Type inference in Kotlin lambdas fails when using `it` special variable - kotlin

I fail to understand, why the following compiles:
directory.listFiles { it -> it.name.startsWith("abc") }
but this doesn't:
directory.listFiles { it.name.startsWith("abc") }
Am I correctly assuming that in the first case, the type of it is inferred via the name property? Why is this not happening in the second case?

It is because there are two possible FunctionalInterfaces that can be used with File.listFiles:
listFiles(FileFilter) - this interface is accept(File pathname)
listFiles(FilenameFilter) - this interface is accept​(File dir, String name)
The compiler cannot work out which you want to use. So how is this better in the case you write it ->?
Well, the compiler inspects the call arguments of the two interface methods and can now see you expect one argument "SOMETHING ->," so the only matching call is the FileFilter variation.
How might you use the FilenameFilter? you'd use this syntax:
directory.listFiles { dir, name -> name.startsWith("abc") }
The magic here is not it - that's a coincidence, but that you declared just one parameter.


Kotlin construction: function call with additional body - what such construction means or how it is called (if I want to look it up in the docs)?

I am seeing the Kotlin code:
navController.navigate("sales_order/" + it.toString()) {
popUpTo(navController.graph.findStartDestination().id) {
saveState = true
launchSingleTop = true
restoreState = true
which I can describe as "function call" (navController.navigate) "with additional body" ({...}). How such construction is called (if I want to look it up in the docs) and what does it mean?
When I checked the type of navController.navigate(...) args, then there are 2 arguments. The first argument - string - is provided in () and I am trying to guess, that everything inside {...} is the content for the second argument which has type NavOptionsBuilder in this case. So, I can guess that NavOptionsBuilder has 3 arguments: 1 function call popUpTo that returns some object and 2 named arguments (launchSingleTop, restoreState) which are Boolean type.
Am I deciphering this construction right - just another way of passing arguments - or is there something deeper?
Am I deciphering this construction right
Almost. You got the beginning right, but the end is not exactly correct.
Let's start with what you got right, and throw in some vocabulary here for posterity. Indeed, you seem to be using the overload of navigate that takes 2 arguments: a string route and a builder function.
Functions in kotlin can be passed in multiple ways, but the most common (and the one used here) is passing a lambda expression. Because the syntax for lambda expressions is based on braces ({ ... }), it makes it look like blocks of code, so the Kotlin language went one step further and allowed to pass lambda expressions outside of the parentheses of the function call when the lambda is the last argument. The reason for this is exactly to allow this kind of constructions which look like their own configuration language. This is what is usually referred to as DSLs (Domain Specific Languages).
Now about what you got wrong:
So, I can guess that NavOptionsBuilder has 3 arguments
Not really. NavOptionsBuilder is the receiver of the function that is passed as the second argument of navigate. This means that, within the lambda that you pass, a NavOptionsBuilder instance is implicitly available as this.
This, in turn, means that you can access methods and properties of NavOptionsBuilder within that lambda block. This is what popUpTo, launchSingleTop, and restoreState are: methods and properties of NavOptionsBuilder - not "arguments".
You can find more general info about this here.

How to make and use an arraylist of functions

How can i make an arraylist of functions, and call each function easily? I have already tried making an ArrayList<Function<Unit>>, but when i tried to do this:
functionList.forEach { it }
and this:
for(i in 0 until functionList.size) functionList[i]
When i tried doing this: it() and this: functionList[i](), but it wouldn't even compile in intellij. How can i do this in kotlin? Also, does the "Unit" in ArrayList<Function<Unit>> mean return value or parameters?
Just like this:
val funs:List<() -> Unit> = listOf({}, { println("fun")})
funs.forEach { it() }
The compiler can successfully infer the type of funs here which is List<() -> Unit>. Note that () -> Unit is a function type in Kotlin which represents a function that does not take any argument and returns Unit.
I think there are two problems with the use of the Function interface here.
The first problem is that it doesn't mean what you might think. As I understand it, it's a very general interface, implemented by all functions, however many parameters they take (or none). So it doesn't have any invoke() method. That's what the compiler is complaining about.
Function has several sub-interfaces, one for each 'arity' (i.e. one for each number of parameters): Function0 for functions that take no parameters, Function1 for functions taking one parameter, and so on. These have the appropriate invoke() methods. So you could probably fix this by replacing Function by Function0.
But that leads me on to the second problem, which is that the Function interfaces aren't supposed to be used this way. I think they're mainly for Java compatibility and/or for internal use by the compiler.
It's usually much better to use the Kotlin syntax for function types: (P1, P2...) -> R. This is much easier to read, and avoids these sorts of problems.
So the real answer is probably to replace Function<Unit> by () -> Unit.
Also, in case it's not clear, Kotlin doesn't have a void type. Instead, it has a type called Unit, which has exactly one value. This might seem strange, but makes better sense in the type system, as it lets the compiler distinguish functions that return without an explicit value, from those which don't return. (The latter might always throw an exception or exit the process. They can be defined to return Nothing -- a type with no values at all.)

