhost:8080 (using node) it looks good. So I
create a compiled version in a dist folder
npm run build
Now I would like to try and get it working in Vert.x So I add ES4X, which is supposed to allow ES 5+ js code
npm install -g es4x-pm
es4x init
npm install #vertx/unit --save-dev
npm install #vertx/core --save-prod
npm install #vertx/web --save-prod
npm install
Create an index.js file so vert.x server for the index.html
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(function (req){
Run Vert.x
npm start
When I view http://localhost:8080 it does not show as expected. It looks like a blank page. When I view the source code of the page in a browser, it shows the contents of the index.html file. So I know it's loading it, just not interpreting it. When I view the console I see a log entry saying Syntax error: Expected expression, got '<'
Note - I would like to avoid going the 'CDN install' route shown on the Vuetify quick-start link. My project is fairly complex and I just wanted to test how Vuetify by itself worked with Vert.x before tying in all the other dependencies
You've added a bare request handler, think of it as using just core nodejs modules. In order to serve multiple files and resources you should use vertx-web (which you already installed). In this case your code should be:
import { Router, StaticHandler } from '#vertx/web';
// router acts like express if you're familiar with it
const app = Router.router(vertx);
// for any HTTP GET request this will be your
// first handler "dist" is your static files root dir
// add more handlers as needed...
So now all your static files should be served correctly...
Not sure I'm grokking this question.
Vuetify is runs in the browser, Es4x runs on the server.
You just need way to serve the static 'dist' folder, as described above.
ps: I'm assuming you're not doing server-side rendering, in which case, I'm not sure if es4x will work (it might).

Vuejs vue-truncate-filter package showing ReferenceError

I've installed npm install vue-truncate-filter --save for VueJs to cut extra strings for UI purpose. According to package documentation I've implemented the package step by step in my application but it's showing me error. I'm writing same steps here please guide me where I'm wrong:
1- Install vue-trauncate-filter package using npm
npm install vue-truncate-filter --save
2- include vue-trancate-filter in application
var VueTruncate = require('./node_modules/vue-truncate-filter');
3- Used it in my template using this code
{{ text | truncate 100 '....' }}
after implementation when I hit the url in browser it showing following error
ReferenceError: require is not defined
I tried to find solution but I'm unable to solve the issue. Thanks in advance for help.
One way is just include the file like traditional javascript in your html file. Don't add require i'm placing path what I understand from your code. Please make it according to your directory if path is wrong
<script src="./node_modules/vue-truncate-filter/vue-truncate.js"></script>
After including this file just remove code bellow from your code
var VueTruncate = require('./node_modules/vue-truncate-filter');
The code you are using to hide extra string is only for vuejs 1 not for vuejs 2 so please replace your code
{{ text | truncate 100 '....' }}
with this code, it's for vuejs 2
{{ text | truncate(100)}}
hopefully it will work.

How to install flow type correctly for react native#0.46+?

I've googled many sites but cannot found a tutorial that actually works for react-native + flow type.
There was flow installation guide from react-native#0.22 document, but it's gone in react-native#0.46.
However, it comes up again in Running Tests and Contributing, I tested to run npm run flow but not working, and yet it doesn't say how to make it works. It's possibly been a missing part inside of react-native documentation.
What I need is to run flow correctly with react-native. Auto-check flow every time I reload the page with ⌘R would be the best.
I just finished covering half of our project by flow and we use RN 0.44.0.
The tricky part is: do you also want to know errors inside node_modules, someone says those errors are helpful.
Anyway, I disable the error in node_modules, and here is my .flowconfig:
You should install flow first if you not setup correctly,
npm install --save-dev flow-bin
and also run this in you project root after install:
npm run flow init
If npm run flow init does not work, just add "flow": "flow" in npm scripts.
After init, put my .flowconfig in your project .flowconfig file.
Then create a js file flowLibs.js and if npm run flow check cause your any error like Module_Name. Required module not found
Write down code in flowLibs.js:
declare module 'Module_Name' { declare var exports: any; };
After that, you should be good to go with you project now.
BTW, don't forget add //#flow on the top of the file which you want to check type.
I found flowtype is built in with react-native#0.46+.
For react-native document, I think they should at least tell flowtype is already built in. And for the rest document ex: Testing Your Changes#flow, it won't work without flow-bin, they should mention that too.
To make flowtype of best use, I use it with Visual Studio Code.
Install flow-bin globally, by npm i flow-bin -g.
Make sure your terminal is responsive to command flow.
Install vscode flow extension.
Set vscode workspace preference with "javascript.validate.enable": false, to disable default javascript validation, so flow validation can take place.
To access vscode preference, ALT+F,P,S for windows, ⌘+, for mac.
then you have flowtype installed with visual result with every key stroke:
Try this one:
Adding Flow to React Native
Hope this helps!