Is gtest and googletest libraries the same? If so, why are there two libraries? - googletest

I see that there are two libraries - gtest and googletest.
They seem to work interchangeably.
I am interested to know if there is any difference between the two.
If so, what it is.
In a yocto project that I am currently working on, I see that some recipes has dependency on gtest.
Some have dependency on googletest.
Each recipe compiles successfully individually.
But the full image build fails due to conflict between these libraries.
I tried to replace gtest with googletest and I found no compilation issues.


Best practices to build vendored code with CMake

I'm trying to understand what some of the best practices are when using modern CMake (3.13+) with respect to building and including vendored or submoduled code.
Say I'm building a library MyLib. My file structure is something like this
In this example, I've included libgeos as a git submodule, because it's really convenient to be able to clone the project and immediately build and run tests because that dependency is present. This could also be solved by using FetchContent or something, and my question still stands; the important thing is that I do not want to rely on libgeos being installed in build environment.
Note I picked libgeos arbitrarily; I have no idea if libgeos is set up as a cmake project appropriately for this example, but this is all theoretical and I just needed some concrete library name. Please do not use the specific details of how libgeos is configured to answer this, unless libgeos is a good example of conventional cmake.
But now, there's some other project that wants to use my project, and it needs libgeos and doesn't want to depend on my project providing it.
When you clone OtherProject, you get two versions of libgeos, and maybe that's not great; but it's not a huge issue either. And maybe they're not the same version; say MyLib requires libgeos >= 2.0, so 2.0 is what MyLib includes, and OtherProject requires libgeos>=2.1 so OtherProject includes libgeos >= 2.1.
Now we potentially end up with some build issues. If we have the following line in OtherProject/CMakeLists.txt
and then again, that same line within MyLib/CMakeLists.txt, we end up with cmake errors because libgeos as a target is defined twice in the build. This can be solved a couple of ways.
Check if geos exists before adding it
if(NOT TARGET geos)
But this case has some issues; if that blob is in OtherProject at the top, it's fine and both projects use libgeos 2.1. But if it's in OtherProject after add_subdirectory(submodules/MyLib), then the geos 2.0 version gets added to the build, which may or may not fail loudly (Hopefully it would).
This could also be solved with find_package. Both projects include cmake/FindGeos.cmake which use that blurb above (if(NOT TARGET...)) to add geos the build and then the top project cmake files can do this
find_package(geos 2) # (or 2.1)
then it doesn't matter what order they try to include geos, because they will both defer to FindGeos.cmake in OtherProject because it's first in the module path.
But now there's a new issue, some ThirdProject wants to use MyLib also, but ThirdProject wants to depend on libgeos which is in the system environment. It uses find_package(geos 2.1 CONFIG) to use the installed GeosConfig.cmake file, which adds geos::geos to the build and sets geos_FOUND. Suddenly, MyLib fails to build, because geos_FOUND was set, but I'm doing target_link_library(mylib PUBLIC geos).
So this could be solved by adding add_library(geos::geos ALIAS geos) in both custom FindGeos.cmake files, then it doesn't matter if geos was built from source or using the installed version, the target names are the same either way.
Now we get to my actual questions:
Lets start with
Am I crazy, no one does this, and my team is trying to use cmake all wrong?
Is there some feature of cmake that I've just completely missed that solves all these problems?
I suspect there's a good few books or presentations that cover this topic, but I just don't know where to look because there's so many; what should I be looking at? I've seen the CMake Packages page, which looks like it solves the problem when you're using all projects which are configured according to that page; but it doesn't really answer how to bridge the gap between older and newer projects.
If I'm not crazy and there's no straightforward answer or presentation that I can look at, then
What should the cmake configuration for both MyLib and libgeos look like so that these cases work?
MyLib is built alone
MyLib is built as part of a larger project which provides a different version of geos
MyLib is built as part of a larger project which depends on a different version of geos in the environment
I understand that cmake provides helpers that could be used to produce MyLibConfig.cmake if I wanted to install it in the environment. I also see that the export() function exists, which could be used to save those files in the build tree somewhere and then find them with find_package in config mode. But this feels a bit odd to me to do because it's not a multi-stage build, it's just one invocation of cmake then make.
But lets say that's the right answer and the CMake for libgeos doesn't follow it. Would it be appropriate to have FindGeos.cmake do something like this?
if(NOT geos_FOUND)
export(geos NAMESPACE geos)
find_package(geos CONFIG)

How to build namespaced subprojects in cmake that find each other

I am trying to get a basic cmake project to work with 2 subprojects (each a library) where one depends on the other.
As such I have a self-contained project for lib1 and a self-contained project for lib2 (but that depends on lib1). Some lib2 authors could while others will not have access to lib1 source. If no access is desired, it seems that building and installing one after the other is the way to go. Is there a way to build them in one go using cmake? Currently, I am trying using an overall project, libs.
However, as the libraries are related I want to call them in a boost / poco like fashion. That is for lib2 I would like to write:
find_package(libs COMPONENTS lib1 REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(lib2 PUBLIC libs::lib1)
I have created config files for both lib1 and lib2 and libs. However, I keep getting the same error
CMake Error at libs/lib2/CMakeLists.txt:67 (find_package):
By not providing "Findlibs.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "libs", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "libs" with any of
the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "libs" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"libs_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "libs"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
I don't understand where to put these files. It searches for them under prefix/ etc but at the time of building none of these libraries is yet installed. What is the proper place to put the -config.cmake files? I have put them all in
which seems similar to Poco, but the error remains. How can the libraries find each other?
// update:
From the comments I understand that lib1 first needs to be build in order to use find_package. Is there a way (in cmake) to
build lib1, install it, build lib2
or is this better to do using a bash / python / etc script?

