Kotlin Flow only collect every second - kotlin

I have a Flow which downloads a file. The flow emits the download progress. I want to show the progress in the phone notification center, but only update the value once every second to prevent lagging the device.
My Flow:
return callbackFlow {
someJavaCallback { progress ->
My CoroutineWorker, which displays the notification and downloads the file:
myFlow.collect { // update notification }
My question is, how can I "throttle" the collection so that I for example collect 1%, but 1 second later it collects 5% and ignores all values between those two points

fun <T> Flow<T>.throttleLatest(delayMillis: Long): Flow<T> = this
.transform {
source: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/1446#issuecomment-1198103541


How to pass Observable emissions to MutableSharedFlow?

well, I have an Observable, I’ve used asFlow() to convert it but doesn’t emit.
I’m trying to migrate from Rx and Channels to Flow, so I have this function
override fun processIntents(intents: Observable<Intent>) {
shareTo() is an extension function which does onEach { receiver.emit(it) }, processIntents exists in a base ViewModel, and intentsFlow is a MutableSharedFlow.
fun <T> Flow<T>.shareTo(receiver: MutableSharedFlow<T>): Flow<T> {
return onEach { receiver.emit(it) }
I want to pass emissions coming from the intents Observable to intentsFlow, but it doesn’t work at all and the unit test keeps failing.
#Test(timeout = 4000)
fun `WHEN processIntent() with Rx subject or Observable emissions THEN intentsFlow should receive them`() {
return runBlocking {
val actual = mutableListOf<TestNumbersIntent>()
val intentSubject = PublishSubject.create<TestNumbersIntent>()
val viewModel = FlowViewModel<TestNumbersIntent, TestNumbersViewState>(
dispatcher = Dispatchers.Unconfined,
initialViewState = TestNumbersViewState()
assertEquals(3, actual.size)
assertEquals(OneIntent, actual[0])
assertEquals(TwoIntent, actual[1])
assertEquals(ThreeIntent, actual[2])
test timed out after 4000 milliseconds
org.junit.runners.model.TestTimedOutException: test timed out after
4000 milliseconds
This works
val ps = PublishSubject.create<Int>()
val mf = MutableSharedFlow<Int>()
val pf = ps.asFlow()
.onEach {
launch {
launch {
mf.take(3).collect {
println("$it") // Prints 1 2 3
launch {
yield() // Without this we suspend indefinitely
We need the take(3)s to make sure our program terminates, because MutableSharedFlow and PublishSubject -> Flow collect indefinitely.
We need the yield because we're working with a single thread and we need to give the other coroutines an opportunity to start working.
Take 2
This is much better. Doesn't use take, and cleans up after itself.
After emitting the last item, calling onComplete on the PublishSubject terminates MutableSharedFlow collection. This is a convenience, so that when this code runs it terminates completely. It is not a requirement. You can arrange your Job termination however you like.
Your code never terminating is not related to the emissions never being collected by the MutableSharedFlow. These are separate concerns. The first is due to the fact that neither a flow created from a PublishSubject, nor a MutableSharedFlow, terminates on its own. The PublishSubject flow will terminate when onComplete is called. The MutableSharedFlow will terminate when the coroutine (specifically, its Job) collecting it terminates.
The Flow constructed by PublishSubject.asFlow() drops any emissions if, at the time of the emission, collection of the Flow hasn't suspended, waiting for emissions. This introduces a race condition between being ready to collect and code that calls PublishSubject.onNext().
This, I believe, is the reason why flow collection isn't picking up the onNext emissions in your code.
It's why a yield is required right after we launch the coroutine that collects from psf.
val ps = PublishSubject.create<Int>()
val msf = MutableSharedFlow<Int>()
val psf = ps.asFlow()
.onEach {
val j1 = launch {
yield() // Use this to allow psf.collect to catch up
val j2 = launch {
msf.collect {
println("$it") // Prints 1 2 3 4
launch {
j1.invokeOnCompletion { j2.cancel() }

