Run npm commands after a deployment - api

I have recently deployed an api onto Railway, which works in a similar way to Heroku.
The deployment was successful.
The API returns a list of repositories, which I intend to connect with a React-Native app on the frontend.
Although the deploy was successful, in order for there to be any repositories on the API, I need to run a npm seed:run command which populates the API with some data.
In development, you just run npm seed:run.
How do you do this command in production after the API has been already deployed ?

Railway exposes a command to allow you to run your scripts to be applied to your deployed application:
railway run <cmd>
In your case, this would look like:
railway run npm seed:run
Here is the railway documentation on railway commands:


Accessing the application after installing npm package

I followed the 3 instructions mentioned on this page...
1) Download the WebRTC SDK in JavaScript by running the following command:
git clone
2) Run npm install to download dependencies.
3) Run npm run develop to run the webserver.
I get the following output:
How do I now access the app or test page?
I am hosting the application on my personal site and this is not working:
You can access the test page on http://localhost:3001
Thanks for checking out KVS WebRTC!

AppCenter Yarn 1.19 error Incorrect integrity when fetching from the cache

I have a React Native app hosted on Microsoft App center. The builds (both iOS and android) are failing because of yarn 1.19 (error Incorrect integrity when fetching from the cache)
I tried to remove the package-lock.json but it didn't help.
I would like to downgrade yarn or execute the cache clean command but don't know where to execute it.
I have installed the appcenter cli version 2.2.1 and successfully connected to it.
Where could I execute yarn cache clean for example?
I've read I could also create a script but I have no idea where to place it and how it should look like. Should it be both in the ios and android directory? Or in the root? Thank you
I actually noticed that I had a yarn.lock back from the initial commit, even though we are using npm in the team.
In the build logs, there is this line:
/bin/sh -c if [ -f yarn.lock ]; then { yarn install && yarn list --depth=0; } else npm install; fi
So I deleted the yarn.lock file and now it builds successfully using npm!
Not sure whether you build your React app with Azure Devops pipeline. If yes, you can use Command line task to achieve the things you want to do.
If the agent you used is hosted agent during the build, since each build will use a completely new VM, you need to install the AppCenter cli once per build.
Use follow command to install the AppCenter cli:
sudo npm install -g appcenter-cli
Then logging in it:
appcenter login --token {Token}
Here, you need first generate the token with this doc described: Go and login to -> Click Self Avatar -> Choose Account Settings -> Click on API Tokens -> Click New API token then select the corresponding the scope for this token.
Copy and use it in this pipeline task. Note: Recommend you store
this token with secret variable for security.
Now, you can execute the clean command: yarn cache clean.
Where to place it and how it should look like?
According to your description, you need place this command line task into the first step, then it could clean the Yarn cache firstly.
Also, because of the image configuration that the hosted agent is using, its installed node.js version is 6.7.0, this does not match the runtime environment for AppCenter cli. You need also run Node.js tool installer task to install node.js v10.0.0.
All of them should look like this:
Should it be both in the ios and android directory?
As I mentioned previously, for Hosted agent, each build will use a completely new VM. So yes, you must execute these two steps firstly in every build.
If what you used is your private agent, since you have installed the AppCenter cli locally, the agent will automatically call the local configuration when running the command line task. At this time, you just need to skip the install command in the command task:
We fixed it by adding a "yarn cache clean" in, you can add this shell script in root of project.
See this docs for details.

npm install when deploy Octopus

I need to create node_modules in the root app when deploy new version using Octopus
How can I create a run script using a new octopus step? I try:
npm install
But I get error when execute the script step
'The remote script failed with exit code 1'
Any ideas?
Your build system should be handling that for you. The node_modules directory should then be included in your application package, but ideally, this should also be bundled to reduce the number of files that your application is dependant on.
If you do need to run this as part of a deployment, then you would need NodeJS and npm installed on the server that is executing the deployment step (either the Octopus server itself or a worker instance if using workers).
For more information check out this blog post

NPM not available when running installation script

I have an interesting issue, I have a setup or rails project and the deployment/upgrades works absolutely fine when running as a dedicated user (deploy) who is used to setup everything.
I am using codeDeploy to manage the deployments and it uses root user to do the deployment on AWS, but during the deployment it fails on running the same script because it's not able to find npm command
cd client && npm run build:client
sh: 1: npm: not found
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (127): [cd client && npm run build:client...]
If i run it manually to check that i also get nothing
root#ip-172-31-4-141:/home/ubuntu# su deploy -c "which npm"
NPM is available via the deploy user but I am struggling to understand why it's not available via the root user
deploy#ip-172-31-4-141:/home/ubuntu$ which npm
Any help to get this resolved would be great.
The issue here was that AWS CodeDeploy when starts deployment loads only a minimum env; to load all the env variables I have exported the env and then in the deploy phase source that file, which resolves my issue

Missing node_modules when deploying AngularJS2 application to Bluemix

We're trying to deploy an AngularJS2 application to bluemix but we're missing the folder "node_modules" after the application was deployed to the server. We're using npm to build the application.
I found the following post that is mentioning the problem: (
My question would now be: what's the recommended best practice?
I believe you are installing the node modules using npm install, you also should save those module in your package.json file which you can do that by npm install --save.
The recommended best practice would be to Setup a Build Pipeline.
There could be 3 stages or more:
Build Stage: It builds the app so doing things like npm install there so your folder node_modules gets created for you.
Test Stage: Tests the app so doing things like npm test would run all the tests in your app
Deploy Stage: Once build and deploy stage runs successfully, Deploy will actually deploy the app to the Bluemix domain.