How can I "add_dependencies(..)" to an "UNKNOWN IMPORTED" library?

I want to use this way of getting googletest in my project. But there seems to be something wrong:
ninja: error: 'libsuper/test/googletest-prefix/src/googletest-build/googlemock/gtest/libgtest.a', needed by 'libdsuper/test/libsuper_test', missing and no known rule to make it
As I understand the error, there is no gtest library available when ninja tries to build the test-executable. As a consequence, I added a dependency just after the test-target:
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_test ${SOURCES})
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_test ${GTEST_LIBRARY})
But this has no effect. It seams like it's silently ignored. I guess this is because IMPORTED is meant for system libraries that need not to be compiled and are thus available from the start. In my case, this is however not true. The googletest libraries are only available after they have been compiled by the ExternalProject_Add.
Is this also linked to ninja? The site linked above does not mention problems - and I could imagine that's because googletest and libSomeOtherThingThatUsesGTest are build in sequence, as make does.
How can I instruct cmake to wait until the gtest library is truly available?
There is a little sense to be depended on IMPORTED library target - there is no actions bonded with such target, so you are actually depends on nothing.
Instead, you should depend on a target, which creates the library. In case of External Project, this is a target created for such project (the first argument to the ExternalProject_Add function's call).
In case of normal (non-IMPORTED) library target situation is quite different: actions for create such library are bonded with the target itself, so being dependent from the library target means that library should be built before the dependee. But such dependence is rarely used: instead, one links with the library target, which by itself implies the dependency from the actions, bonded with that target.
for googletest you should use:
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_test ${SOURCES})
target_link_directories(${PROJECT_NAME}_test gtest)
Dependency will be automatically managed.
Also the imported target gtest already depends on googletest ExternalProject_Add according to this
I guess the errors come from the fact that the path for the imported target file location aka ${binary_dir}/googlemock/gtest/${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES}gtest.a is wrong IMHO.

Compile gtest from source with catkin

I am trying to compile gtest from source (instead of using the existing installed version). I am working on a catkin based cmake project.
I have added the sourcecode from to my workspace and included the folder with add_subdirectory.
However, I get a nameclash with the existing gtest:
CMake Error at src/test_env/GTest/googletest/cmake/internal_utils.cmake:151 (add_library):
add_library cannot create target "gtest" because another target with the
same name already exists. The existing target is a shared library created
in source directory "/usr/src/gtest". See documentation for policy CMP0002
for more details.
From other posts, and the googletest instructions itself ( I understand that this should be no problem.
I think the problem might lie in how catkin handles gtest. And, admittedly, normally I could just use the installed version. But I want to make sure, that everyone uses the same (bundled) version of gtest.
Any suggestions and hints are welcomed.
Okay, so the error message is actually quite clear. A cmake "target" is "something that will be produced by the build", be it a library, or an executable, or something else. So, the problem is that you are trying to add a target named "gtest", and catkin already does the same thing. Both would produce the library "", and of course there can only be one of those in the same folder. You could rename "your" gtest by changing the target name in googletest/CMakelists.txt, but I would strongly advise you to not do that.
In my opinion, gtest shouldn't even be a shared library at all, especially if you are using different build flags for different projects in your repository. There is an alternative, and that is basically only including the gtest source code in a folder, and then including the header files and source files in your unittests main.cpp. googletest already comes with helpers for that, that is src/
This is how I would structure it:
Add the gtest version you want as submodule to git (in case you use git). This way, you have a specified version for all projects in your repo, and can update it in a different branch. I will call that folder "GTEST_DIR".
Write your unittests in .cpp files, that #include <gtest/gtest.h>, one per hpp you want to test, and #include both the hpp and the cpp in your test.cpp. This enforces the separation of your tests from other classes and makes it very easy to switch out dependent classes with mocks or fake objects. You will not need a main() function, as that one is already in
Write a cmake macro like this:
macro(add_gtest NAME FILES)
target_include_directories(my_gtest_$NAME GTEST_DIR/include)
Of course, you can make this more complicated or less complicated, but that is the gist. Of course, compile times will be longer this way over using gtest as a shared library, but it actually makes sure your units get tested in isolation, which is very valueable in my opinion. Also, you can use ccache to greatly improve compile times in this scenario, because the gtest object files never change. Also, this will make sure gtest is compiled with exactly the flags you want it to. You could for example create 2 separate unit tests for the same class, one with exceptions enabled and one without.

Call external programs with CMake

I tried to search the CMake documentation, but I couldn't figure out how to call external programs from CMake.
There are few things I want to do.
Compile other third-party dependencies that uses a makefile
Compile Thrift definition files to C++ / Python stubs.
Compile Cython definition files.
Another question is, what is a good way to handle those cases anyway? It feels like calling a shell script directly from CMake doesn't feel so clean, when "C" in CMake stands for Cross Platform.
EDIT: I have few extra questions. Before, in my build, I prebuilt my dependencies, and the project itself used FIND_PACKAGE(...) to find the header / libraries for the dependencies.
Now, I'm ExternalProject_Add() to compile the dependencies, but the problem is, all my FindXYZ() functions fails when I run cmake ., because the dependencies aren't present when CMake gets executed.
How should I include the third-party libraries in my project in this case?