Which menu group identifier does the copy relative path belong - vscode-extensions

I want to add a menu item here.
but I only saw these menu group identifiers on the official documents.
Document Link

I found the answer. Use example:
"command": "extension.command",
"group": "6_copypath#5"


div component in form generation (by schema) not working as expected

In a sample project, I placed the "Flexbox Wrapper" code sample here (picking from the drop-down list)
The code below is meant to create 2 columns for the children form components of cheese options and toppings:
...preceding code...
"component": "div",
"class": "flex-wrapper",
"children": [
However it shows both as one column (see image attached.) I have absolutely no other styling asides the header link pointing to the default snow.min.css at by CDN.
This is so basic, surprised it's not working as documented. Is there any implicit step I have missed to get this working?
Also not sure why the heading, represented by an 'h3' component in the schema, is appearing as a different font.

What's the keyboard shortcut in visual studio code to complete statement like in IntelliJ?

Is exist keyboard shortcut to complete statement in current line in visual studio code, like in IntelliJ?
The complete statement is that Complete Statement, I can enter Shift + Ctrl + Enter to complete current line smartly.
The visual studio code support this function?
Complete Statement will help to some extent.
However, this extension lacks one feature - going inside the block. For example - for a if block if you use the shortcut to autocomplete the statement the cursor will still stay on the same line unlike Jetbrains IDE where it intelligently moves to the correct line.
Those who want to get the same feel as Jetbrains IDE's complete statement feature they can customize the keyboard shortcut like this:
Shortcut 1: Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter (to complete current statement)
Shortcut 2: Ctrl+ Shift (to go to next line)
It's just some extra keystrokes but still you can at least get it done!
You probably looking for IntelliSense feature of VSCode.
If you select the language that you coding with it (at right of bottom bar) and press ctrl + space, auto-complete & suggestion menu (according to your selected language) was shown.
Update: this extension for VSCode is probably what you want.
using macros,and create:
"end_semicolon": // add ;\n
"command": "type",
"args": {"text": ";\n"}
"end_colon": // add :\n\t
"command": "type",
"args": {"text": ":\n\t"}

How to click on text link inside of text view-appium in Android?

Here is a screenshot:
How can I click on those links? I didn't get any specific id's for those links
Using xpath you could do somthing like
driver.findelement(By.Xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'Link Name' )]")).click();
should work
See if the element exists first when you try to assert
puts wait_true { exists { find_element(:xpath, "//*[#text='#{Link name}']").click } }
If this returns true, then try to assert the element by find_element(:xpath, "//*[#text='#{link name}']"
Alternatively, you can use id which is recommended find_element(id: "id name").click
I see the id name to be termsAndConditions as per the screenshot. It is always recommended that you ask the development team to provide id's

Key binding to wrap a selection with an html tag in VSCode

Is there a default key binding in VSCode to wrap a selection in an HTML tag like the keyboard shortcut Shift+alt+W in Visual studio 2015? I could not find anything similar in documentation or in the default keyboard shortcuts that indicates its availability out of the box.
To automate this go to.
File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
and add this into your keybindings.json (right hand side window)
"key": "ctrl+shift+enter",
"command": "editor.emmet.action.wrapWithAbbreviation",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
You can replace ctrl+shift+enter with your own key combination.
you can use this extension:
or you can:
open the Command Palette: Command/Control+Shift+P (⇧⌘P)
type "wrap", then select "Wrap with abbreviation"
type the tag you want and press enter
Or simply search for the HTMLtagwrap extension in VScode, Make selection. Then use Alt + W. Then enter the new tag.

view with drop-down howto

For a view, I need to define a size, a drop-down with data, set its size and get the chosen value for input in some function.
loadGui: func [] [
view layout [
Dropd_urls: drop-down (getUrlsEnd Urls)
What is a logic behind a style or a facet? Define a word, than the facet then the size, alignment and other properties, then a block for on-action? And what about the (getUrlsEnd Urls) that gets evaluated, where should it be placed? If someone could provide a thorough example on the drop-down, it would be great.
And another question. I'm aware of the help system/..., but cannot get useful information about the logic of how to accomplish what was stated above. Where do you go to get to know how to build the view constructs? A howto? Normally, I read the howtos provided by Nick Antonnacio, but there's more to view than what is shown in his documents.
the demo on atronixengineering.com/r3/demo.r has also a dropdown list under widgets. You could generate your dropdown list with compose/deep.
view layout compose/deep [
Dropd_urls: drop-down [
(getUrlsEnd Urls)
or with different actions depending of the choice of the dropdown list
view layout [
Dropd_urls: drop-down [
] on-action [print face/facets/text]
did you read Cross Platform App Development with Rebol 3 Saphir ?