Flow - pause/resume flow

In RxJava there is the valve operator that allows to pause (and buffer) a flow and resumes the flow again (and also emit the buffered values as soon as it's resumed). It's part of the rx java extensions (https://github.com/akarnokd/RxJavaExtensions/blob/3.x/src/main/java/hu/akarnokd/rxjava3/operators/FlowableValve.java).
Is there something like this for kotlin flows?
My use case is that I want to observe a flow inside an activity and never lose an event (like I would do it with LiveData e.g. which stops observing data if the activity is paused). So while the activity is paused I want the flow to buffer observed values until the activity is resumed and emit them all as soon as the activity is resumed.
So while the activity is created (until it is destroyed) I want to observe the flow BUT I only want to emit values while the activity is active and buffer the values while it is not active (but still created) until it gets active again.
Is there something to solve this or has anyone ever written something to solve this?
A combination of Lifecycle.launchWhenX and a SharedFlow should do the trick. Here's a simple example using a flow that emits a number every second.
// In your ViewModel
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
val numbers = flow {
var counter = 0
while (true) {
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.Lazily
// In your Fragment.onViewCreated()
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {
.collect { number ->
Log.d("asdf", "number: $number")
This works because Lifecycle.launchWhenStarted pauses the coroutine when the Lifecycle enters a stopped state, rather than cancels it. When your Lifecycle comes back to a started state after pausing, it'll collect everything that happened while in the stopped state.
I know it is ugly solution but it works fine for me:
fun main() {
val flow = MutableSharedFlow<String>(extraBufferCapacity = 50, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST)
val isOpened = AtomicBoolean()
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
GlobalScope.launch(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher()) {
.transform { value ->
while (isOpened.get().not()) { }
.collect {
println("${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}: $it")
So you can set isOpened to false when your activity lifecycle paused and to true when resumed.
You can use lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted

Kotlin not getting called from view model

I am trying call
override suspend fun getLoginResponse(loginRequest: LoginRequest) = flow {
networkCall {
}.let { apiResult->
apiResult.isSuccessAndNotNull().letOnTrueOnSuspend {
(apiResult.getResult() as? LoginResponse)?.let {
} ?: run { emit(ApiResult.Error(TypeCastException("unknown error.")))
Timber.d(TypeCastException("unknown error."))}
from my viewModel like this :
private fun loginResponse(email: String, password: String, device: String){
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
var loginRequest = LoginRequest(email, password, device)
loginResponseFromServer = loginRepository.getLoginResponse(loginRequest)
catch (e: NetworkErrorException){
validationError.value = "Network communication error!"
When I debug or run the code getLoginResponse not even calling. Is there anything I am missing?
First of all, getLoginResponse doesn't need to be a suspend function since it just returns a cold Flow. If you remove the suspend modifier, you won't need a coroutine to call it or convert it to LiveData.
Second, a LiveData that is built with .asLiveData() doesn't begin to collect the Flow (remains cold) until it first becomes active. This is in the docs for the function. It becomes active when it receives its first observer, but your code has not begun to observe it, which is why the code in your flow block is never called.
You also don't need to specify a different dispatcher for your LiveData. It doesn't matter which dispatcher you're collecting in since collecting it isn't blocking code.
However, LiveData isn't something that should be collected within a ViewModel. It's for UI to interact. The LiveData should be observed from the Fragment.
You need to move your catching of the network exception into your flow builder. The exception will not be thrown at the time of creating the Flow or LiveData, but rather at the time the request is being made (in the Flow's execution).
I'm not sure exactly how to rewrite your flow builder to properly catch because it has functions I haven't seen. Just a tip, but chaining together lots of scope functions into one statement makes code hard to read and reason about.
So to do this as LiveData, you can change your code as follows:
private fun loginResponse(email: String, password: String, device: String): LiveData<LoginResponse> {
val loginRequest = LoginRequest(email, password, device)
return loginRepository.getLoginResponse(loginRequest)
And then observe it in your Fragment.
LiveData and Flow don't really fit this use case, because you want to make a single request and get a single response. Your repository should just expose a suspend function that returns the response. Then your ViewModel can have a suspend function that just passes through the response by calling the repository's suspend function.

