Transferring data to another table in MS Access - vba

I need to transfer some data from one table to another.
The problem is that my current code switches automatically to the first three rows of another table, and not to the necessary rows.
It's about the fact that in one table (Hidd1) I have depths of 0m, 5m, 10m, 20m... and the bottom, and in the other (FdSest1) only 0m, 10m and the bottom.
P.S. the database is huge with a lot of variables
Here is the current code:
Private Sub Azuriraj_Fds_Click()
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim sest As DAO.Recordset
Set sest = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("FdSest1")
Dim hidd As DAO.Recordset
Set hidd = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Hidd1")
sest_stat = sest!Stat
sest_date = sest!Date
sest_time = sest!Time
sest_dep = sest!Dephwl
hidd_stat = hidd!Stat
hidd_date = hidd!Date
hidd_time = hidd!Time
hidd_dep = hidd!Dephwl
Do Until sest.EOF And hidd.EOF
If sest_stat = hidd_stat And sest_date = hidd_date And sest_time = hidd_time And sest_dep = hidd_dep Then
hidd!Ismc.Value = sest!Ismc.Value
hidd!Tsmc.Value = sest!Tsmc.Value
End If
MsgBox "gotovo"
Set sest = Nothing
Set hidd = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

For this to work, the tables must have identical scema and be ordered, for example:
Set sest = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From FdSest1 Order By sest_stat, sest_dep, sest_date, sest_time")
Set hidd = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From Hidd1 Order By hidd_stat, hidd_dep, hidd_date, hidd_time")


Can't update table fields depending on value on number

So I have a form where I can select an excel file, it'll make a table which is an exact copy of that file, and then it'll try to match fields from that table with a project table and update the matching fields. The issue is sometimes the projects field won't update. As an example the existing value is 1.0319. If my excel file has 1.026 it will not update. 1.026 does appear in the temp table. But if I change it to 1.016 in the excel it will update. Then if I change it back to 1.026, it will update. However if I change it to 1.0319, the original value, it won't update. It honestly has me baffled and I wonder if it's actually a fault in access or VB. Here's the code, I simplified it a bit by removing the other fields it tests for and the excel load as that works fine.
Dim sSQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim recTemp, recProj As Recordset
Dim intUpdatedRecordCount As Integer
Dim bUpdatedRecord As Boolean
Dim sSelectedFieldsQuery As String
sSelectedFieldsQuery = "P_Ratio"
'Update Generator data with imported table
Set db = CurrentDb()
sSQL = "SELECT TempImpProjRes.Desc, TempImpProjRes.ElemName, TempImpProjRes.BusA, TempImpProjRes.ID, TempImpProjRes.ProjID, " & _
"TempImpProjRes.ElemID, " & sSelectedFieldsQuery & " FROM TempImpProjRes"
Set recTemp = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbConsistent)
'begin to loop over imported data
If recTemp.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not recTemp.EOF
sSQL = "SELECT Projects.ProjID, Projects.ElemID,"Projects.P_Ratio FROM Projects WHERE Projects.ProjID=" & recTemp!ProjID & " AND Projects.ElemID=" & recTemp!ElemID"
Set recProj = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbConsistent)
intUpdatedRecordCount = 0
bUpdatedRecord = False
bUpdatedRecord = Not CDbl(Format(recProj!P_Ratio, "0.00")) = CDbl(Format(recTemp!P_Ratio, "0.00"))
intUpdatedRecordCount = intUpdatedRecordCount + BooleanToInt(bUpdatedRecord)
'if any field has been updated then we need to update the respective value in the Projects table
If intUpdatedRecordCount > 0 Then
recProj!P_Ratio = CDbl(Format(recTemp!P_Ratio, "0.0000"))
recProj!Updated = Date
End If
Set recProj = Nothing
End If
Set recTemp = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Assign Value from Query with sum to Textbox

