How to associate / dissociate multiple file extensions in IntelliJ-IDEA navigation bar - intellij-idea

Sometimes when two files have the same name but different file extensions like .md and .html. The two files are displayed in a folder of the name of the file.
Is it possible to control this behavior to add or remove custom associations like .puml and .svg ?


Always show the file extension inside the folder using

Currently, I am working on an application that will need to always show the file extensions of the files inside the folder.
I have a folder named Awards and the Contents are Images.
As you can see, the file extension is hidden.
But when you click the options red boxed on the image. the file extension will be shown.
My question is, Is there a way to check the checkbox on the Image using If it is possible? How??
Thank you and Regards,

Xamarin Forms UWP - Display PDF

Please, help me and tell me what am I missing.
My goal is to display simple PDF file (stored locally for example) in the WebView control. Can I bind path of the file to the Source property of the WebView? Or what is the correct way to show PDF in UWP?
P.S. and if the only option is to do like here - how must I add pdf.js to my project??
My goal is to display simple PDF file (stored locally for example) in the WebView control.
If you want to display pdf in WebView control, then the methods in Display a Local PDF File in a WebView is most like the only way to solve your problem.
You can follow the steps in the xamarin official document, and here are some additional tips we need to pay attention to:
After downloading pdfjs, for UWP app, you need to copy the entire folder into the Assets folder, make sure that the folder is named "pdfjs", otherwise you will need to modify the code to change the path.
Your .pdf file should be stored into the Content folder under the Assets folder, it means you will need to create a new folder named "Content" under Assets and copy your .pdf file into this folder. Otherwise, you will also need to modify the code to change the path.
After copying your .pdf file into the "Content" folder, don't forget to change the Build Action of this file to Content like this:
Or what is the correct way to show PDF in UWP?
In uwp app, you can use Image to show PDF file, you can refer to the official PDF document sample. But I don't know if PDF can be displayed as Image in Android and IOS apps, since you're developing a cross-platform project, I think it's better to use the built-in method to solve such problem.
If a demo for xamarin UWP is needed, you can leave a comment, I will upload my demo later.

Specifying the file detail properties of the output exe

I'm trying to figure out how to specify the file detail properties of the main executable file used in a Node Webkit app. More specifically, when the end user right-clicks the exe file and chooses 'Properties', then under the 'Details' tab, there are fields for Product Name, Product Version, Copyright, etc etc. These are blank by default. How do I specify the content for these fields?
I would have assumed that I could specify this in my app's manifest.json file, but the "name", "description", and "version" properties in the manifest file seem to have no effect here.
Any ideas? Or workarounds?
Your application is being run by the Node executable, but it looks like the executable is being built without that information being set.
Your best bet is to use a tool like ResourceHacker to edit the resources in the EXE directly.

Exclude folders by name in IntelliJ Idea PhpStorm

Is there a way to exclude / hide folders by pattern or name in PhpStorm, other than excluding them one by one with their full paths?
I got about 200 dreamweaver _notes folders in the project (one under each folder). These are ignored/hidden by a name pattern in other software we use. Can I hide them without actually adding 200 entries in PhpStorm?
Settings | File Types | Ignore Files and Folders field on the bottom part of the screen -- add your pattern there.
this is IDE-wide settings and will affect ALL projects
it will be applied to both files and folders

Cannot create localizable strings files copies in XCode4

I have a "Resources/en.lproj/Localized.strings" file, with some key/value pairs in the format:
I select this file and in File Inspector in the Utilities Pane I choose to add a new localization (es) pressing the '+' button in the Localization tab.
This action should create a new file "Resources/es.lproj/Localized.strings", but instead the original "Resources/en.lproj/Localized.strings" now displays a small triangle at the left ( as if it were a folder ) and holds inside two files Localized.strings (English) and Localized.strings (Spanish). No es.lproj directory created.
I have never read of this behavior even in references to this using XCode4.
What I'm missing?
Updated info:
I have checked the app bundle installed in my iPhone Simulator and the folders are created there, with the corresponding files.
I don't know if this is the default way but is confusing to me since reading the documentation this is not what I understand.
Your could try this : Quit XCode, relaunch your project. Remove all localizations from your project properties (keeping the files when asked), add them back, remove es localization on your file, then add it back.