I am using zod for scema validation with vee-validate in a vue 3 project.
In the requirement I need to show a text field according to a checkbox is the checkbox enabled the field will show and it will be required and will apply all the zod validations. But in this case if I use the zod.optional() the validation is not showing.
Is there any other option to use zod validation conditionally?
allergies: zod.string().nonempty('this field is required'),
I need if the field isAlergies` enabled the rules will apply.
I have a problem. Even if a type checked vuelidate value is false, I can send a reference and error massage does not appear. How can I ensure that the value is true?
rizaOnayi: Yup.boolean().required().label("Açık Rıza Onayi"),
you can do
this one is for strict check
rizaOnayi: Yup.boolean().true().required().label("Açık Rıza Onayi"),
rizaOnayi: Yup.boolean().truthy().required().label("Açık Rıza Onayi"),
Sometimes it would be more convenient to customize a validation message with a label rather than the property. For example:
Let's imagine there is a field in form named 'x' but the UI interface shows it as 'Name' (the field label). But, as fas as I understand, the customizazion of a validation message does allow only the use of properties, that is name fields.
validations: {
required: "The field {property} is required.",
Is there a way to use a label to customize the above message?
Thank you!
I would like to add a simple checkbox to a Fiori app based on a CDS view. Clicking it would restrict the data using a parameterized table function that would return "true" or "false" for each row.
I'm unable to find any info on checkboxes in the filter bar. Is this possible using CDS annotations ?
Please check the relevant ODATA metadata, if the field of the entity is of type 'Edm.Boolean', in the Fiori, it will automatically rendered as a checkbox. You can also cast the field to ABAP boolean in CDS view if necessary.
I am trying to set rules to control buttons that are inside of v-text-area on Vue2/Vuetify. How can I do this?
I tried several things, please do not judge me i am beginner of coding concept
In order to use Vuetify validation rules, you need to wrap all elements on which you want to perform validation in a <v-form> element.
On your input components, you need to provide an array to the rules prop with the names of functions you define which perform validation.
The functions which validate take the value as an input and return true if the input is valid and false or a failure string if the input is invalid.
An example of such a function defined in the methods section would be:
isNumber(input) {
return /[0-9]+/g.test(input) || "input must be a number";
Passing it to your v-text-area would look like this:
<v-text-area :rules="[isNumber]" />
More info is available in the #rules section of Vueitfy's Form docs.
I am working on formik+Yup in react-native.
I want to add validation if a particular field exists in the form, otherwise, there should not be any validation or skip validation for that field.
How can I achieve this?