How to have two touch sliders operate indepently at the same time - slider

I have a mobile web app with two sliders a jquery roundslider and html/js slider acting as steering and throttle respectively. if I only slide one or the other then each works as expected. But use two fingers one one for each slider at the same time then the touch actions appear to interfer with each other. How can I get them to work independently at the same time.
Each slider is in its own div inside a split page. I am not using any dedicated ontouch functions just drag:function for the roundslider and oninput for the html/js slider.


What is the best way to use an on screen keyboard in a large application with Vue js?

I am working on a large scale Vue js application that has many screens and many inputs and is displayed on a touch screen monitor. I am looking for the best way to create a custom keyboard component that takes input and computes things like max and min values and outputs the value to the input that was selected accordingly. I am wondering where the best place to put this keyboard is, what plugin to use for the keyboard, and how to handle the input events.

Flipview without rubber band effect at edge in Windows Phone 8.1

I am developing an app, which has 3 screens in first page as flipview items. Two screens has gridview & last screen contains camera. I want to develop nearly same UI as 6snap from Rudy Huyn.
In that it has camera in middle & two gridview (data view) at the ends. It doesn't have elastic band effect while swiping from one screen to another & it seems he has used flipview. I have chose flipview because it has selection change event & I can dispose camera resources efficiently. If my UI control choice is wrong let me know. I have tried to play manipulation events of flipviewitem but it doesn't work as expected. Any one out there who can guide me to develop the same flipview as 6snap.
Please check out my answer here:
ScrollViewer: Disable Snap (elastic band effect)
Maybe you will need to implement a different logic when to disable, and when to enable ManipulationMode, but it is possible

Delegate touch gesture handling to WebView's content

In my WinRT (Metro/Store) XAML-based app I'd like to be able load an external web site in the WebView in a way that would propagate all the touch events (pinch zoom, slide horizontally and vertically) to the web site itself - instead of having the WebView handle them.
I tied to set WebView's ManipulationMode to "None".
I tried to set all the ScrollViewer properties to "False" or "Disabled".
I even tried to subsribe to WebView's ManipulationStarting, ManipulationDelta and ManipulationCompleted events (setting e.Handled = true for each of them).
WebView documentation indicates that the current implementation is quite limited, especially in terms of interactivity.
Does the fact that it actually uses IE10 in Document Mode mean that there is no way to reach the original (content) web site's interactivity level?
Update: mouse gestures (such as click and drag) are working OK, being properly passed on to the web content for handling; it's just the touch interactions that I need to figure out.

Dojo scrollableview stops moving to original place if tapped with multiple fingers simultaneously

I am using Titanium for my app that runs on an iPad. We follow hybrid approach. I have a Dojo scrollableview that shows a list of suppliers. When a user drags the scrollableview to the bottom and simultaneoulsy taps anywhere on the scrollableview with another finger anywhere on the scrollableview without moving the first tap the scrollableview position sticks to that position and does not move to its original position. This behavior occurs only when multiple simultaneous taps are done. How do i make the scrollableview move to its original position when such situation happens?

Sencha touch 2 slider events continuous change event

Is there a possibility to get the normal html5 change event for the sencha touch slider as well? Sencha touch 2 offers a change event which is only fired once the slider is dropped.
I want to use it for turning on and off the lights smoothly, the slider should be continuous. Is there an easy way to do this?
We did this in pure html, we limited the events by adding steps of 10 to a 0-100 slider. I hope i have not to build my own component.
thank you
You can use the drag event on Ext.field.Slider.