Accessing the application after installing npm package - webrtc

I followed the 3 instructions mentioned on this page...
1) Download the WebRTC SDK in JavaScript by running the following command:
git clone
2) Run npm install to download dependencies.
3) Run npm run develop to run the webserver.
I get the following output:
How do I now access the app or test page?
I am hosting the application on my personal site and this is not working:

You can access the test page on http://localhost:3001
Thanks for checking out KVS WebRTC!


Why do I have blank page when serving VueJS 3 build with ExpressJS?

I have a web application, coded with VueJS 3, that runs well with npm run serve and npm run build; npx serve -s dist.
My problem is that, when serving the build files with ExpressJS and my NodeJS application, I can see in my browser that I successfuly downloaded all the required elements, but the only thing I get is a blank page, with no error.
I expect to see my application working, as it does with serve, or npm run serve. I launch my NodeJS application with npm run dev. Is it a problem?

Run npm commands after a deployment

I have recently deployed an api onto Railway, which works in a similar way to Heroku.
The deployment was successful.
The API returns a list of repositories, which I intend to connect with a React-Native app on the frontend.
Although the deploy was successful, in order for there to be any repositories on the API, I need to run a npm seed:run command which populates the API with some data.
In development, you just run npm seed:run.
How do you do this command in production after the API has been already deployed ?
Railway exposes a command to allow you to run your scripts to be applied to your deployed application:
railway run <cmd>
In your case, this would look like:
railway run npm seed:run
Here is the railway documentation on railway commands:

How To Installation Install dependencies For a demo in Codrops

I found this site which provides tutorials on Front End Development
And I wanted to start learning, after downloading the source code, I was faced with this problem of launching the HTML file of the web page, I searched and I found that I need to install the npm, I tried everything but in vain,
any help to solve this "npm-start" "npm run build" problem
thank you in advance.
Codrops Website:
Project in Github:
Download node.js & install it (
Download the needed project from Codrops Website & extract it.
Using terminal and type cd/path of your project.
Then run the commands as mentioned in the github ("npm-start" "npm
run build")
Page will be opened in a localhost server after the command "npm

while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded

while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Error :
Finishing Installation
The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Does your workplace require a proxy to be used to access the Internet? If so, you must configure the HTTP_PROXY environment variable before downloading Cypress. Read more:
Otherwise, please check network connectivity and try again:
But please not I m not using any proxy and on my personal wifi.
plz suggest ,what can be done in this case.Thanks
It seems to be too many possible reasons for this issue in general but I managed to find a workaround to install Cypress from within a corporation with npm and without using sudo npm or turning off strict ssl.
The following worked for me per November 18th 2020 with Ubuntu 18.04 and npm 6.14.8:
I downloaded the zip file shown in
I installed cypress as shown in : CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=~/Downloads/ npm install cypress --save-dev
I could now run npx cypress open to start the gui (which will also generate the cypress.json file)
Possible Reasons for this issue:
U might be running the project with a proxy setting.
One of the reason could be you are behind the firewall.that may prohibit your network? Please follow the guidelines in Proxy Configuration if so(
make sure you have right access to install the cypress.
if none of the above mentioned reasons try removing the biraries or node_modules and install again.

Netlify is not deploying create-react-app

Apparantly it takes 30 seconds to deploy a react app on netlify!
I have followed exactly the following steps :
create-react-app hello-world2
cd hello-world2
npm run build
npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify deploy
The CLI then gives me a bunch of options. I selected the "." for publish directory. Is that right?
This is what is in my console :
I then go to :
and I get :
How is this possible if I am following the steps exactly?
Create-React-App will build your app into production files that it places in the ./build folder - see docs here.
You need to tell Netlify to look in there, so set publish directory to build.