I am trying to assign the value from a SQL Query to a text box.
I have the function tied to a ComboBox After update.
I tested the SQL by running it.
How do I assign the result to the Txtbox named prepoffEIC?
Dim MyVar2 As Integer
MyVar2 = Me.SelectedExam.Column(0)
ExamViewQry = "SELECT Sum(tblentrys.entryhours) AS TotalHoursPerFunction FROM tBleExams INNER JOIN (tBlBankList INNER JOIN (tBlExaminers INNER JOIN (tBlEntrys INNER JOIN tBlActivity ON tBlEntrys.EntryActivityID = tBlActivity.FunctionKey) ON tBlExaminers.ExaminersKey = tBlEntrys.EntryExaminerID) ON tBlBankList.BankID = tBlEntrys.EntryInstitutionID) ON (tBlBankList.BankID = tBleExams.ExamBankID) AND (tBleExams.ExamID = tBlEntrys.EntryExamID) WHERE tBlEntrys.EntryActivityID=1 AND tblEntrys.EntryExamStageID=1 AND tBleExams.ExamID=" & MyVar2
Me.prepoffEIC.ControlSource = "ExamViewQry"
Create a query using the sql you have, but slightly modded paste it here:
PARAMETERS eid long;
SELECT Sum(tblentrys.entryhours) AS TotalHoursPerFunction
FROM tBleExams
tBlBankList INNER JOIN (
tBlExaminers INNER JOIN (
tBlEntrys INNER JOIN tBlActivity ON tBlEntrys.EntryActivityID = tBlActivity.FunctionKey
) ON tBlExaminers.ExaminersKey = tBlEntrys.EntryExaminerID
) ON tBlBankList.BankID = tBlEntrys.EntryInstitutionID
) ON (tBlBankList.BankID = tBleExams.ExamBankID)
AND (tBleExams.ExamID = tBlEntrys.EntryExamID)
WHERE tBlEntrys.EntryActivityID = 1
AND tblEntrys.EntryExamStageID = 1
AND tBleExams.ExamID = [eid]
lets call it qryGetHours (since i dont know what you need it for.)
in the after update event (also use better naming, this is quick and dirty)
dim db as DAO.Database
dim qry as QueryDef
dim rs as DAO.Recordset
set db = currentdb
set qry = db.querydefs("qryGetHours")
'this is the name of the query you made above
qry.parameters("eid").value = me.SelectedExam.Column(0)
set rs = qry.openrecordset(dbopendynaset,dbseechanges)
'dbseechanges is more for if you have a sql server backend, but i usually do
if not ( rs.eof and rs.bof) then
me.prepoffEIC = rs.fields("TotalHoursPerFunction").value
'This portion assumes that you only get one record back,
'or if you do end up with more than one, it only goes
'after the first one.
msgbox "Errors... Errors everywhere."
'You will definitely want to put something meaningful
'here relating to it not being able to find the data you
'were looking for.
end if
if not rs is nothing then
set rs = nothing
end if
set qry = nothing
set db = nothing
'you will always want to do this portion where you properly
'check if a recordset exists and then close it when you are
'done, along with closing out the querydef and database variables.

How can you insert invoice lines into Sage 50 automatically?

