Can't Setup Unreal Engine and Rider for Windows 11 - rider

I am tired configuring how to install Rider and setup it up to work
Firstly i installed Visual Studio 2022 with Game Development in C++ Workload
then installed Unreal Engine 5.0.3
then installed Rider 2022.2 and Activated it
then did setup rider as default in source code tab of editor preference in unreal engine
the same solution or say project made in unreal is working fine in visual studio
but i dont know why it shows project load failed
tried everything possible that i could do... like playing with build tools settings etc..
installing different .net framework installing mono etc...installing different version of msbuild etc..
i see it working for everybody... so also clean installed it again but absolutely no luck
just relieve my anxiety by simply providing a workaround to it
I tried everything possible like changing msbuild version .net sdks frameworks etc...but nothing worked
can someone share there settings if they have same setup as i described above

The answer was simple but took me so long to figure out!!!
I have my default display language setup to Hindi the language i use in daily life...but somehow jetbrains was not able to handle the language itself and throwing error...
just changing the display setting made it work flawlessly
but yeah i lost the battle i am bound to use english as a language again as display language...
before i thought i will atleast start digitizing my language by incorporating it into my workflow... but naah odds are against me...anyways will try and succeed one day.
Jai Shri Ram...


Do I need to download javafx12?

I have been having trouble utilizing Javafx within Intellij. I run into the error "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application" that I see a lot of other people have.
My main question is do I need to download Javafx12 sdk. I am able to use Dr.Java to run some of my old javafx projects just fine after adding an extra class path and I haven't needed to downloaded anything. It doesn't seem like I need to download anything as another much more basic IDE is able to run javafx. So why does it seem like intellij requires an extra download?
If you moved to Java 12, then yes, you need to download the JavaFX 12 from their new website Luckily installing it is pretty straightforward and well-explained.
It worked before because JavaFX was shipped inside the JDK distribution, which is no longer the case. Swing however is still there and will work as before. (I am not saying you go back to Swing, just that it is still shipped along the JDK)

What is the upgrade path for C# MSBuild Tools to be?

We are using Bamboo to compile our C# projects and recently enhanced our build AMIs to have the MsBuild 15 Build Tools so devs are able to use C#7. With the advent of C# 7.1, Microsoft state they are "increasing the cadence" of language releases and I've been trying to find out what the upgrade path for MS Build Tools and how to keep it updated with the latest version.
At the moment it appears that the Bamboo admins would have to always be one step ahead of the devs (who update their IDE to use the new language release) to enable clean compilations.
I can't find a decent way of automating this (other than though something like Chocolatey) - I'd be interested to see how other people get round this or ensure their Build Tools will always up to date.

Visual Studio 2017 (ASP.NET Core) and Aurelia (ES6) from scratch manually?

Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows you how to install & build Aurelia MANUALLY in Visual Studio 2017?
Why do this?
Ideally I'd like to use bundleconfig.json for as much as I can and
use gulp for those things I can't do in bundleconfig.json.
I'll learn every aspect of the build/bundle/package process as possible instead of having a tool set that up for me. (Makes things
easier to troubleshoot if I know how it is all setup.)
I won't be dependent on CLIs and packages that are not kept up to date. (Several that I've looked at are based on VS 2017 RCs).
I've tried several CLIs and "skeleton" projects but they all have their issues. Some haven't been updated to use the latest csproj.
Aurelia CLI: Project/Folder structure doesn't mirror any standard way of building SPAs that I've seen. Also doesn't mirror what you get when using Aurelia's own "Skeleton Project."
dotnew new spa templates: Though the most promising it's typescript only and not ES6. (Maybe there is a way to switch it easily?)
Aurelia's Skeleton Projects It adds dependencies that I do not need. It also does not work out of the box.
So here is what I've determined since originally writing this question.
My original thoughts with lessons learned:
Why do this?
Ideally I'd like to use bundleconfig.json for as much as I can and
use gulp for those things I can't do in bundleconfig.json.
Answer: I was only doing this because I was trying to embed Aurelia inside of a web api project in Visual Studio. I recommend you don't do this and instead keep it as a separate project. (Separation of concerns)
I'll learn every aspect of the build/bundle/package process as possible
instead of having a tool set that up for me. (Makes things easier to
troubleshoot if I know how it is all setup.)
Answer: Though building from scratch would help me learn about this more it isn't a major roadblock. I was just inexperienced with more modern UI frameworks and their corresponding build processes. (RTFM)
I won't be dependent on CLIs and packages that are not kept up to date. (Several that I've looked at are based on VS 2017 RCs).
Answer: - That happens no matter what route you go. You can wait for a library to mature more if this is a big concern.
The bottom line is my question was based on some incorrect thinking. If you are trying to go this route you really need to ask yourself why and determine if it is worth it. To me it was not. Just go with what works, learn and move on. Oh and don't resist Typescript!
npm install aurelia-cli#0.30.1 --global
create new vs solution in 2017 (ASP.NET Core Web App)
with command prompt, cd into the solution root dir (not wwwroot)
au new --here
select RequireJS or SystemJS (my personal preference)
select option 2, core
select the remaining options.
Run f5 in VS2017.

