How to change google sheets, when API changes using Zapier - api

Disclaimer, I'm new to API's.
I have an API key, that holds data for a bunch of different basketball games. I currently have all of the different games in a google sheets document, under which I have the column "scores". I want to update the google sheets column "scores" every time the API changes.
I want to do this using Zapier, but I have no idea how. I have a clue that I need to use Catch Hooks, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm trying to follow this guide:
But I can't seem to figure out how to add a new Webhook or Callback Url.
Btw, my API is from API-Basketball ( and is being handled in RapidAPI. Maybe that will help


Writing Data to Google Sheets using Quasar (Vue)

I have a very small Quasar application that allows people to join a club online. I want to be able to take their data and save it into a Google Sheet. I really have no idea where to start.
Do I need to have the Google API installed in my Quasar Application? Do I need my application to be able to login to my Google Account?
I kinda need a Quasar/Google Sheet for dummies tutorial about how this works, and how to put it together. I've been reading online about the parts but I'm not sure how to put them together. Thanks for any info.

Unhide/Show column using Google Sheet API

I found the Google Sheet Java API to hide columns, but I couldn't find any API to unhide/show a hidden column. The only way I could figure out till now is using Apps Script. Can you please help with the corresponding Java API?

How to write Spotify API in processing?

For my project in college I have decided to make an interactive map where, when the user hovers over a country the title of the top song in that country is displayed. I wanted to get that title from Spotify charts.
I have read every single page of the Spotify API guide and I am still confused as to how should I write the query in processing. I have the authorisation code and the OAuth token, but I'm not sure how should I include it in the actual sketch.
I really need all the help I can get, I am very new to this and I will appreciate every bit of advice.
Use a Spotify API Java Wrapper such as this one to handle API requests to Spotify.
Wrappers are external libraries that simplify API interfacing by providing functions that you can call from your code to make API requests. See this webpage for information about including external libraries in Processing sketches if you haven't done this before.
The most-played track per country isn't likely to change during operation of your program so requesting (it seems you've identified the correct API endpoint for this) the top track for each country just once is sufficient. This process could be done in setup(), for example, since it runs once only.
Then it's a matter of storing the data from these requests in some sort of data structure to allow your program to retrieve the most played track of the country that is being hovered over. A HashMap of country name to top track is appropriate, but there are many viable approaches.

Get Page Views via Hubspot API

My Data Science team is trying to pull Hubspot info into their data visualization platform via Hubspot's API.
They're telling me that they can't find the information fora contact's pageview anywhere. I've searched the documentation for the API, contacted Hubspot Support (who told me they can't help with the API), and spent hours googling but I can't find any information on this.
Does the API simply not provide that information? I know it's collected, because I can see page views in a specific contact's why can't I access it via API?
Has anyone overcome this challenge in the past or does anyone have any advice?
I should mention that I'm about 10% literate when it comes to anything code I could just be missing something.
Assuming you are using PHP in your API, then you should be able to find the number of page views here:
(where $objHubSpot is the name of the HubSpot object returned through API)
If you want to know the actual URL of the visited pages, then keep in mind that HubSpot only keeps a record of the last few URLs.

API help commission junction

Im new to the realm of API and I was wondering do I need to paste the code as is or would I need to add javascript and interface to it myself? Im working with commission juntion datafeeds and developer key to make a website that is similar to
Below is the website link with the instructions that they provide
You can use the API to get data from cj, but the results of the data is for what ever you want to use it for.
Before you start working with API's you should look into programming applications.