I'm trying to find a way to automate data entry into the raise invoice screen in Sage 50.
All of our order data is held in a different system and we could easily pull together the line items, customer data, etc. automatically but our accounts team currently have to manually select each row, enter the SKU and quantity which is very time consuming.
It appears that the clipboard isn't functional in the Product Code field either - which is really annoying!
Are there any reasonable ways to inject data like this into Sage 50?
as far as i know there is a Excel2Sage Tool or App which can handle mass-importing. i did not used the commercial software last year, but the year before.
i'm actual not know about a free solution for this without developing it.
As alternative you could use AutoIt or something.
Here is an example using VB.Net:
'Declare objects
Dim oSDO As SageDataObject230.SDOEngine
Dim oWS As SageDataObject230.WorkSpace
Dim oSOPRecord As SageDataObject230.SopRecord
Dim oSOPItem_Read As SageDataObject230.SopItem
Dim oSOPItem_Write As SageDataObject230.SopItem
Dim oSOPPost As SageDataObject230.SopPost
Dim oStockRecord As SageDataObject230.StockRecord
'Declare Variables
Dim szDataPath As String
'Create SDO Engine Object
oSDO = New SageDataObject230.SDOEngine
' Select company. The SelectCompany method takes the program install
' folder as a parameter
szDataPath = oSDO.SelectCompany("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\Accounts\2017\")
'Create Workspace
oWS = oSDO.Workspaces.Add("Example")
'Try to connect
If oWS.Connect(szDataPath, "manager", "", "Example") Then
'Create objects
oSOPRecord = oWS.CreateObject("SOPRecord")
oSOPPost = oWS.CreateObject("SOPPost")
oSOPItem_Read = oWS.CreateObject("SOPItem")
oStockRecord = oWS.CreateObject("StockRecord")
'Read an existing Sales Order
'Populate the order header, copying fields from oSOPRecord to oSOPPost
oSOPPost.Header("INVOICE_NUMBER").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("INVOICE_NUMBER").Value
oSOPPost.Header("ACCOUNT_REF").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ACCOUNT_REF").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NAME").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NAME").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_1").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_2").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_2").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_3").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_3").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_4").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_4").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_5").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_5").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_1").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_2").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_2").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_3").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_3").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_4").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_4").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_5").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_5").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CUST_TEL_NUMBER").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CUST_TEL_NUMBER").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CONTACT_NAME").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CONTACT_NAME").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("GLOBAL_TAX_CODE").Value = CShort(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("GLOBAL_TAX_CODE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ORDER_DATE").Value = CDate(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ORDER_DATE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NOTES_1").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NOTES_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NOTES_2").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NOTES_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NOTES_3").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NOTES_3").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("TAKEN_BY").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("TAKEN_BY").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ORDER_NUMBER").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ORDER_NUMBER").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CUST_ORDER_NUMBER").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CUST_ORDER_NUMBER").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("PAYMENT_REF").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("PAYMENT_REF").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("GLOBAL_NOM_CODE").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("GLOBAL_NOM_CODE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("GLOBAL_DETAILS").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("GLOBAL_DETAILS").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ORDER_TYPE").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ORDER_TYPE").Value
oSOPPost.Header("FOREIGN_RATE").Value = CDbl(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("FOREIGN_RATE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CURRENCY").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CURRENCY").Value
oSOPPost.Header("CURRENCY_USED").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CURRENCY_USED").Value
' Link header to items
oSOPItem_Read = oSOPRecord.Link
'Find the First Record
'Add the existing items to the order
oSOPItem_Write = oSOPPost.Items.Add
'Populate the Fields, copying the data from the existing records
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value = CShort(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("QTY_ORDER").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("QTY_ORDER").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_PRICE").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("UNIT_PRICE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("NET_AMOUNT").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_AMOUNT").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_1").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("COMMENT_1").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_2").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("COMMENT_2").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_OF_SALE").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("UNIT_OF_SALE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("FULL_NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("FULL_NET_AMOUNT").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_RATE").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_RATE").Value)
'We now need to ensure that the TAX_FLAG is set the same as the item being read otherwise it will be re calculated
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_FLAG").Value = CInt(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_FLAG").Value)
'Loop until there are no more existing items
Loop Until oSOPItem_Read.MoveNext = False
'destroy the oSOPItem_Write object
oSOPItem_Write = Nothing
'write a new item
oSOPItem_Write = oSOPPost.Items.Add
' Populate other fields required for Invoice Item
' From 2015 the update method now wraps internal business logic
' that calculates the vat amount if a net amount is given.
' If you wish to calculate your own Tax values you will need
' to ensure that you set the TAX_FLAG to 1 and set the TAX_AMOUNT value on the item line
' ***Note if a NVD is set the item line values will be recalculated
' regardless of the Tax_Flag being set to 1***
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value = oStockRecord.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value = CStr(oStockRecord.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value = CStr(oStockRecord.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value = CShort(oStockRecord.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("QTY_ORDER").Value = CDbl(2)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_PRICE").Value = CDbl(50)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(100)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("FULL_NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(100)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_1").Value = CStr("")
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_2").Value = CStr("")
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_OF_SALE").Value = CStr("")
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_RATE").Value = CDbl(20)
'Destroy the oSOPItem_Write object
oSOPItem_Write = Nothing
'Post the order
If oSOPPost.Update() Then
MsgBox("Order Updated Successfully")
MsgBox("Order Update Failed")
End If
'Disconnect and destroy the objects
oSDO = Nothing
oWS = Nothing
oSOPRecord = Nothing
oSOPItem_Read = Nothing
oSOPItem_Write = Nothing
oSOPPost = Nothing
oStockRecord = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
All of the current commercial products will require you to put your data into a specific format (column order and file type) anyway, so if you can do that, then bring everything into Excel, and then adapt the code listed above for VB.Net into VBA. It's fairly straightforward, mainly passing data to an array and then looping through.
If you want specific assistance, show us the structure of your Order data, and then we can do something