Migrate Java Option call to kotlin

I'm taking my first steps with kotlin.
I am migrating some my existing java code to kotlin.
I have the folllowing line:
Where storyDate is an Optional and article has a method setPublishDate(Date) method.
How would I migrate this line to kotlin?
The auto migrator at https://try.kotlinlang.org is
storyDate.ifPresent(Consumer<Date>({ article.setPublishDate() }))
But this line doesn't compile with the kotlin compiler.
I strongly prefer using extension functions and extension fields, so I've written smth like
val <T> Optional<T>.value: T?
get() = orElse(null)
And then you can use it anywhere (after import) like
myOptional.value?.let {
// handle here
It’s rather uncommon to use Optional in Kotlin. If you can make storyDate work as an ordinary unwrapped type, such constructs can often be expressed with a simple let call:
storyDate?.let {
//probably property access works as well:
article.publishDate = it
How it works: The safe call ?. will invoke let only if storyDate is not null, otherwise the whole expression evaluates to, again, null. When the variable is not null, let is called with a simple lambda where storyDate is accessible by it (or you can rename it to whatever you like).
Side note:
If storyDate really must be Optional, you can still use the depicted construct by unwrapping it like this:
storyDate.orElse(null)?.let {}
storyDate.ifPresent { Article.setPublishDate(it) }
will work.
In the first example, it denotes the value in the optional instance, which is the Date in the optional storyDate.
I assumed that Article is a class, which has the setPublishDate(Date) static method, because class names are always capitalized.
But if article is an instance, not a class, and it has non-static method, then the following will work.
// article = Article(/* some Article-typed object */)
storyDate.ifPresent { article.setPublishDate(it) }
it has the same meaning as the above one, i.e., the actual Date value in Optional.

Usage of CompletableFuture's exceptionally method in Kotlin

I'm trying to handle CompletableFuture exceptions in Kotlin, but I'm not able to figure out how to supply the appropriate parameters. So, for example, I have:
CompletableFuture.runAsync { "sr" }
.exceptionally{e -> {}}
but then the compiler complains Cannot infer type parameter T.
How do I fix this?
Quite a tricky case which becomes tricky because of some Kotlin magic :)
The direct solution to your problem would be the following code:
CompletableFuture.runAsync {"sr"}
.exceptionally({e -> null})
The detailed explanation goes here:
The runAsync method accepts a Runnable which means after execution it will return Void. The function passed to exceptionally method must match the generic parameter of the CompletableFuture so in this particular case, you need to help a compiler by returning null explicitly.
So the following will compile without problems:
CompletableFuture.runAsync {"sr"}
CompletableFuture.runAsync {}
In the first case, the "sr" String will simply be ignored and not returned since the runAsync accepts a Runnable.
You probably wanted to do something like:
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync {"sr"}
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync {"sr"}
.exceptionally({e -> "sr_exceptional"})

I cannot understand how Dart Editor analyze source code

Dart Editor version 1.2.0.release (STABLE). Dart SDK version 1.2.0.
This source code produces runtime exception.
void main() {
test(new Base());
void test(Child child) {
class Base {
class Child extends Base {
I assumed that the analyzer generates something like this.
The argument type 'Base' cannot be assigned to the parameter type 'Child'
But I can only detect this error at runtime when occurred this exception (post factum).
Unhandled exception:
type 'Base' is not a subtype of type 'Child' of 'child'.
The analyzer is following the language specification here.
It only warns if a the static type of the argument expression is not assignable to the type of function the parameter.
In Dart, expressions of one type is assignable to variables of another type if either type is a subtype of the other.
That is not a safe type check. It does not find all possible errors. On the other hand, it also does not disallow some correct uses like:
Base foo = new Child();
void action(Child c) { ... }
action(foo); // Perfectly correct code at runtime.
Other languages have safe assignment checks, but they also prevent some correct programs. You then have to add (unsafe/runtime checked) cast operators to tell the compiler that you know the program is safe. It's a trade-off where Dart has chosen to be permissive and avoid most casts.
Let's try to be polite and answer the question without any prejudice.
I think I understand what you expected and here my angle on what the error means:
You are invoking the method with the argument of type Base
The method is expecting an argument of type Child
The Child is not equal to the Base, neither is a subtype of it (as a fact it is the Child that is a subtype of the Base)
It is working as expected as it makes only sense to provide object of the expected type (or it's subtypes - specialisations).
After reading again your question I realised that you are pointing out that editor is not finding the type problem. I assume this is due to the point that Dart programs are dynamic and hence certain checks are not done before the runtime.
Hope it helps ;-)