Parallel requests with coroutines

I'm trying to fetch some data from multiple locations to fill a recyclerView. I used to use callbacks, which worked fine, but need to refactor it to coroutines.
So i have a list of retrofit services and call each on of them parallerl. Then i can update the recyclerView with the onResponse callback. How can i achive this with coroutines.
I tried something like that, but the next call is fired after i got a response:
runblocking {
for (service in services) {
val response = async(Dispatchers.IO) {
With another approach i had the problem that i was not able to get back on the main thread to update my ui as i was using launch and could not await the response:
runblocking {
services.foreach {
launch(Dispatcher.IO) {
val response = it.getResponseAsync()
withContext(Dispatcher.Main) {
I'm thankfull for every tip ;)
cheers patrick
Start coroutines with launch instead of runBlocking. The examples below assume you're launching from a context that uses Dispatchers.Main by default. If that's not the case, you could use launch(Dispatchers.Main) for these.
If you want to update your view every time any of the parallel actions returns, then move your UI update inside the coroutines that you're launching for each of the service items:
for (service in services) {
launch {
val response = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { service.getResponseAsync() }
If you only need to update once all of them have returned, you can use awaitAll. Here, your updateRecyclerView function would have to be written to handle a list of responses instead of one at a time.
launch {
val responses = services.map { service ->
async(Dispatchers.IO) { service.getResponseAsync() }
The await() call suspends the current coroutine and frees the current thread for being attached by other queued coroutines.
So when await() is called the current coroutine suspends till the response is received, and that's why for loop does not complete (goes to next iteration before completion of before request).
First and foremost you should not be using the runBlocking here, it is highly discouraged to be used in production evironment.
You should instead be using the ViewModel scope provided by android for structured concurrency (cancels the request if no longer needed like if lifecycle of activity is over).
You can use view model scope like this in activity or fragment viewModelOwner.viewModelScope.launch(/*Other dispatcher if needed*/) {} or make a coroutine scope yourself with a job attached which cancels itself on onDestroy.
For the problem the coroutine does not do parallel requests, you can launch multiple request without await (ing) on them inside the for loop.
And select them, using select expression https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines/select-expression.html#selecting-deferred-values
viewModelOwner.viewModelScope.launch {
val responses = mutableListOf<Deferred<TypeReturnedFromGetResponse>>()
for (service in services) {
async(Dispatchers.IO) {
// adds which ever request is done first in oppose to awaiting for all then update
for (i in responses.indices) {
select<Unit> {
for (response in responses) {
response.onAwait {
PS: Using this method looks ugly but will update the adapter as soon as whichever request is first resolved, instead of awaiting for each and every request and then updating the items in it.

Double subscriptions on inner flow with kotlin-flow

I have the following problem with my code snippet below;
When the set of currently connected barcode-scanners changes, a set with the currently connected scanners will be emitted by the scanners: Flow<Set<BarcodeScanner>> flow.
If I have connected a single scanner, called A, and I scan a barcode this works fine and on the result will be shown on the text-view.
If I connect an additional device, and then scan with device A again, I will see the scan result 2 times.
It looks like that on every change of the Set<> an additional flow subscription is created in the collect { scanner.scan() } and the previous flow is still in place.
How can I solve this? I already played the whole day with different operators etc...
I'm using Flow 1.2.2
uiScope.launch { //CoroutineScope(Job() + Dispatchers.Main)
scanners //Flow<Set<BarcodeScanner>> will emit the set of scanner, currently connected scanners, when one connects/disconnects
.onEach {
txtView.text = "Barcode scanners: ${it.size}\n"
.flatMapMerge { // Flatten to Flow<BarcodeScanner>
.onEach { scanner ->
txtView.append("${scanner.name()} [${scanner.hashCode()}]\n")
.collect { scanner ->
//if a new Set<BarcodeScanner> is emitted, this Flow<Barcode> returned by scanner.scan() will be subscribed again, without removing the old stream
//resulting in multiple results on a single scan.
scanner.scan() //returns an Flow<Barcode>
.onEach { barcode ->
findViewById<TextView>(R.id.txtViewBarcodes).append("[${scanner.name()}]: ${barcode.value} (${barcode.type.description})\n")
.onCompletion {
Timber.i("[${scanner.name()}]: DISCONNECTED") //Never called
I think rather than:
.collect { scanner ->
.onEach { barcode ->
You should use:
.flatMapLatest { scanner ->
.onEach { barcode ->
Where the flow is launched in the same UI scope. The problem you have is launchIn(scanScope) is creating a completely separate coroutine that the outer coroutine can't cancel when a new set of barcodes is emitted.