Access exporting file, columns to rows

I need to export a file on a specific format, currently I just export a query as an excel file:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "qryReport", "path" & "name.xls"
Wich leads to an excel file like this:
With qryReport being a simple select query.
Now I need to export it on a different format, it should be only one record per file, and be like this:
The columns are now rows.
I was thinking about rewriting the query as something like this
Select "name=" & name as "_begin_file_" from clients
Where name = [whatever] UNION ALL
Select "Age=" & age as "_begin_file_" from clients
Where name = [whatever] UNION ALL
Select "Sex=" & sex as "_begin_file_" from clients
Where name = [whatever]
Would them export one record per time.
Is there a better way?
What if you have 50 records , you want to create 50 text files ? That's crazy.
Let create an button click event that might help.Let say you still export to Excel
Private Sub CommandExport_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rec1 As Recordset
Dim xlFile As Object
Dim xlWorkBook As Object
Dim xlActiveWkb As Object
Dim xlActiveSheet As Object
Dim Col As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set xlFile = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWorkBook = xlFile.Workbooks.Add
Set xlActiveWkb = xlFile.Application.ActiveWorkBook
xlFile.Visible = True
xlActiveWkb.Worksheets(1).Name = "Test"
Set xlActiveSheet = xlActiveWkb.Worksheets("Test")
Set rec1 = db.OpenRecordset("clients")
Col = 1
while not rec1.eof
xlActiveSheet.Cells(1, Col).Value = "_begin__file_"
xlActiveSheet.Cells(2, Col).Value = "Name=" & rec1![Name]
xlActiveSheet.Cells(3, Col).Value = "Age=" & rec1![Age]
xlActiveSheet.Cells(4, Col).Value = "Sex=" & rec1![Sex]
Col =Col +1
Set xlSheet = Nothing
Set xlWorkBook = Nothing
Set xlActiveWkb = Nothing
Set rec1 = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Loop table rows in Access, with or without use of Private Const

I am doing some VBA programming here, and I have a Private Const with two elements as follows:
Private Const myList as String = "foo;bar"
I then have a looping structure like this:
myTerms = Split(myList,";")
For I = 0 to UBound(myTerms)
'do stuff in here
Next I
Finally, here is the new part. In tblWords there are 100 different row, consisting of simply an ID field, and a text field such as tblWords.ID and tblWords.Word.
My question is: Instead of using the Private Const and looping twice, how can I modify my loop so that it will instead loop over the tblWords 100 times, once for each row?
I think you mean
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDB
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblWords")
Do While Not rs.EOF
sid = rs!ID
sword = rs!word
''And to change a word
rs!Word = rs!Word & " edited"