Distributing TideSDK application

I recently finished an application based on Titanium, Javascript, HTML, CSS. I have only been a web designer to date so I have little experience in distributing applications. I was accustomed to the TiDev Community deploying app, which prepared the app for download and made it available for download at a given link.
But tidev community is no longer supported, so I use TideSDK Developer to package the app, which doesnt do all the hard work the other one did so nicely.
I am obviously a complete rookie to this.
Could anyone outline the steps I would need to take to go from the bundled application folder I have now (put together by TideSDK Developer), to a link that will allow customers to download and install the app or online? I know there is an issue with packaoging the app for platforms other than your own, and that appcelerator is working on a solution to this I think. I also realise I would probably have to pay to host the download online. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You must use the script. to compile a installation package. To compile a binary for a Mac, you must run the script on a Mac, to compile a binary for windows, you must be on a windows box etc.
There is some documentation on how to use it here per platform. The command is very simple and works.
Once you have your application file (DMG for OSX or a MSI for Windows) then just distribute it however you see fit, email, putting it on your web server, whatever works for you.

Eclipse 3.7 RCP Application with multiple plugins

What is the right way to make an RCP application that is “ready for plugins”? I have struggled to do this basic concept and am trying to accomplish this in Eclipse 3.7 (latest 3.x version).
Step 1
I would like to explore this by using 3 eclipse plugin projects:
• HelloWorldRCP
• HelloWorldPluginA
• HelloWorldPluginB
Would it make sense to make HelloWorldRCP with all the common things such as a menu-bar with an Edit menu including cut, copy and paste menu items? The HelloWorldPluginA could add an additional menu-item called “Alpha” and HelloWorldPluginB could add yet another menu-item called “Beta”? However, the cut, copy and paste functionality could still work within Plugin A and B?
Step 2
Next, how do I deploy this as a “product”? I have made a new product configuration and defined the dependencies from the default runtime configuration that was made. I do notice that there are a lot of dependency jars that are included, but I don’t think I use them. For example, I don’t use data-binding to my knowledge, but it keeps coming up as a required dependency.
I go to Export | Eclipse Product and an executable environment is created in my desired folder. However, when I copy this to another machine it seems to keep referencing the original machines Java installation location. How does one get around this?
I have tried to bundle a jre with the Product Export but nothing is created. I have also just tried copying my jre6 as a jre folder. This does seem to work.
Next problem here is the 32/64 bit Java execution environments. What is advised here? I have been aiming to build on 32 bit only and then hopefully that will run on 32 or 64bit platforms. Is this correct?
Step 3
I need to web-start this now. The old way of initiating an Eclipse 3.5 application, using a startup.jar has changed. I now use the equinox launcher and reference it in the jnlp instead of the startup.jar. However, I keep getting an exception which seems related to the 32/64 bit equinox win32_64 jar. I notice that the export writes a folder and not a jar. I read somewhere that this is a “clever trick” to allow compatibility for both 32 and 64bit runtime environments.
The problem here is that I need a jar and not a folder so that I can sign the jars required and deploy accordingly.
Does anyone have a Java Web-start example for and Eclipse 3.7 RCP application? Or any advice?
You are going to need a lot of time to learn everything you've asked about here.
Here is one of the best places to start...
That site covers a lot of basics. But you need a little more than basics.
The best example of a working RCP product with some of the features you require can be found at ...
This guy (Kai) makes all of the source code available via SVN, and he has some very advanced stuff going on in his application. He also has a good blog with some advanced RCP tips and tricks.
Another thing you'll want to investigate is Tycho. I realize that you didn't mention anything about building your application, but I've found that using Tycho for building has made my most recent foray into Eclipse RCP 100 times better than the other times I've done RCP work. So, my advice, get to know Tycho.
The learning curve of Eclipse RCP is somewhat steep, but I think it's worth the effort.
Good Luck!